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Sketch the character of Macbeth?



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Sketch the character of Macbeth?
  • 1 answers

Gaurav Seth 6 years ago

Macbeth was the strong, brave General of Scotland. He defeated the rebel army of the thane of Cawdor and was returning from the battle. He came across three witches. They prophesied that he would be the King of Scotland thereafter. Macbeth became ambitious.

His wife Lady Macbeth induced him to kill the helpless old king Duncan. Thus Macbeth killed Duncan while he was sleeping and became the King of Scotland.

But he could not be happy. He was haunted by the terror that one day the people would come to know the truth and revenge upon him. Terror and tension made him desperate. He started to kill all whom he suspected. He lost all joys of life. He became a tyrant. The people revolted against him and Macduff killed him mercilessly. Ambition and crime ruined his life.

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