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Gaurav Seth 4 years, 3 months ago


The amount of water vapour in the atmosphere is added or withdrawn due to evaporation and condensation respectively.
Evaporation is a process by which water is transformed from liquid to gaseous state. Heat is the main cause for evaporation.

The temperature at which the water starts evaporating is referred to as the

latent heat of vaporization.
Hence, the greater the movement of air, the greater is the evaporation.
The transformation of water vapour into water is called condensation. Condensation is caused by the loss of heat. When moist air is cooled, it may reach a level when its capacity to hold water vapour ceases. Then, the excess water vapour condenses into liquid form. If it directly condenses into solid form, it is known as sublimation.
In free air, condensation results from cooling around very small particles termed as hygroscopic condensation nuclei. Particles of dust, smoke and salt from the ocean are particularly good nuclei because they absorb water.

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Gaurav Seth 4 years, 3 months ago

Mid-Oceanic Ridges:

i. A mid-oceanic ridge is composed of two chains of mountains separated by a large depression.

ii. The mountain ranges can have peaks as high as 2,500 m and some even reach above the ocean’s surface.

iii. Iceland, a part of the mid - Atlantic Ridge, is an example.

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Gaurav Seth 4 years, 3 months ago

The meaning of the heat budget of earth:
The heat budget refers to the heat received by the Earth and the atmosphere and the balance of heat loss by the earth. The greater capacity of heating of the Earth, the greater is the amount of heat energy returned back into space by radiation.

The budget of heat:
The Earth gets the solar radiation from the Sun in the form of short waves. After colliding with the Earth, reflection of the solar radiation takes place. The returning radiation from the Earth is called Terrestrial Radiation, which is in the form of long waves. Thus, the amount of solar radiation received by the earth and the terrestrial radiation released by the earth is almost the same.

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Gaurav Seth 4 years, 3 months ago

The tides can be classified on the basis of frequency as :


1. Semi-Diurnal Tides: The most common tidal pattern featuring two high tides and two low tides each day.

2. Diurnal Tides : There is only one high tide and one low tide during each day. Successive high tides and low tides are approximately of the same height.

3. Mixed Tides : Tides having variation in heights are known as mixed tides.

On the basis of height, tides can be classified as under :

1. Spring Tides : Tides of certain periods of time are unusually lower or higher than normal height. When sun, moon and the earth are in a straight line the tidal range will be high. These are called spring tides.

2. Neap Tides : When the moon is at first and last quarter, the sun and the moon make a right angle to the earth. The attraction of the sun and the moon tends to balance each other. As a result tides with lowest amplitude occur which are termed as neap tides.

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Anushka Kumari 4 years, 3 months ago

Devprayag is the place of confluence of the Alaknanda and Bhagirithi
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Gaurav Seth 4 years, 3 months ago


The inner core, the outer core, mantle and crust are the four layers of earth

The Inner Core

It is the centre and the hottest layer of the Earth. The inner core is solid and made up of iron and nickel with temperature up to 5,500oC. Due to its immense <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">heat energy</a>, the inner core is more like the engine room of the Earth.

The Outer Core

The outer core of the Earth is similar to a very hot ball of metals, whose temperature is around 4000 oF to 90000F. It is so hot that the metals inside are all in the liquid state. The outer core is located around 1800 miles under the crust and approximately 1400 miles thick. It is composed of metals such as iron and nickel. The outer core surrounds the inner core.

The inner core has pressures and temperatures so high that the metals are squeezed together and not able to move like a liquid, but are forced to vibrate instead of solid.


Mantle is the widest section of the Earth. Its thickness is approximately 2,900 km. The mantle is mainly made up of semi-molten rock known as magma. The rock is hard in the upper part of the mantle, but lower down the rock is softer and begins to melt.

The mantle is located directly under the Sima. The mantle consists of very hot and dense rock. This layer of rock flows like asphalt under heavy weight. This flow is because of the greatest temperature differences from the bottom to the top of the mantle. The reason behind the plates of the Earth move is the movement of the mantle. Its temperature varies between 1600 oF at the upper part to 4000 oF near the bottom.


The crust is the outer layer where we live. The thickness is around 0-60 km. It’s a solid rock layer divided into two types:

  1. Continental crust covers the land and,
  2. Oceanic crust covers water

The crust is the most widely studied and understood. Mantle is hotter and capable of flowing. The outer and inner core are much hotter with great pressures that you can be squeezed into a ball smaller than a marble if you are able to go in the center of the Earth.

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Yogita Ingle 4 years, 3 months ago

  • The Port of Kolkata is a riverine port in the city of Kolkata, India, located around 203 kilometres (126 mi) from the sea. It is the oldest operating port in India, and was constructed by the British East India Company.
  •  Kolkata is an Inland riverine port serving a large hinterland of Ganga Brahmaputra basin.
  •  It is located along the banks of the Ganges.
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Yogita Ingle 4 years, 3 months ago

Throughout different places, the Brahmaputra is known by different names: the Yarlung Tsangpo is Tibet, the Dihang or Siang in Arunachal Pradesh, and the Jamuna in Bangladesh.

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Yogita Ingle 4 years, 3 months ago

Nanda Devi and Dhaulagiri are mountain peaks in the Himalaya mountain range.

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Gaurav Seth 4 years, 3 months ago

पार्थिव ग्रह पृथ्वी की भाँति ही शैलों और धातुओं से बने हैं और अपेक्षाकृत अधिक घनत्व वाले हैं। जनक तारे के बहुत नजदीक होने के कारण और अत्यधिक तापमान के कारण इन ग्रहों की गैसें संघनित नहीं हो पाईं और घनीभूत भी न हो सकी। छोटे होने के कारण इनकी गुरुत्वाकर्षण शक्ति भी कम रही, जिसके। फलस्वरूप इनसे निकली हुई गैसें इन पर रुक नहीं सकीं। पहले चार ग्रह बुध, शुक्र, पृथ्वी और मंगल पार्थिव ग्रह कहे जाते हैं।

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Yogita Ingle 4 years, 3 months ago

1. Parent Material: It is deposited by streams or derived from in-situ weathering. In this stage, soil inherits many properties like mineral composition, color, particle size, and chemical elements. For example- Black soil-derives its colour from lava rock

2. Climate: It is one of the important factors in the formation of soil because it affects the rate of weathering of the parent rock.

3. Parent Material: It is deposited by streams or derived from in-situ weathering. In this stage, soil inherits many properties like mineral composition, color, particle size, and chemical elements. For example- Black soil-derives its colour from lava rock

4 Climate: It is one of the important factors in the formation of soil because it affects the rate of weathering of the parent rock.

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Jyoti Jangra 4 years, 3 months ago

Soil is the mixture of rock debris and organic material which developed on the earth surface.
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Sia ? 3 years, 10 months ago

The similarity in outline of the coastlines of eastern South America and West Africa had been noted for some time. The best fit is obtained if the coastlines are matched at a depth of 1,000 metres below current sea level. Eastern South American and West African.
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Gaurav Seth 4 years, 3 months ago

Answer: troposphere

The troposphere is the lower most layer of the atmosphere. This layer contains dust particles and water vapour. All types of changes in climate and weather take place in this layer. This is the most important layer for all biological activity.

  • 1 answers

Gaurav Seth 4 years, 3 months ago

Answer: troposphere

The troposphere is the lower most layer of the atmosphere. This layer contains dust particles and water vapour. All types of changes in climate and weather take place in this layer. This is the most important layer for all biological activity.

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Sarita K 4 years, 3 months ago


Sarita K 4 years, 3 months ago

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Yogita Ingle 4 years, 3 months ago

The flow of water through well-defined channels is known as ‘drainage’ and the network of such channels is called a ‘drainage system’. The drainage pattern of an area is the outcome of the geological time period, nature and structure of rocks, topography, slope, amount of water flowing and the periodicity of the flow.

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Yogita Ingle 4 years, 3 months ago

Ocean currents are streams of water flowing on ocean surface in different directions. These currents can be warm or cold carrying the currents which can either be cold or warm from one region of Earth's surface to another. Warm current flows from Equator to poles whereas cold currents originate in the polar region and flow towards the Equator. 

Warm currents move from the equator to the poles ex Gulf Stream, South Atlantic Current and Cold currents move from poles to the equator ex Labrador Current, West Australian Current. 

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Yogita Ingle 4 years, 3 months ago

Physical geography includes study of Lithosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere & Biosphere- each element is very important for human beings.
Landforms provide base for agriculture, industries, transport and communication, and settlements. Mountains provide water to rivers, forests-center for tourist spots.
Climate influences on the cropping pattern, livestock, food and clothes of the people.
limate and precipitation influence the type of forests. Oceans provide food, water transport, and influence the climate; they are the source of hydrological cycle. (i) Geomorphology is devoted to the study of land forms, their evolution and related processes.
(ii) Climatology encompasses the study of structure of atmosphere and elements of weather and climates and climatic types and regions.
(iii) Hydrology studies the realm of water over the surface of the earth including oceans, lakes, rivers and other water bodies and its effect on different life forms including human life and their activities.
(iv) Soil Geography is devoted to study the processes of soil formation, soil types, their fertility status, distribution and use

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Yogita Ingle 4 years, 3 months ago

The three types of earthquake waves are described below:

  • ‘P’ or longitudinal waves or primary waves -  These waves travel in the direction of their movement. They can travel through solid as well as liquid matter.
  • ‘S’ or transverse or secondary waves -These waves travel at right angle to the direction of their oscillation. They can travel in solid media only.
  • ‘L’ or Long Waves -  These are surface waves. These do not go deep into the earth.
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Yogita Ingle 4 years, 3 months ago

Geographers are important for any country because:

  • They study the variations and association of the features on the earth surface e.g. cropping pattern differs from place to place and it is due to difference in the climate, soil, demand, transport facility and capacity of the farmer.
  • A geographer also studies the cause and effect relationships.
  • The interaction between man and nature is highly dynamic and not static; so it is also called as the study of the relation between unstable earth and untrusting man.
  • He helps to predict climate.
  • He helps in handling natural calamities.
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Yogita Ingle 4 years, 3 months ago


A place is classed as a subcontinent when it is part of a continent but is considered either geographically or politically as an independent entity or it is smaller than a continent. 


India is often called a subcontinent because it is a distinct landmass, not just a country. While it has many features of a continent, it is not as big as one, so is not considered a continent. 

India was once a continent (or at least a very large island). Due to continental drift, India moved north and became part of Asia. 

India is now joined with the continent of Asia, but is a distinct area separated by the Himalayas. Originally it was a separate geologic plate, but has collided and merged with Asia. 


Politically, the Indian subcontinent includes Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Sometimes, the geographical term 'Indian subcontinent' is used interchangeably with 'South Asia', although that last term is used typically as a political term and is also used to include Afghanistan.

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