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M.Sarathi M 6 months, 3 weeks ago

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Saleha Meraj 7 months ago

Avastha Mein Ek Samajik Sangathan ka hona avashyak hai spasht kijiye
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Rita Vishwakarma 7 months, 1 week ago

Ncert book ka answer
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Shaurya Yadav 7 months, 1 week ago

The five difference between Roman and Greek is :- One of the main differences between Romans and Greeks is that while Romans lived in the Roman Empire since as early as 8th century BC, the Greeks lived in Greece during 8th Century to 6th Century BC. • It is believed that Greek culture was older than the Roman culture. The Greek civilization lasted from the period of 8th Century to 6th Century BC. Roman civilization is believed to have started as early as 8th century BC. The influence of Greek architecture on Roman architecture suggests that Greeks were there first. • They differ from each other in terms of their contribution to art. Greek sculptors depicted beauty in their work and perfectness whereas Romans sought perfect likeness in their art work to real people. That means Roman sculpture has all the flaws of real people. • Romans believed in the same mythological figures as the Greeks. In fact, they would give different names for the mythological figures too. For example, Greek Aphrodite was Venus among Romans. Greek Ares (God of War) was Mars among Romans. Same duties, but different names. Sometimes some Gods had additional powers than their Greek or Roman counterpart. As a matter of fact, the Romans followed the categorization of gods and goddesses of the Greeks. • Nature was more of a disposable resource for the Romans. The Greeks, on the other hand, were more concerned about nature. They found nature inspiring.
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Devanshu King 7 months, 3 weeks ago

Code no. 027

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