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CUET English Sample Papers | Mock Tests & Model Questions

Prepare for CUET 2022 English through myCBSEguide students' dashboard. It has CUET English Mock Tests and Sample Papers according to the prescribed CUET English syllabus.

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Valid till June 30, 2025




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With only a month in hand, students need to begin preparation for the Central University Common Entrance Test (CUCET) or the Common University Entrance Test (CUET). Student-friendly myCBSEguide brings practice questions and mock tests for CUET English language. Students should try out our mock tests and online tests from myCBSEguide Dashboard which, surely, will ease their burden for this section.

CUET 2022 English Syllabus

According to the exam pattern of CUET, there are three sections in the CUET question paper. The first section has two sub-parts for languages. It covers around 33 languages. In the second section, there are 27 domain subjects. Students can choose up to 6 domain subjects from the list. The last section is having questions on general knowledge and aptitude. NTA will ask 75 questions from this section and students can attempt any 60 of them. 

Section IA 13 Languages
Section IB 20 Languages
Section II 27 Domain-Specific Subjects
Section III General Test

CUET English Question Paper

English belongs to the Language Section IA (which offers 13 Languages). There will be one Question Paper which will have 50 questions out of which 40 questions need to be attempted. Questions from the Language Section will be from the following topics but are not limited to:

  1. Reading Comprehension: There will be three types of passages (maximum 300-350 words):
    1. Factual
    2. Narrative
    3. Literary
  2. Verbal Ability
  3. Rearranging the parts
  4. Choosing the correct word
  5. Synonyms and Antonyms
  6. Vocabulary

Reading Comprehension

Reading and comprehending along is not an easy job, especially when you are confined to a timeframe. You can only master this skill through practice, there is no other alternative. The more you practice the more you will be able to grasp. Practice within a time limit is a must. We tend to miss this goal or cheat when we are practicing physically with pen and paper. The best way to master comprehension is through online practice as it provides us with a time-out facility. CUET English has delineated three types of comprehension passages in its syllabus: Factual, Narrative, and Literary. We have a wide range of passages under all these categories. Most importantly if you plan to take up English as your domain subject, you should really score well in this section. We suggest you use the time in hand. If you intend to score well then download the app (if you have not yet) from myCBSEguide and practice CUET English online tests. If you are already registered kindly click here to land on the CUET-UG English section.

Verbal Ability

This is the most common and important part of the English Language section in any given competitive exam. Ideally, students should score well in this section but the opposite happens. Verbal means relating to words or speech. Verbal ability is the ability to express words or speech. Precisely it is about one's ability to use ideas and words coherently. A good score in verbal ability requires brisk sentence formation, a robust vocabulary, and basic grammar knowledge. Our CUET English 2022 module comprises different types of questions which are to test students' word power, sentence correction, spotting errors, and verbal reasoning.

Rearranging the parts

This can be the simplest part of the English section. If you get the idea of the sentence, basically the verb and noun, then it will be quite easy to rearrange. Questions for rearranging the parts can be asked in the form of jumbled sentences or rearranging sentences in a paragraph. In the second case, it is easy to get a sense of what is being conveyed. But the jumbled sentences are over-stuffed at times and many words (like auxiliary verbs and prepositions) make it a bit complicated and time-consuming. One should always remember that he who fails to prepare prepares to fail! Hence, to avoid such complications it is better to practice and prepare. CUET English mock test and sample papers can be of great help to prepare for this section.

Choosing the correct word

This is a dynamic field where you can be asked questions from any section of English grammar. Although CUET has specified its syllabus and topic, this section tends to fool our fellows! NTA can throw up questions from the elementary level, which you might have missed to brush up under the impression that this particular topic has not been mentioned in the CUET 2022 syllabus. Instead of getting befooled, try and practice various types of cloze, fill-ups and fill in the blanks best-suited to assist you for this section.

Synonyms and Antonyms

We have been made to learn words and their meaning since our elementary education. We memorize them but most often we fail to recall them when we need them. This happens due to a lack of practice. We are busy assembling (mugging) instead of organizing the assembled, what we need to do is assemble and organize parallelly. So, how can we get command over this section? The answer is, only by putting the words into practice and then learning a new word and repeating the process. Practice new words with meaning and their usage in sentences from the students' dashboard of the myCBSEguide app. We have been providing such questions for various other competitive and entrance exams too. 


Vocabulary is the most familiar and best section to test one's knowledge of the English language. However, this could be a benchmark test for the candidates who intend to pursue their studies in English literature for graduation. The CUET English Vocabulary section is not limited to learning spellings. In the case of an objective test, you get similar words, misspelled words, and anagrams from which you have to select the correct word. Most of the time, a bright student tends to select the incorrect option due to confusion. Again, here we suggest practice. The more you practice the more confident you become to face your exam.

These competitive exams do not only test your knowledge, but they also test your ability of time-management, accuracy, and preparedness. For all the aforementioned problems, the one-stop solution is the CUET 2022 English section on myCBSEguide. A well-planned preparation for these exams will help in better time management and will help you to score well. Always keep in mind that chance favors the prepared mind!

CUET English Mock Tests

The official website of the CUET (UG) specifically lays down the topic with a note that they are not limited to these topics. This clearly means that these are basic topics but questions may vary. This entrance exam is a first of its kind, so why take a risk? It is better to prepare and practice enough before sitting for the exam. Get a variety of English CUET questions, practice English grammar mock tests, and online tests for all the given topics to improve your overall score. This will help you to secure your seat in your dream university.

CUET English Practice Papers

We at myCBSEguide offer hundreds of practice question papers for the CUET English examination. You can download them as PDFs or practice them online on the myCBSEguide App. Although the CUET English question paper is not so difficult yet in such cases the time matters a lot. You will barely get one minute to complete one answer. You have to answer 40 questions out of 50, that too within 45 minutes only. So, you have to practice a lot to meet this target. The CUET English practice questions will certainly help you to get a better score in your examination. Hence, we advise all the CUET aspirants to download the myCBSEguide App and embark on the journey to their dream college. 

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