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CUET Hindi practice questions | Mock Tests & Sample Papers

Get sample questions for CUET 2025 Hindi through the myCBSEguide app. It has Hindi test papers and CUET Hindi mock tests according to the latest CUET Hindi syllabus.

Price 250
Valid till June 30, 2025




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The first-ever Common University Entrance Test (CUET or CUCET) will be held in July. With very limited time in hand, students need to prepare smartly for this test. You can find sufficient material for CUET Hindi from myCBSEguide Dashboard. We provide online tests and mock tests not only for the topics mentioned in the CUET 2025 syllabus but cover all other important grammar sections.

CUET 2025 Hindi Syllabus

There are three sections in the CUET question paper. The language section has been divided into two sub-parts: Section IA and IB. Hindi is one of the 13 Languages which belongs to Language Section IA. Section II is to test the core subjects (there are 27 domain subjects) while Section III is for testing students' general knowledge and aptitude.
The Language Section (i.e. Section I) has a generic syllabus, therefore CUET Hindi syllabus, too, shares common topics like English. But it has also mentioned categorically that the questions in CUET 2025 may not be limited to the given topics.

CUET Hindi Question Paper

There will be 50 questions for the CUET Hindi section. Out of these 50, students need to attempt only 40 questions. The prescribed syllabus for CUET Hindi 2025 is given below:

  1. Reading Comprehension: (अपठित बोध)
    1. Factual (वास्तविक)
    2. Narrative (कथनात्मक)
    3. Literary (साहित्यिक)
  2. There will be three types of passages (maximum 300-350 words):
  3. Verbal Ability (भाषागत क्षमता)
  4. Rearranging the parts (भागों को पुनर्व्यवस्थित करना)
  5. Choosing the correct word (सही शब्द का चयन)
  6. Synonyms and Antonyms (पर्यायवाची और विलोम)
  7. Vocabulary (शब्दावली)

It will be very unwise to prepare only within the range of these topics. This is so because the area of language cannot be defined within a syllabus, it is limitless. The topics given in the CUET syllabus are just basic guidelines to base your preparation for CUET Hindi. Now with such a limited range, is it possible to score well? Our gentle advice to all the examinees who are taking CUET 2025 exam is to be prepared enough so that you don't miss the train to success. For this students need to practice enough. Download the myCBSEguide App and select your course to get such practice questions and mock tests. 

CUET Hindi Mock Tests

The best way to prepare for any exam is by attempting as many mock tests as one can. Since there are very limited resources available online for the Hindi language, we bring the best suitable material for the CUET Hindi exam. Students should try out our mock papers and online tests from myCBSEguide Dashboard which will be a great help for them.

Our CUET Hindi section not only has topics from the CUET Hindi 2025 syllabus, but also covers other Hindi vyakaran (grammar) topics. You can get topic like: शब्द रूप तत्सम तदभव, शब्दार्थ और पर्यायवाची, विलोम शब्द, शब्दार्थ और पर्यायवाची, लिंग और वचन, वर्तनी और वाक्य अशुद्धि, मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ and many more. 

CUET Hindi Test Papers

Student-friendly myCBSEguide brings practice test papers for CUET Hindi 2025. Our Hindi CUET Online Test Papers or Question Papers are a replica of the model paper released by NTA for CUET Hindi 2025. 

CUET Hindi online test

Our Hindi CUET online test paper has 50 questions. Just like the CUET exam, students are allowed to attempt any 40 questions. Students will be awarded 5 marks for each correct answer and 1 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.

Earlier getting into a college depended only upon the hard work done for the class 12 examination. But now for admission to central universities students need to fare well in the CUET. Therefore, for sturdy preparation for CUET 2025 students can refer to myCBSEguide and get course material subject-wise. We also have questions for CUET English language, General Test, and other domain subjects.

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