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Class 11 Accountancy Syllabus, Notes, Sample Papers, NCERT Notes

Get CBSE class 11 Accountancy Sample Question Papers, Notes, Extra Questions, and Videos in PDF format for free download along with premium study material to score good marks in exams.

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Accountancy becomes a part of formal education at the senior secondary in the commerce stream. In the era of globalization, inter-connected economies have brought a major change in business operations. Accounting has become a source of financial information in this dynamic economic scenario. In this case, Accountancy as a subject fortifies a promising position in the senior secondary curriculum. Senior secondary may now get quality course material for Class 12 Accountancy on myCBSEguide.

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Study Material

The senior secondary course in accounting put emphasis on developing a basic understanding of accounting as an information system. It introduces the learners to the world of business and emphasizes strengthening the fundamentals of the subject. The student-centric MyCBSEguide app, best known for its premium content, brings study material for the Class 11 Accountancy like syllabus, CBSE previous years’ question papers, sample papers, revision notes, important questions, online tests, and learning videos. Most of our test papers are available in PDF format which can be easily downloaded. The complete course of Accountancy at the senior secondary stage introduces the learners to the world of business and emphasizes strengthening the fundamentals of the subject.

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Syllabus

The senior secondary Accountancy syllabus provides students with a firm foundation in basic accounting concepts and methodology and also acquaints them with the changes taking place in the preparation and presentation of financial statements by the latest applicable accounting standards.

The syllabus of Class 11 Accountancy has the chapters listed below.



Part A: Financial Accounting-1

Unit-1: Theoretical Framework


Unit-2: Accounting Process


Part B: Financial Accounting-II

Unit-3: Financial Statements of Sole Proprietorship


Part C: Project Work



The learners of accounting are introduced to Computerized Accounting System in senior secondary (Class XI and XII). Computerized Accounting System is a compulsory component that is included in the syllabus of the Class 11 Account for commerce stream. To know more about the syllabus check our blog named Class 11 Accountancy Syllabus 2024 - 25 .

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Question Bank 2024-25

Our question bank has a plethora of questions not only for the CBSE subjects but for ICSE and other state boards as well. We are into this teaching-learning field for a decade and have been trusted by students and teachers alike. Our question bank has questions of all types and categories. You can generate test papers according to your blueprint and logo for CBSE Class 11 Accountancy on your mobile app.

You can also find previous years’ questions for Class 11 Accountancy on CBSE Previous Years Paper.

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Sample Papers

Sample papers are very necessary for all students. For them are below average it can help them score above average. For those who already score well, sample papers can help them secure good grades and be in the top five or ten positions. MyCBSEguide has a well-furnished question bank that has all types of questions like subjective, multiple-choice questions, and objective-type questions. The sample papers are generated using our question bank. You can download Class 11 Accountancy Sample Papers based on the official CBSE sample papers.

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Revision Notes

The emphasis in Class XI is placed on basic concepts and processes of accounting leading to the preparation of accounts for a sole proprietorship firm. The students are also familiarized with basic calculations of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in recording business transactions. Learning these voluminous concepts is tough, but if you get its essence in a simplified form, it becomes way easier. Revision notes serve the same purpose, it demystifies a complex lesson and breaks it down into a simpler unit that is easy and clear to comprehend. Chapter-based CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Revision Notes are available on our students’ dashboard in PDF format. The chapters are updated as per the latest CBSE syllabus.

The increased role of ICT in all walks of life cannot be overemphasized and is becoming an integral part of business operations.

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Important Questions

As we know that few chapters in a subject are important. Also, there are a few sections in these chapters, which may be a particular topic, which is most important. The weightage basically determines which section is how important. Based on this and many other criteria we prepare a set of important questions from each chapter. Check our CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Important Questions on our website to access the important questions for other chapters.

Class 11 Accountancy Chapter Wise Questions Answers

  1. Introduction to accounting
  2. Theory Base of Accounting
  3. Recording of Transactions -I Vouchers, Journals & Ledgers
  4. Depreciation Provisions and Reserves
  5. Bill of Exchange

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Case Study Question

The new education system focuses on competency-based learning and case study questions are one such type of question which is used for it. The idea is to encourage analytical thinking and problem-solving technique in a real-life situation. Basically, for case-based questions, a situational or hypothetical text is given, and based on it a few questions are asked. The nature of these questions depends on the CBSE Accountancy sample paper. Being a new kind of question not very amount of Accountancy case-based questions is available. There are Class 11 Accountancy Case Study Questions available in our dashboard, which can be of great use to the students of the commerce stream. The case study questions can be challenging at times as it demands the application of complex theories and principles. Therefore, it is advisable to practice well before the final examinations.

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Online Tests & Test Papers

Students can also access our Test Papers for the CBSE module. These are short tests and can be used occasionally to test your knowledge acquired. Getting grades at the senior secondary level is a ticket to a better future. Taking extra pains now may bring you compounded benefits in the future. So, it is better to use Class 11 Accountancy Test Papers to test your progress and do a formative self-assessment and make the changes required.

Learners can also try our Class 11 Accountancy online tests on our website to practice MCQs. These tests are mostly designed for objective-type questions. It is always easy to learn in a play way method and our online tests are the best fit for it. It is both challenging at the same time interesting. As the saying goes a stitch-in saves nine, so why don’t we use whatever time we have to make its optimum use?

Systemized mock tests are organized by team myCBSEguide mostly before the board examinations. To get an update on this you need to subscribe to our dashboard or YouTube channel for the latest updates.

Our question bank is equipped with questions of competitive examinations like JEE, CUET, SSC, etc., These are highly marketed products. As an EduTech myCBSEguide has been into the teaching-learning business and has carved a niche in this super competitive market. We began with the CBSE module and now have supreme content in Uttarakhand Board, UP Board, ICSE, and many others.


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