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  • 4 answers

Mannu Dahiya 2 years, 10 months ago

Dinoflagellates are the organisms with di(2) flagella(helps in locomotion)i.e, transversely and longnitudinally.Example, Red Dinoflagellates(Gonaulax) are the organisms which are responsible for the redness seen in the oceans

Vikas Dhaka 2 years, 10 months ago


Anjan Karthi 2 years, 10 months ago

...... Colours covering their entire body surface are extensively thick cell walls and they have TWO flagella - one transverse and one longitudinally emanating out of the cell wall surface.

Anjan Karthi 2 years, 10 months ago

Dinoflagellates are exclusively marine plant-like protistans which have a huge internal diversity due to different pigments present in their cells causing RED, BROWN, YELLOW, ORANGE.
1. Name the two semiautonomous cell organelles. 2. The most popular model that explains the structure of plasma membrane is __________. 3. Most abundant protein in the plant world and biosphere. 4. Light phase of photosynthesis was explained by: 5. Dark reaction is otherwise known as: 6. Full form of PEP is: 7. The three stages of dark reaction are: 8. The site of light and dark reactions are respectively are ___________&______________. 9. How many subunits are there in human adult haemoglobin? 10. Differentiate between plant and animal cells 11. Cell organelles and functions 12. Study the types of placentation and examples. 13. Aestivation types and placentation. 14. SER differ from RER in: 15. Alternation of generations 16. Symmetry, coelom & level f organisation- examples 17. Oviparous and viviparous organisms. 18. Egg laying mammal 19. Features of chordates 20. Types of bones in aves 21. Flight adaptations 22. The Phylogenetic System of classification was put forth by: 23. Plant and animal specimens may also be preserved as dry specimens in________. 24. Cyanobacteria are classified under: 25. Which of the following plastids stores oil and fat? [ 26. The outer protein covering of virus is_______. 27. Full form of DNA/RNA ______________. 28. The purines and pyrimidines of a nucleic acids are: 29. What are the structural units of DNA? 30. Types of Sugars in DNA and RNA are ____________. 31. The types of bonds present in polysaccharides, proteins, and nucleic acids are so and so------ 32. Lipids are _______________ chains. 33. Examples for tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins are respectively__________ and _______. 34. Enzymes are ____________. 35. The enzyme that catalyses the convertion of co2 into carbonic acid is: 36. The number of species that are known and described is: 37. How many essential amino acids are known? 38. The arrangement of sepals or petals in floral bud is called 39. In Which form Fungi Stores Food Material? 40. A group of closely related families is called ______. 41. National Botanical Institute is located in ________. 42. The primary structure of a protein molecule has: 43. Which among the following belong to Sphenopsida? 44. Apart from excretion what is another major function of kidneys in mammals? 45. Which organisms belonging to Urochordata?
  • 4 answers

Divya Kumari 2 years, 10 months ago

2)fluid mosaic model . 3)ruBisCo 9)four subunits. 26) RNA. 27) DNA-deoxy ribo nuclic acid and RNA- ribo nuclic acid. 29) nucleotide

Anjan Karthi 2 years, 10 months ago

8) Light reaction = Inside thylakoids. Dark reactions = Stroma. 9) 4 subunits.

Anjan Karthi 2 years, 10 months ago

6) Phospho-enol Pyruvate

Anjan Karthi 2 years, 10 months ago

1) Mitochondria and Chloroplast. 2) Singer and Nicolson. 3) RuBisCo (Ribulose Bis phosphate Carboxylase - oxygenase)
  • 5 answers

Mannu Dahiya 2 years, 11 months ago

Join telegram group *biology notes for neet*

Vasudha Vasudha 2 years, 11 months ago

Go through the video Revision notes Given in my cbse guide

🤟Royal Thakur 🤟 2 years, 11 months ago

How many chapters you have to prepare ??

Swanika Ramaraj 2 years, 11 months ago

Go through one shot youtube videos and search for notes i think it might help. But from now on pls start preparing in advance (:

Ankit ............ 2 years, 11 months ago

I can't help you but I can suggest you that you can revise the chapters from this app. Thank you!
  • 3 answers

Prabhjot Kaur 2 years, 9 months ago


Ankit ............ 2 years, 11 months ago

Femur- longest, longest and heaviest in the body.

Karan Bhardwaj 2 years, 11 months ago

  • 3 answers

Ankit ............ 2 years, 11 months ago

RBC ,WBC and Platelets

Ankit ............ 2 years, 11 months ago

Erythrocytes (RBC), leukocytes (WBC),and thrombocytes(

Karan Bhardwaj 2 years, 11 months ago

Haemoglobin component
  • 2 answers

Ankit ............ 2 years, 11 months ago

Locomotion-Displacement of a body from one place to another Movement-Displacement of a body or a part of body from its original position.

Rishabh Azad 2 years, 11 months ago

Perhaps movement is occur by muscles whereas locomotion by cilia and flagella
  • 2 answers

Arisha Fatma 2 years, 10 months ago

Two economically important uses of heterotrophic bacteria are: (a)They help in the production of curd from milk (b) Many antibiotics are obtained from some species of bacteria. Two economically important uses of Archaebacteria are: (a) Methane gas is produced from the dung of ruminant by the methanoges (b) Methanoges are also involved in the formation of biogas and sewage treatment.

Anjan Karthi 2 years, 11 months ago

a) Used at fermentation sites and commercial curd production. b) A group of archaebacteria called METHANOGENS are present in rumen of cattle and are capable of producing CH4. They also help study how early life emerged.
  • 1 answers

Hruday Reddy 2 years, 11 months ago

Monocot plants have fiber roots system . Dicot plants have tap roots system.
  • 1 answers

Ankit ............ 2 years, 11 months ago

The difference in the concentration a substance between two areas is gold concentration gradient
  • 3 answers

Anjan Karthi 2 years, 11 months ago

Cat ------ Species = ?????. Genus = ?????. Family = Felidae. Order = Carnivora. Class = Mammalia. Phylum = Chordata. Kingdom = Animalia.

Anjan Karthi 2 years, 11 months ago

Dog ----- Species = ??????????. Genus = ?????. Family = Canidae. Order = Carnivora. Class = Mammalia. Phylum = Chordata. Kingdom = Animal is.

Anjan Karthi 2 years, 11 months ago

Mango ------- Species = ??????. Genus = ?????????. Family = Anacardiaceae. Order = Sapindales. Class = Dicotyledonae. Phylum = Angiospermae. Kingdom = Plantae.
  • 1 answers

Ankit ............ 2 years, 11 months ago

Disease can present in acute sub acute or chronic in usually abdominal pain and swelling evidence of portal hypertension and variable degrees sernum enzyme elevations and jaundice
  • 3 answers

Saloni Mishra 2 years, 11 months ago

Some chemical reactions occur in our body is known as metabolic

Pranav Pandey 2 years, 11 months ago

All the chemical reaction or activities happens in our body together they are called matabolic reactions.

Mannu Dahiya 2 years, 11 months ago

Sum of all the reactions occuring in our body
  • 2 answers

Mannu Dahiya 2 years, 11 months ago

The plants bearing naked seeds

Mohd Imran 2 years, 11 months ago

Seed producing plants
  • 1 answers

Mohd Imran 2 years, 11 months ago

It is a disease
  • 3 answers

Divya. Kumari 2 years, 11 months ago

Why they formed in liver ?

Divya. Kumari 2 years, 11 months ago


Hruday Reddy 2 years, 11 months ago

Urea is the toxic substance which r waste substance in the body . If the body does not let Urea out then there will be infection in the body and in the surroundings of the excreatory track.
  • 1 answers

A J 2 years, 11 months ago

They protect the liver from bacterial infections n play a major role in the functions of liver
  • 1 answers

Preeti Dabral 2 years, 11 months ago

The heart of fish has two chambers. This means there is no separate circulation for oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. There is separation of two chambers in the atrium of amphibians. This has further evolved for partial separation of ventricle as well in reptiles. Finally in birds there is complete separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood circulation due to advent of four chambers in the heart. Mammal heart is the most developed having the most efficient double circulatory system with four chambers and separation of two blood streams.

  • 1 answers

Mohd Imran 2 years, 11 months ago

the heartbeat is triggered by the sinoatrial node, and the impulse of contraction originates in the heart, the human heart is thus known as myogenic. ... As the heartbeat is triggered by the sinoatrial node, and the impulse of contraction originates in the heart, the human heart is thus known as myogenic
  • 1 answers

Preeti Dabral 2 years, 11 months ago

Blood is considered on a connective tissue because it contains plasma and the form ed elem ents such as RBCs, WBCs (leucocytes), blood platelets etc.

  • 1 answers

Mohd Imran 2 years, 11 months ago

Heart originates from the mesoderm layer of the connective tissue system which is the middle germ layer of an embryo. Therefore, heart is mesodermal in origin
  • 1 answers

Preeti Dabral 2 years, 11 months ago

The fish heart is called the venous heart because it only receives blood from the veins and pumps it for oxygenation straight to the gills. In the fish heart, blood travels through a single complete circuit once only.  Blood flows into the atrium after passing through the fish leaving it poorly oxygenated.

  • 1 answers

Preeti Dabral 2 years, 11 months ago

Serum is plasma without the clotting factors. Red blood cells account for approximately 45% of the whole blood, white blood cells and platelets approximately 1%, and serum or plasma accounts for the remainder, approximately 55% of the volume

  • 1 answers

Sia ? 2 years, 11 months ago

Biofertilizers are living microbes that enhance plant nutrition by either by mobilizing or increasing nutrient availability in soils. Various microbial taxa including beneficial bacteria and fungi are currently used as biofertilizers, as they successfully colonize the rhizosphere, rhizoplane or root interior.

  • 1 answers

Sia ? 2 years, 11 months ago

Phagocytosis is a cellular process for ingesting and eliminating particles larger than 0.5 μm in diameter, including microorganisms, foreign substances, and apoptotic cells. Phagocytosis is found in many types of cells and it is, in consequence an essential process for tissue homeostasis.

  • 1 answers

Sia ? 2 years, 11 months ago

Plasma Serum
The liquid part of the blood is called plasma which is a solution in water of many compounds. It contains many organic and inorganic substances. In the plasma, digested food, CO2 and excretory products are carried around the body. It is the blood plasma from which the fibrinogen has been removed. It contains antibodies to overcome the toxic effect of micro-organisms.
  • 1 answers

Sia ? 2 years, 11 months ago

Bacteria in the digestive system break down nutrients, such as complex sugars, into forms the body can use. Non-hazardous bacteria also help prevent diseases by occupying places that the pathogenic, or disease-causing, bacteria want to attach to. Some bacteria protect us from disease by attacking the pathogens.

  • 3 answers

Sia ? 2 years, 11 months ago

The stages of cellular respiration include glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, the citric acid or Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.

Divya. Kumari 2 years, 11 months ago

Cell is a basic unit of life ,it has structural and functional unit.

Archana Painkra 2 years, 11 months ago

Cell kise kahte h
  • 2 answers

Sia ? 2 years, 11 months ago

Features of Plant Kingdom:

  • Plants are autotrophic, except for some carnivorous plants. They trap photo energy from sunlight and convert it to chemical energy through photosynthesis. Because of these plants are the main channel for supplying energy in the food chain on earth.
  • Reproduction in plants can be by any of the following modes: Vegetative or Asexual, and Sexual Reproduction.
  • The plant cell is unique because of the presence of cell wall and large vacuoles. Green parts of plant contain chlorophyll, which helps them in trapping the photo energy.
  • Sizes of plants can vary from microscopic to a very large tree. Plants are mainly divided into Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.
  • Lower plants, like algae and bryophytes, have thalloid structure, while higher plants, like gymnosperms and angiosperms, have clearly defined roots and stems.
  • In higher plants root gives a means to anchor in the soil and helps the plant in taking minerals and water from the soil. Green leaves on the stem help them in photosynthesis.
  • Most of the plant grow as a result of photosynthesis. After photosynthesis, extra food is utilized to facilitate growth.
  • Usually in higher plants growth is unlimited and some taller trees can live a life of more than 1000 years.
  • Being the main carbon fixation agents, plants are very important for the whole ecology.
  • The whole food basket for humans is being filled by the plant kingdom. Even animal products, like milk and poultry, are indirect results of plants carbon fixation.
  • Plants supply raw materials for a majority of economic activities. Wood for furniture and building materials come from plants. The whole paper industry is dependent on plant kingdom. Think of a life if there was no paper and you may understand the larger impact on human civilization.
  • Angiosperms have special organs, called flower, to bear sexual parts. Flowers are helpful tool in facilitating variations and further evolution of the plant kingdom.

Mannu Dahiya 2 years, 11 months ago

Join telegram group *biology notes for neet* U can see notes with pictures

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