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Install NowFacility of verification of marks is available to all candidates. The candidates can apply for verification of marks in a manner that their applications reach the respective regional office(s) within 21 days of the declaration of result in case of Main Exam i.e. Exam held in March/April. However for Comptt Exam, i.e. Exam held in July, the application must reach respective regional offices with in 15 days of the declaration of the result.
For the candidates of Delhi region, application forms for verification of marks pertaining to Main Exam alongwith the fee in cash Rs. 100/- ( per subject) may be deposited in the Designated Schools during the working hours of the school. For Compartment examination application form and fee may be deposited in Syndicate Bank, PS 1-2, Institutional Area, Patparganj, Delhi – 92.
Click here to download re-checking form for : 12th Class
Click here to download re-checking form for : 10th Class
For candidates of Other Regions (Ajmer, Panchkula, Chennai, Allahabad and Guwahati):
Applications form for verification of marks may either be obtained from the concerned Regional Office or download the same from the CBSE website.
i. A Candidate who has appeared at an examination conducted by the Board may apply to the concerned Regional Officer of the Board for verification of marks in any particular subject. The verification will be restricted to checking whether all the answer’s have been evaluated and that there has been no mistake in the totalling of marks for each question in that subject and that the marks have been transferred correctly on the title page of the answer book and to the award list and whether the supplementary answer book(s) attached with the answer book mentioned by the candidate are in tact. No revaluation of the answer book or supplementary answer book(s) shall be done.
ii. Such an application must be made by the candidate within 21 days from the date of the declaration of results in case of main examination and within 15 days in case of compartment examination.
iii. All such applications must be accompanied by payment of fee as prescribed by the Board i.e. Rs. 100/- per subject.
iv. No candidate shall claim, or be entitle to, revaluation of his/her answers or disclosure or inspection of the answer book(s) or other documents.
v. A candidate shall not be entitled to refund of fee unless as a result of the verification his/her marks are changed.
vi. In no case the verification of Marks shall be done in the presence of the candidate or any one else on his /her behalf, nor will the answer books be shown to him/her or his/her representative.
vii. The marks, on verification will be revised upward or downward, as per the actual marks obtained by the candidate in his/her answer book.
viii. The communication regarding the revision of the marks, if any, shall be sent to the candidate within a reasonable period of time.
ix. The Board will not be responsible for any loss or damage or any inconvenience caused to the, candidate, consequent on the revision of marks or delay in communications for reasons beyond control.
x. The Board shall revise the marks Statement in respect of such candidates after the previous marks statement is returned by the candidate.
xi. The decision of the Chairman on the result of the verification of marks shall be final.
Address of Regional Offices.
1. Regional Office, Ajmer
Todal Mal Marg, Ajmer – 305 001
2. Regional Office, Panchkula
Sector-5, Panchkula, Haryana
3. Regional Office, Guwahati
Rajgarh Road , Guwahati – 781 003
4. Regional Office, Chennai
Plot NO. 1630A, 15th Main Road
Anna Nagar (West), Chennai – 600 040
5. Regional Office, Allahabad
36-B, Civil Station, M.G.Marg,
Civil Lines , Allahabd
6. Regional Office, Delhi
PS-1,2 Institutional Area
I.P.Extension, Patparganj
1. Bal Bhawan Public School, Pocket B, Phase 2, Mayur Vihar, Delhi-91
2. Universal Public School, A- Block, Preet Vihar, Delhi-92
3. SLS DAV Public School, Mausam Vihar, Delhi-51
4. Greenfields Public School, Opp. GTB Medical College, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-95
5. Gyandeep Vidya Bhawan, Block C-10, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi-53
6. Guru Harkrishan Public School, Loni Road, Shahdara, Delhi-32
7. Lilawati Vidya Mandir Sr. Sec. School, Shakti Nagar, Delhi-07
8. Mahavir Sr. Model School G.T Karnal Road, Delhi-33
9. Maharaja Agarsain Adaesh Public School, DU Block, Pitampura, Delhi -34
10. New State Academy Sr. Sec. School, Zone – H-4, Pitampura, Delhi – 34
11. Ved Vyasa DAV Public School, Vikaspuri, N.Delhi-18
12. S D Pub.School, Lal Mandir East Patel Nagar, N.Delhi – 08
13. Guru Harkrishan Public School, Road No.73, Punjabi Bagh, N.Delhi
14. Spring Meadows Pub. Sch. Main Najafgarh Road, Uttam Nagar, Delhi-59
15. Sadhu Vasvani Int. School, GES, shanty Niketan, New Delhi-70
16. Green Fields School, A-2, Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi-29
17. Red Rose Public School, D-Block, Saket, N.Delhi – 17
18. Guru Harkrishan Public School, Kalkaji Extn. N.Delhi-19
19. Modern School Barakhamba Road, New Delhi – 01
20. SSLT Gujarat Sr. Sec. School, Rajniwas Marg, Delhi-54
21. Commercial Sr. Sec. School Darya Ganj, New Delhi-02
22. Salwan Public School, Rajinder Nagar, N.Delhi-06
23. Deepanshu Public School, Kamerdin Nagar, New Delhi-60
24. Rising Star Academy Sec. Pub. School, 110, Raj Nagar, Pitampura, Delhi -34

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the link for the verification form given above for class 12 links me to a form for 2008 and not 2009, can this be updated soon? I really need it!
well i m fom ajmer region so where and how can i get re checking form???
What is the date sheet of compartment exam 2009
i got compartment in maths this year .. i want to clear that the compartment mark sheet which will b given after the comp…. exam … ,that comp…. marksheet will indicate that i got comp or it will just same as the main exam mark sheet…
i am from bhubaneswar and region is allahabad so from where and how i could get my re checking form?
Hi, Neither
the link for the verification form given above for class 12 is not available for year 2009, nor the guide/form for reverification at cbse site mentions about the details of sending DD in related to ” in favour of, payable at etc). can someone guide
i am from ajmer region class X want my maths copy to be recheck now what i have to do..
KV, Malkapuram Vishakhapatnam has not recived the mark sheets of class 12 even after one week of declaring the results. As I am not able to produce the original mark sheet i am in trouble regarding admissions.
after posting the verification forms, in how much days i can know the results of recheking and how???????
i didn’t got any option from where i can get the application form for class tenth
I want to give review for English and Hindi Paper.I am from Kolakata and gave class 12.So exactly what is the form and from where Can I get it from net? One more I also lost my Admit card of 10 and 12 .How can I download form from this also fromnet?
when will be cbse 10 board compartment exame will held of maths 2009
What is the date sheet of compartment exam 2009 of maths . please reply me back soon
what is the date sheet of compartment exam?
While re-checking, the answer sheet of a particular subject may be shown to the applicant indirectly (e.g. through computer screen) for the applicant’s satisfaction.
i need to fill re-cheching form and i belong to uttarakhand.how can i do the same.please reply the same as early as possible.
i belong to allahabad region . iwant to verify the mark . in the rules its not mentioned in whose favour we have to get the DD done or can i submitt in cash along with my form
where did i get cbse forum of 10 class. please!! help me.
I have sent for reverification in the first week of June from Muscat along with a demand draft and still status of reverification does not appear on the website.
i belongs to chennai region
i had given my all papers for revaluation with a dd of five hundred rupees
i didnt received any reply from chennai region.
so kindly reply please reply i beg to say that please reply
my roll no is 4193677
my email id is [email protected]
i gave my few papers for verification of marks of cbse class 10.. But, in the website it is indicating status of verification of marks for allahabad region is declared……but roll no. not found message is being shown on the website..on entering my roll number.When will be i able to see the marks……(verification)
i had filled revalution form for class 12th marks verification.
i am from ajmer region.
when will the results will be announced?
i had filled revalution form for class 12th marks verification.
i am from ajmer region.
when will the results will be announced?
please tell about it?
when will results of 12th mark verification be published foe chennai region
i have submitted the form for verification at the specified time
when will we know the results of the verication of marks. it is already more than a month since the results of 2009 have been declared.
thanking you
when will the revaluation results for class tenth of cbse-panchkula will arrive????please reply me soon
i have not recevied my reevaluation result of X11 class. my roll no is 2667582 .
pls inform at the earliest
I want to know the result of revaluation of marks in social science in xth class cbse
sir i m student of class 10 i want to know thw result of revolution of my maths copy plss sir send me the immidate rply….
plzz tell me where i will get my reval result from school or from home through letter or something plzz
help me itzz already too late for admissions[:)]
revalution result of class 12
plzz tell me
send me the link
I want to known the result of revaluation of marks in English in class10 CBSE my roll no. is 5270200
I want to know the result of revaluation of marks in social science and maths in xth class cbse of ajmer region…but d server says roll no. not found….what to do now ?????????
i hv a proof of sending it to d board regional office on time…..
I ravinder ravi roll no. 2213255 of class X has not recieved the revaluation result of Science, Social science and Mathematics
i want to lode recheck forms….from which could i get it
Hey I want to fill a rechecking form for my compartmental exam result …… how can i get it
i am submit the form of re checking copies ao 12th in huminities after the announcment of 12th result in may 2009 but i am not find my re check result so plese give me some ideas to get my re check result as soon as…………………
how i am fill the compartment form .
I had given for rechecking of my compartmental exam of mathematics of class 12th..
so when did i got my result..
me want a private form of 12th class…………from allahabad
where can i get the rechecking result?????
I want to fill revaluation form of cbse class 12th Ajmer region. what is the procedure and download the form.
when will results of 12th mark verification be published for allahabad region
i have posted the form for verification on 23rd may,2010
I have to re-evaluate my science marks…..on whose name do i take the DD to be sent with the re-evaluation form. I live in Oman.(DELHI REGION)
iam from amritsar from jammu region, iwana know from where and how i’ll get the re-checking form…
plz tell me irealy need it….
The re-evaluation form is not downloadable from site.It is a serious case.make correctons please
We are not recieve any massege from cbse Ajmer office till date.my roll no.1213220 class XII, I SEND FORM FOR VARIFICATION OF MARKS ON DATED 03.06.2010 WITH DD NO.877586 DT.03.06.2010 OF RS 400/-BY SPEED POST NO.ER658930916IN DATED 03.06.2010.
from where we can get private form of allahabad region,cbse for class 12th. from year 2010,all procedures have been made online.
so plz help.
what is tha address for sending verification’s DD?
Hlo sir I have got compartment in Social science, session 2009 but now not cleared because then I am suffering from typhoid , After some time take the admission in diploma then result are came then provisional. Can solve my problem. I am also two years complete in diploma if any excuse so please tlell me !& so solve my problem. Thanking you Sir
on urgent basis within 5 days i had submitted my revaluation form for 3 subjects……….let me know when result will be out………i m anxiou