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Akash Dole 4 months, 3 weeks ago

These poem is a humorous telling us how to identify the wild animals by its physical look
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Surya Kumar 4 months, 3 weeks ago

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Kajal Sahu 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Tricki fall ill because of overfeeding of multi nutritional food and not doing any exercises
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Ridhima Rathore 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Seagull and pilot

Ra Alam 4 months, 3 weeks ago

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Sharyu Patil 4 months, 3 weeks ago

The thing was ausable had an interview with fowler on some day and on the same day ausable was going to recieve a important report of some work as he was a secret agent. And so when they both were going to ausable's room they saw max( another secret agent ) waiting for ausable to come and ask for the documents. Max was going to rob him with the papers so that their information won't get spread. Then he tries to scare ausable by his gun but ausable did not react fearfully instead he acted smartly and told max that in 30 mins police is going to come and you are going to be arrested, by listening to him max tried to escape from the balcony that ausable told that was connected to another room but the thing was the balcony didn't exist at all. That was max's big mistake that he listened to ausable and jumped off the balcony, he fell down screaming and must have died... That was the summary of 'The Midnight Visitor' I hope it's the whole thing that I understood.

Narphavi T 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Ausable had most important report.

Narphavi T 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Fowler was a writer Ausable and max were secret agent

Narphavi T 4 months, 3 weeks ago

There was three main max fowler and ausable

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