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Install NowCBSE Class 12 Yoga and Lifestyle Physical Education Extra Questions. myCBSEguide has just released Chapter Wise Question Answers for class 12 Phys Ed. There chapter wise Practice Questions with complete solutions are available for download in myCBSEguide website and mobile app. These Questions with solution are prepared by our team of expert teachers who are teaching grade in CBSE schools for years. There are around 4-5 set of solved Chapter 3 Yoga and Lifestyle Physical Education Extra Questions from each and every chapter. The students will not miss any concept in these Chapter wise question that are specially designed to tackle Board Exam. We have taken care of every single concept given in CBSE Class 12 Physical Education syllabus and questions are framed as per the latest marking scheme and blue print issued by CBSE for class 12.
Class 12 Physical Education Extra Questions
Class 12 Chapter 3 Physical Education Practice Questions
CH-03 Yoga and Lifestyle
What do you mean by Asana?
Mention the contraindications of Paschimottanasana.
Discuss any two benefits of Paschirnottasana.
Discuss the two contraindications of Trikonasana.
Discuss the procedure of Pawanmuktasana.
State the contraindication of Gomukhasana and Bhujangasana.
Discuss Asana as preventive measures in detail?
Explain the procedures of Paschimottasana.
What do you mean by diabetes? Discuss the procedure, benefits and contraindications of Bhujangasana.
What is hypertension? Discuss the benefits and contraindications of Ardha Chakrasana and Vajrasana.
CH-03 Yoga and Lifestyle
- To sit in a comfortable position for everlasting period of time is called asana.
- Contraindications of Paschimottanasan.
- If you are suffering from enlarged liver or spleen or acute appendicitis, you never do this asana.
- Do not perform this asana if you are suffering from asthma or any other respiratory disease.
- Practice this asana under expert advice if you have any back or spine problem.
- Two benefits of Paschimottasana are as follows:
- Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression.
- Stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings.
- Two contraindications of Trikonasana are as follows:
- Avoid doing this pose if you are suffering from low or high Blood Pressure. As the flow of blood goes the opposite way it may become uncomfortable for someone suffering from Blood Pressure.
- Any kind of neck injury. As the neck is tilted and is hanging downwards, further damage to the nerves and the muscles around the neck is likely.
- Procedure of Pawanmuktasana: lie down on you back on a plain surface. Keep your feet together and place your arms beside your body. Take a deep breath. When you exhale bring your knees towards your chest. At the same time press your thighs on your abdomen. Clasp your hands around your legs. Hold the asana when you breathe normally. Every time you inhale, ensure that you loosen the grip. Exhale and release the pose after you rock and roll from side to side three times.
- Contraindications of Gontukhasana:
- People with the stiff shoulder may have to take it slow and easy.
- There will be too much stretch at the upper arms and wrists, so one must take caution while doing this. The guidance of the teacher is essential here. Trying to reach for the palms without understanding the flexibility of the arms will turn harmful.
- Any kind of hip problems or injury at the knee, hamstring and quadriceps should be avoided.
Contraindications of Bhugangasana:
- Those with severe back problems relating to the spine should clearly avoid this yoga pose.
- Someone having neck problems relating to spondylitis too should clearly avoid this yoga pose.
- Someone suffering from stomach disorders like ulcers should ensure proper guidance while doing this yoga pose or avoid this yoga pose if discomfort is seen or felt.
- Asana can be preventive measures as they provide following physiological benefits which ultimately helps in avoiding various lifestyle disease. The following are the benefits of asana for prevention of diseases:
- Bones and joints become strong: By performing regular asana, the bones, cartilages, and ligaments become strong. Along with this, height of children is enhanced.
- Circulation of blood becomes normal: By performing asana regularly, the stroke volume as well as cardiac output increases because cardiac muscles start working more strongly and efficiently. Blood circulation becomes proper and blood pressure normalizes and stabilizes.
- Immune system is strengthened: By regular practice of asana, our immune system is strengthened. As a result, our body becomes less prone to diseases.
- Respiratory organs become efficient: By performing asana regularly, the respiratory organs become efficient. The vital air capacity increases up to 6000cc. The size of lungs and chest also enhances.
- Efficiency of excretory system enhances: By regularly performing asana the efficiency of excretory system enhances. As a result, the waste products such as lactic acid, acid phosphate, urea, uric acid etc. are excreted quickly and properly which in turn help in delaying fatigue.
- Muscles become strong: by performing asana regularly, muscles of the body become strong. The efficiency of the muscles increases. Fat does not accumulate in the body. In fact, the appearance the body enhances. The size of the muscles also increases.
- There are following ways to do this Asana.
- Sit up with the legs stretched out straight in front of you on the floor.
- Keep the spine erect and toes flexed towards you.
- Bring your respiration to normal.
- Breathing in, slowly raise your both the arms straight above your head and stretch up.
- Slowly breathe out and bend forward from the hip joint, chin moving toward the toes keeping the spine erect.
- Place your hands on your legs, wherever they reach, without putting much effort.
- If possible hold of your toes and pull on them to help you go forward.
- Stay in this position as long as possible.
- After the exertion limit reached inhale and raise up stretching up your arms straight above your head.
- Breathe out and bring your arms down placing the palms on the ground.
- Relax for a while and try to feel the changes occurred in the body.
Diabetes is such a disorder that it causes sugar to build up in our blood stream instead of being used by the cells in the body.Procedure of Bhujangasana: In this asana the shape of the body remains like a snake that is why it is called Bhujangasana. In order to perform this asana, lie down on the belly on the ground. Keep your hands near the shoulders. Keep your legs close together. Now straiten up your arms slowly, raise the chest. Your head should turn backwards. Keep the position for sometime. Then get back to the former position. For good results, perform this asana for 4 to 5 times.Benefits of Bhujangasana:
- It alleviates obesity.
- It provides strength and agility.
- It cures the disorders of urinary bladder.
- It cures the disease of liver.
- It improves blood circulation.
- It makes the vertebral column flexible and thin.
- It cures gas disorders, constipation and indigestion.
- It strengthens the muscles of hands.
Contraindications of Bhujangasana:
- People suffering from hernia, back injuries, headaches, and recent abdominal surgeries should not perform this asana.
- Pregnant women should not perform this asana.
- Hypertension means increased blood pressure. The normal blood pressure of an adult is considered 120/80 mm Hg. A person, whose blood pressure readings are beyond 140/90 mm Hg, is said to be having hypertension.
Benefits of Ardha Chakrasana:- It helps to make ankles, spine, thigh, chest, shoulders, spine and abdomen stronger.
- It relieves stress and tension.
- It improves digestion.
- It cures menstrual disorders.
- It cures pain in legs.
- It reduces fat in the waist and thigh.
- It helps to alleviate upper back pain.
- It relieves stress in the neck and shoulders.
Contraindications of Ardha Chakrasana:
- Avoid performing this asana if you have migraine, headache, low blood pressure, diarrhea and insomnia.
- Avoid practicing this asana if you have peptic ulcers and hernia.
- Avoid this asana in case of hip or spinal problems.
- Pregnant women should avoid this asana.
Benefits of Vajrasana:
- It is helpful for concentration.
- It is helpful in curing dysentery, back pain and chest diseases.
- It enhances memory.
- It cures problems related to menstruation.
- It cures mental stress.
- It strengthens the pelvic muscles.
- It removes postural defects.
- It prevents hernia and gives relief from piles.
Contraindication of Vajrasana:
- person suffering from joint pain should not perform vajrasana.
- The individuals who have any spinal column problem should not perform vajrasana.
- The individuals who have some difficulty in movement should practice vajrasana with a lot of care.
Chapter Wise Important Questions for Class 12 Physical Education
- Planning in Sports
- Sports and Nutrition
- Yoga and Lifestyle
- Physical Education and Sports for CWSN – (Children with Special Needs)
- Children and Women in Sports
- Test and Measurement in Sports
- Physiology and Injuries in Sports
- Biomechanics and Sports
- Psychology and Sports
- Training in Sports

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