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Kuldeep Meena 7 months, 2 weeks ago

The three phases of the author`s relationship with his grandmother before he left the country to study abroad
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Vishal Yadav 7 months, 2 weeks ago

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Vishal Yadav 7 months, 2 weeks ago

The grand mother pretty but beautiful. How?
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Renushka Kapoor 7 months, 2 weeks ago

There were two boys one was thirteen years old named Mourad and one was nine years old named Aram ,one day Mourad came to Aram's house with a beautiful white horse ,he knocked Aram's window and his reaction was surprised to see it because their tribe known as garoghlanian was very poor and alose they were known for their honesty .That's why he can't believe he asked his cousin where he stole this horse but he didn't answer it and said if he wanted to ride then come out .The narrator got to know that he stole it .Aram then came out after leaping his clothes .They started to ride horse and Aram started to feel good and lively . Mourad started to sing ,everyone in the group considered him a crazy streak ,just like uncle khusrove ,he was big built ,big moustache,black hair , blooming voice , instead of speaking he roars easily gets irritated impatient shut up other and always say it's no harm pay no attention once his own son arak ran eights blocks to tell him their house is on fire but he didn't paid any attention . But Mourad's dad was very practical. Mourad wanted to ride the horse alone so Aram gate down and after five minutes he came back and Aram wanted to ride the horse alone ,he tried to ride but then he fell and the horse ran to the roadside both brothers started to search ,Mourad find him and hide him in deserted vineyard that day John byro who's the owner of the horse came to Mourad house for tabaco and coffee and started to share his sorrows uncle khusrove sitting there gets irritated and started to make him quite. Aram ran to Mourad's house and told everything and made him promise not to return the horse until he learned how to ride it . One morning they ran into John byro ,they created them and then he saw a horse and saw it eagerly he saw his mouth and concluded his twin of his horse because he trusted them. The next day they returned the horse and John byro came to Aram's house to show his gladness then uncle khusrove again got irritated and said it's no pain if your horse returned. That's it for the summary I guess.
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Sara Debbarma 8 months, 1 week ago

1. Enjambment - lines with no punctuation marks like stanza 2 5 lines. 2. Alliteration - having same alphabets in the same line like stanza 1 , line no. 3 , my mother's. 3. Ephithet - any words with shows the quality of something like in stanza 1 line no.9 , washed their terribly transient feet , terribly transient shows the quality of the feet. 4. Oxymoron - words used in the same line having opposite meanings like in stanza 2 last line , laboured & ease. Hope this helped:)
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Akshay Vashisht 8 months, 1 week ago

Singham has booked all ticket

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