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Install NowCBSE class 11 syllabus for Banking & Insurance has been published for vocational courses. All students who come under this category can download the syllabus pattern and marking scheme as per CBSE guidelines from myCBSEguide and CBSE official website.
This articles contains the overall structure of syllabus and practical details. Note down the timing and all topics to perform better in the vocational courses. Banking & Insurance syllabus will be applicable for all CBSE affiliated schools.
Banking & Insurance
THEORY Time: 3 Hours Marks: 60
Unit-1: Introduction (10 marks)
- Definition of Bank – Basic functions of Banker.
- Banking System in India.
(i) Commercial Banks.
(ii) Private Sector Banks.
(iii) Public Sector Banks.
(iv) Foreign Banks.
(v) Regional Rural Banks.
(vi) Co-operative Banks.
- Reserve Bank of India.
Unit-2: Banker and Customer (15 marks)
- Relationship between Banker and Customer.
- Special Types of Customers.
- Retail & Wholesale Banking.
- Deposit Accounts – Savings Accounts, Current Accounts, Fixed Deposit Accounts. · Opening and operation of Accounts.
- Nomination.
- KYC requirements.
- Pass Book.
- Minors.
- Partnerships & Companies. Unit-3: Employment of Bank Funds
- Liquid Assets-Cash in Hand, Cash with RBI & Cash with other Banks.
- Investment in securities.
- Advances – Secured and Unsecured.
- Loans.
- Term Loans.
- Cash Credit.
- Overdraft.
- Discounting of Bills of Exchange.
- Modes of creating charge on Securities.
- Types of Securities.
Unit-4: Negotiable Instruments (10 marks)
- Definition & Characteristics of Cheques.
- Bills of Exchange & Promissory Notes.
- Crossings.
- Endorsements.
- Collection and payment of Cheques.
- Liabilities of Parties.
Unit-5: Communication Skills (10 marks)
- Elements of Communication
(i) Introduce and greet in a proper way.
(ii) Framing of question and sentence.
(iii) Dealing with customers while they are shopping for goods.
(iv) Identify elements of communication cycle.
- Forms of Communication & Communication Equipment
(i) Demonstrate effective use of verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
(ii) Identify the types of communication.
(iii) Operate the communication media and equipment properly.
(iv) Select the Strategies for Overcome barriers in communication.
- Elements of Business communication
(i) Describe the importance of organizational culture in business communication.
(ii) Communicate Effectively with Customers.
(iii) Describe the qualities that the team member should possess.
- Preparation of Project Report
(i) Describe Project Work/ Assignment.
(ii) Outline the preparation of project report.
PRACTICAL Time: 2 Hours Marks: 40
- Visit the Websites of Five Different Commercial Banks (10 marks)
(a) (Three Public Sector and Two Private Sector Banks) offering Retail Banking Products.
(b) Get details of the various Retail Banking Products offered by them.
- Prepare a Comprehensive Report for each of these Banks Covering the following 5×4 = 20 marks
(a) Retail Banking products (one Asset Product and one Liability Product) best suited for people in different stages of life cycle.
(b) Five client categories to be selected:
- A young executive who has just joined the job after studies.
- A young housewife with 1 small child.
- A middle aged middle level Senior Executive in a Private Firm having two school going children and dependant parents.
- An elderly lady staying alone with no dependents, and
- A member of the armed forces in mid 30s.
(c) Based on the data which you give in the above, justify your selections for each of them.
(d) List the documents to be submitted by the customers for applying for each product. You can obtain sample forms from any of the banks as you think appropriate.
(e) Explain the operational details for each of the products.
- Viva (10 marks)
THEORY Time: 3 Hours Marks: 60
Unit-1: Introduction (20 marks)
- Concept of Insurance.
- Need for Insurance.
- Brief history of Insurance industry in India.
(i) Enactment of Insurance Act, 1938.
(ii) Nationalization of Life Insurance Companies in 1955.
(iii) Nationalization of General insurance Companies in 1972.
(iv) Malhotra Committee Report – Opening up of Insurance sector to Private Companies in 2000.
(v) Setting up of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority in 1999.
Unit-2: Life Insurance (20 marks)
- Present Organizational set-up of Insurance Companies in India – L.I.C. and Private Companies with foreign joint ventures, selling Insurance through Agents and Banks.
- Objectives of Life Insurance – Protection and Investment.
- Different types of Life Insurance Policies – Chief characteristics and similarity.
- Basic Pre-requites for Life Insurance – Insurable Interest and utmost Good Faith.
- Procedure for taking a policy.
(i) Selection of the Plan.
(ii) Consultation of Premium tables.
(iii) Filling up of Proposal Form.
(iv) Document regarding proof of age.
(v) Important clauses of the Policy – eg. Suicide Clause.
(vi) Nomination
Unit-3: Annuities and Unit Linked Policies (10 marks)
- Concept of Annuity.
- Objectives of Annuity.
- Procedure followed for obtaining Annuities.
- Meaning of Unit Linked Insurance Policies.
- Procedure for obtaining Unit linked insurance Policies.
Unit-4: Post – Issue Matters (10 marks)
- Lapse of the Policy due to Non-Payment of Premium.
- Revival of the Lapsed Policies.
- Surrender of the Policy – Payment of surrender value.
- Assignment of the Policies.
- Settlement of claims – Procedure to be followed.
PRACTICAL Time: 2 Hours Marks: 40
- Visit the Websites of five different Insurance Companies Offering Life Insurance. Get details on the Various Policies Offered by them. (10 marks)
- Prepare a Comprehensive Report for each of these Companies Covering the following: (20 marks)
(a) Insurance products best suited for the different life stages – take five examples like young executive having joined job after studies, young married woman with one small child, middle aged man having two school going children and one dependent parent, Elderly lady staying alone with no dependents, member of the armed forces in mid 30s.
(b) From the chart above, recommend the best suited life insurance policy to each of them.
(c) List the documents to be submitted for applying for each type of insurance and help them fill out the application form. You can obtain sample application forms from the relevant insurance company.
(d) Explain the claims procedure along with requirements for claiming insurance at the time of occurrence of the insured event.
- Viva (10 marks)
Time: 3 Hours Marks: 100
Part–I: (Compulsory to all Vocational Courses) Marks: 50
- Business Management and Entrepreneurship (30 marks)
(a) Entrepreneurship Orientation (5 marks)
Importance and relevance in real life: Emphasis on self employment.
(b) Entrepreneurship Values and Attitudes (5 marks)
Innovativeness, Independence, Risk Taking, Analytical ability.
(c) Entrepreneurial Motivation (5 marks)
Achievement Planning, personal efficacy, entrepreneurial goal setting. (d) Launching of a Business Venture (15 marks)
Identification of project, steps in setting up a business, information about various institutions providing assistance, project formulation.
- Computational Skills (10 marks)
(a) Percentage, ratio & proportion, profit & loss, discount, simple and compound interest, population growth and depreciation of value of articles using logarithm.
(b) Area and volume: rectangle, parallelogram, circle, cube, cone, cylinder & sphere.
- Environmental Education (5 marks)
(a) Environment and the society.
(b) Environment properties risks in different economic enterprises, in use of raw materials, in processing / manufacturing and designing.
(c) Poverty and environment.
- Rural Development (5 marks)
(a) Agriculture, the back bone of Indian Economy.
(b) Rural development projects in India including Integrated rural development programme.
(c) Agro based rural industries.
(d) Community approach to rural development.
Part–II Marks: 50
- Economic Environment or Business (8 marks)
Product of pricing, market & market economy, foundation of market system. The role of price mechanism in a market economy. Functions of price mechanism, limitations of market mechanism.
- Emerging Social Structure (8 marks)
Basic principles underlying all economic activity, the unequal growth, the capitalist economy – Its characteristics – its strength & weaknesses – the Indian experience – the International Scene – its Role in Socio/economic scence.
- Planning & Budgeting (8 marks)
Steps in planning – Need for budgeting – Budgets and Forecast, Preparing the Budget – The starting Point, the targets – Administration & review of budgets – follow up process – Benefits and limits of budgeting. A note of zero base budgeting – Planning in India – National Planning affects all.
- Financial Institutions & Capital Markets (8 marks)
Capital market – Need for capital formation, need for capital formation in India, Unit Trust of India – Financial Institutions – Money Lending & Banking – Different Classification of Banks. Functions of Commercial Banks, Specialised Banks. The Reserve Bank of India, Other financial institutions, The IDBI, IFC, ICICI, LIC, UTI & GIC Mutual Funds.
- Risk and Risk Management (5 marks)
Chance, Risk, Probability – How to deal with risk, sharing the risk.
- Office Management (5 marks)
Office – Location, space, type of business, principles of Office layout, Functions of office inward / outward / filling. Methods of filling – indexing – mioxchines & office appliances – computers.
- Management Concepts (8 marks)
Management functions, Management – Kept to prosperity – planning – its nature – types of plans – steps in planning – The planning period. Objectives – management on objectives – its benefits and limitations. Strategic planning process – sales forecasts – methods-decision making – organising – division – span of management departmentation – strategic business units – line staff authority. Decentralisation of authority. Delegation of authority. Advantages and limitation. Groups in managing – characteristics – functions. Advantages and disadvantages of groups selection – The process its limitations – training or new employees, assessment of performance communication.

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I want the answer of banking project of question no. 2 plz help