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What are the sub-fields in the …



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What are the sub-fields in the study of geography?
  • 1 answers

Yogita Ingle 5 years, 7 months ago

Human geography is a social science. The content of it provides integration for all the social sciences and develops close interface and relationship with other sister disciplines in social sciences in order to understand and explain human or cultural elements on the earth’s surface. With the expansion of knowledge and specialization in particular fields, new subfields in different subjects emerge and it has also happened to human geography. It is closely related to other social sciences, e.g. economics, demography, history, political science, sociology, anthropology etc. because it belongs to the family of social science. Major sub-branches of human geography are as follows:

Economic geography: Economic geography is the study of areal variation on the earth’s surface in human activities related to producing, exchanging and consuming wealth. It makes a scientific investigation of the nature of world areas in their direct influence on the production of goods. Economic geography is closely related to economics and it includes the spatial study of various economic activities such as hunting, livestock farming, agriculture, forestry, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, trade and commerce, transport and communication and diversified services e.g. government, education, health, sanitation, entertainment etc. Thus, economic geography refers to the field of study focused on the location of economic activities at the local, national and world scale.

Population geography: Population geography is concerned with demonstrating how spatial variations in the distribution, composition, migration and growth of population are related to the spatial variations in the nature of places. It treats the spatial variations in demographic and non-demographic qualities of the human population. Thus, population geography treats the spatial variations in distribution, composition, migration, growth of populations and the socio-economic patterns resulted by the interrelationship between population and environment of any given area. Population geography is closely related to demography.

Settlement geography: Settlement geography is the branch of human geography which deals with the orderly description and interpretation of origin and growth, locational patterns, morphology, function and spatial organizations of human settlement on the earth’s surface. In other words, it aims to study the size, form, functions and regional associations of human settlement and traces their growth and pattern of distribution. Settlement geography is divided into two separate sub-branches, i.e. rural settlement geography and urban settlement geography.

Historical geography: Historical geography is essentially the geography of the past. It is the study of past events in their spatial context. The concept of historical geography as the study of the changing landscape was an obvious extension of the wider concept of geography as the study of landscape. As a sub-field of human geography, it is concerned with the study of the process through which human groups have over time succeeded in transforming the area of their habitats from a small territory into a cultural landscape reflecting their thoughts and their way of life.

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