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Ram Kumar 1 week, 4 days ago

Fomo7 Customer Care Helpline Number++8825142534//
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Ram Kumar 1 week, 5 days ago

Teen Patti Club CusTomer Care Helpline Number/08825142537 call now

Ram Kumar 1 week, 5 days ago

Teen Patti Club CusTomer Care Helpline Number/08825142537//....

Ram Kumar 1 week, 5 days ago

Teen Patti Club CusTomer Care Helpline Number/08825142537//
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Ram Kumar 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Insignia Match Mania CusTomer Care HelpLine Number--/08825142537/

Ram Kumar 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Insignia Match Mania CusTomer Care HelpLine Number//08825142537//
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Ram Kumar 2 weeks, 6 days ago

55Club .Customer Care Helpline Number// +91= 8825142537//nnn

Ram Kumar 2 weeks, 6 days ago

55Club .Customer Care Helpline Number// +91= 8825142537//55Club .Customer Care Helpline Number// +91= 8825142537//

Ram Kumar 2 weeks, 6 days ago

55Club .Customer Care Helpline Number// +91= 8825142537//
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Ram Kumar 2 weeks, 6 days ago

Slots Winner CusTomer Care HelpliNe Number// +91= 8825142537//

Ram Kumar 2 weeks, 6 days ago

Slots Winner CusTomer Care HelpliNe Number// +91= 8825142537//..

Ram Kumar 2 weeks, 6 days ago

Slots Winner CusTomer Care HelpliNe Number// +91= 8825142537//
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Rahul Kumar 2 weeks, 6 days ago

gold pocket loan app customer care helpline number 6297384942//8961063167 jsygb

Rahul Kumar 2 weeks, 6 days ago

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Rahul Kumar 2 weeks, 6 days ago

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Rahul Kumar 2 weeks, 6 days ago

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Rahul Kumar 2 weeks, 6 days ago

gold pocket loan app customer care helpline number 6297384942//8961063167
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Sonu Ram 3 weeks ago

WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473xfgyu

Sonu Ram 3 weeks ago

WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473ksjeur

Sonu Ram 3 weeks ago

WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473kwurur

Sonu Ram 3 weeks ago

WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473

Sonu Ram 3 weeks ago

WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473WeaLthSnaP loAn cUsToMeR care number +91) 8016603152-@8961101473
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Nobody 🌼🌼🌼 1 month, 3 weeks ago

I followed sumita Arora's book
Syllabus is available on this application as well as Google.
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Pavithra A Pujari 1 month, 3 weeks ago

What is mean by buffering in file handling?
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Hira Ansari 2 months ago

Tokens are the smallest individual unit of a program.

Gaya Thri 1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Chayan Das 3 months, 4 weeks ago

def calculate_perimeter(length, width): perimeter = 2 * (length + width) return perimeter # Input length and width from the user length = float(input("Enter the length of the rectangle: ")) width = float(input("Enter the width of the rectangle: ")) # Calculate perimeter perimeter = calculate_perimeter(length, width) # Print the result print("The perimeter of the rectangle is:", perimeter)
  • 2 answers

Manav Sharma 4 months, 2 weeks ago

<A href> tag

Nakul Shokeen 4 months, 4 weeks ago

Which Html tag is used to create a hyperlink in a webpage
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Manav Sharma 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Global scope refers to the outermost level of scope in a programming language. Variables and functions defined in the global scope are accessible from anywhere within the program, including inside functions, classes, or other nested scopes. In many programming languages, variables declared outside of any function or class have global scope. Global scope can be convenient for defining constants or utility functions that are used throughout the program. However, excessive reliance on global variables can lead to code that is difficult to understand and maintain, so it's often recommended to minimize their use and encapsulate functionality within smaller, more focused scopes when possible.
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Def is a keyword in python which is used to def the is basically used in the header of function

Nobody 🌼🌼🌼 6 months, 2 weeks ago

It is used to define a function...
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Suraj Kumar 7 months, 2 weeks ago


Aseem Mahajan 8 months, 2 weeks ago

<font face ="Times New Roman">Twisha ? My classmate?
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Asmita Bhaumik 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Gives the topmost value.

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