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Mode formula



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Mode formula
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Gaurav Seth 6 years ago

Calculation of Mode

Mode for Individual Series

In case of individual series, we just have to inspect the item that occurs most frequently in the distribution. Further, this item is the mode of the series.

Mode for Discrete Series

In discrete series, we have values of items with their corresponding frequencies. In essence, here the value of the item with the highest frequency will be the mode for the distribution.

Mode for Frequency Distribution

Lastly, for frequency distribution, the method for mode calculation is somewhat different. Here we have to find a modal class. The modal class is the one with the highest frequency value. The class just before the modal class is called the pre-modal class. Whereas, the class just after the modal class is known as the post-modal class. Lastly, the following formula is a[plied for calculation of mode:

{tex}Mode = l + h \times [(f1-f0)/(2f1-f0-f2)]{/tex}

Here, l= The lower limit of the modal class

f= Frequency corresponding to the modal class,

f= Frequency corresponding to the post-modal class,

and f= Frequency corresponding to the pre-modal class

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