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Karan Verma Verma 8 months ago

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How did charley s psychiatrist friend explain his reaching tha third level

Gokul Chetry 1 year, 1 month ago

Give the character sketch of franch

Dile_Shwar Rathiya 1 year, 1 month ago

Give the character sketch off franch.

Mika Mandavi Mika Mandavi 1 year, 6 months ago

Justify the title the tiger king
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Dile_Shwar Rathiya 1 year, 3 months ago

Lost spring not mking
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Bhumika Verma 1 year, 4 months ago

Mr. M.Hamel was a French teacher who had been teaching for forty years in the school at Alsace. He was a strict teacher who always kept an iron ruler under his arm in order to punish the children for not doing their work. He thought for the welfare of the children and their better future. He was disciplined and honest towards his duties. Having heard about the order that came from Berlin, he got too depressed & emotional on his last day. He taught everybody the importance of his mother tongue and requested them to guard their language because it is the only key to escape from the prison of slavery. He was very honest, patriotic and hard working person. He believed that French was the clearest and logical language. He knew that was his last day in the school, yet he performed his duties seriously and taught his last lesson in the class with great patience which shows how dutiful he was towards his duties. He held himself and the parents responsible for the poor performance of the people of Alsace. All the students and villagers present in the class had tears and regret in their eyes for not knowing their own language. After teaching them the lessons, M. Hamel stood up and tried to say something but his throat got choked then he bade farewell to the students by writing “Vive La France “on the board which means ‘long live France’.
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Anurag Patel 1 year, 5 months ago

Thate day Franz notice daily routine commotion caused by opening and closing the desk and repeating lesson in a unison and raping of the teachers rular on the table.The usual hustle bustle was replaced by stange stillness that was the characteristics of the school like Sunday morning
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Bhumika Verma 1 year, 4 months ago

Character of Franz Franz was a very young boy living in Alsace district of France. He had a layman's attitude to studies. At the beginning we find him feeling tempted to skive his school. However, we also come to know his inner strength of character when he overcomes that temptation. We come to know his patriotism and love for his teacher after he comes to know about the sad news of the new order according to which teaching of French had to be replaced with German. He is shocked to know that that was M. Hamel's last lesson. We see him getting remorseful for having ignored learning French. He wants to learn all the French in just one period. He is very sad at the departure of his teacher.
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Prithvi Kurrey 1 year, 6 months ago

Justify the title the interview
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Angel Swarup 1 year, 8 months ago

Franz was not an enthusiastic student. He disliked attending school and was usually late for his classes, as he was much fond of outdoor activities. On the last day of the class, he was supposed to prepare assignment on participles, but hating it the most he preferred to stay out doors. However he went to school hoping that he would take advantage of the commotion and take his seat in the class unnoticed. But the unexpected calm atmosphere of the class took him by surprise and he too was shocked when he came to know that was the last day of Hamel's teaching and also the last lesson in French. He wished that he had paid attention to the lessons in French taught earlier now that they would never be taught again after the imposition of German upon them. He felt a sudden sense of respect towards Hamel and listened with rapt attention to his teachings on the last day in the last lesson.
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Devraj Gayakwad 2 years, 1 month ago

जनसंख्या घनत्व किसे कहते हैं
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Preeti Dabral 2 years, 2 months ago

The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram had many titles but was popularly known as the ''Tiger King''. He was portrayed as an autocrat, brave, resolute, determined, courageous and a firm ruler of his state. He was brought up by an English governess. He was tutored in English by an Englishman. When he grew to twenty, he took the reign in his hands. The Maharaja knew how to make his minions do the work for him. No one in the kingdom had the courage to raise his voice against the king.

When he was born, the astrologers had predicted his death by a tiger. His callousness came through his indiscriminate killing of tigers and almost bringing the species to become extinct, just to prove the prophecy wrong. His irrational behavior was portrayed when he announced that he would attend to the affairs of his people and state, only after killing a hundred tigers. He wanted to prove the prophecy wrong that his death was bound to come because of a tiger. He was determined to fulfill his pledge. So he issued a proclamation that no one will kill the tiger except him. The lawbreakers would be taken to task and their properties would be confiscated. Being a man of firm determination and self-respect, he denied permission to the British officer to hunt the tiger too. But, the officer felt offended as he was not even allowed to kill or even, to take a photograph with a dead tiger. To save himself and his kingdom, the king, with the advice of his Dewan, sent around fifty exclusive diamond rings for the officer's wife. He did so to impress them but had to pay a hefty amount because the British officer's wife kept all the rings and sent only a thank you note for the king. It is ironical that the king met his fate by a wooden tiger only and thus the hundredth tiger took revenge upon him.

Arun Kumar 2 years, 1 month ago

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Angel Swarup 1 year, 8 months ago

Which chapter
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Preeti Dabral 2 years, 2 months ago

Hana is an epitome of a loving, dedicated and caring wife. She always has love and affection in her heart for Sadao. In spite of being married for so many years, she is still the same loving wife. She often assists Sadao in her medical operations as she helped him with anesthetics while operating Tom. She loves her family. She gets scared when a man in uniform appears at the gate. She is also a good-hearted woman as she also wished Tom to be saved. She is quite hardworking. When Yumi, the nurse refuses to wash Tom, she does it herself. When the servants leave Sadao’s home in protest, she does all the chores herself. However, she is not as courageous as Sadao.

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Preeti Dabral 2 years, 3 months ago

The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram had many titles but was popularly known as the ''Tiger King''. He was portrayed as an autocrat, brave, resolute, determined, courageous and a firm ruler of his state. He was brought up by an English governess. He was tutored in English by an Englishman. When he grew to twenty, he took the reign in his hands. The Maharaja knew how to make his minions do the work for him. No one in the kingdom had the courage to raise his voice against the king.

When he was born, the astrologers had predicted his death by a tiger. His callousness came through his indiscriminate killing of tigers and almost bringing the species to become extinct, just to prove the prophecy wrong. His irrational behavior was portrayed when he announced that he would attend to the affairs of his people and state, only after killing a hundred tigers. He wanted to prove the prophecy wrong that his death was bound to come because of a tiger. He was determined to fulfill his pledge. So he issued a proclamation that no one will kill the tiger except him. The lawbreakers would be taken to task and their properties would be confiscated. Being a man of firm determination and self-respect, he denied permission to the British officer to hunt the tiger too. But, the officer felt offended as he was not even allowed to kill or even, to take a photograph with a dead tiger. To save himself and his kingdom, the king, with the advice of his Dewan, sent around fifty exclusive diamond rings for the officer's wife. He did so to impress them but had to pay a hefty amount because the British officer's wife kept all the rings and sent only a thank you note for the king. It is ironical that the king met his fate by a wooden tiger only and thus the hundredth tiger took revenge upon him.

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Preeti Dabral 2 years, 3 months ago

He is an escapist and wants to escape from the world of harsh realities. He is fond of stamp collection, a hobby, which he takes up to make his leisure hours more productive and fulfilling experience. But his psychiatrist friend calls it a temporary refuge from reality. Hamel was the French teacher at a school in the French district of Alsace and Larraine. He had honestly served the school far 40 years. He was the true lover of French language and made it to keep alive. He thought very well and all grasped him very well.

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Prakash Yadav 1 year, 1 month ago

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