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  • 4 answers

Tejesh Sahu 4 years ago


Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

The smallest bone in the human body is called stapes, located in the middle ear.

Sakshi Kumari 4 years ago

Stapes. It is present in the middle ear
  • 5 answers

Mehbub Ahmed 4 years ago

It's femur or thigh bone

Nisha Menon 4 years ago

femur is the longest bone
Thigh bone

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

The thigh bone (Femur) is almost 19.9 inches long and is the longest bone in the human body. It runes from the hip down to around the knee area.

Foram Patel 4 years ago

It's femur or thigh bone
  • 3 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

We sweat more in the summer session. Cotton is a strong water absorber helps to absorb the sweat and introduce to the environment of evaporation. Our body takes out heat as the sweat evaporates from our body. Therefore our body loses heat and is cooled.

Foram Patel 4 years ago

We sweat more in the summer session. Cotton is a strong water absorber helps to absorb the sweat and introduce to the environment of evaporation. Our body takes out heat as the sweat evaporates from our body.

Mehbub Ahmed 4 years ago

As cotton cloth are light and suck all the sweat of body and fell us cool.
  • 2 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Simple tissues are of three types namely parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma.

  • Parenchyma – They are living cells and walled, soft in nature due to the presence of thin-walled cells
  • Collenchyma – These are characterized by uneven thick-walled living cells.
  • Sclerenchyma – They have cells with thickened lignified walls, providing them strength and making them waterproof.

Foram Patel 4 years ago

Parenchyma cells are the type of living plant cells, which are known for healing and repair mechanism, and food storage. ... Sclerenchyma cells are the matured dead cells and are found in wooden part or hard stem of the plant.
  • 3 answers

Mehbub Ahmed 4 years ago

Please give my answer.

Mehbub Ahmed 4 years ago

Ink is a mixture
  • 1 answers

Meghna Thapar 3 years, 11 months ago

Water can exist in three different physical states. Water does exist in the form of ice or snow in the solid-state. Water exists as water vapour or steam, in the gaseous state and it exists in the form of water in its liquid state.

The density of ice is less than water. Liquids generally have lower density as compared to solids but ice floats on water. When water freezes to form ice, some empty spaces are created. As a result, volume increases for the same mass of water.

  • 1 answers

Gaurav Seth 4 years ago

Osmosis Diffusion
It is limited only to the liquid medium. Occurs in liquid, gas and even solids.
Requires a semipermeable membrane. Do not require a semipermeable membrane.
Depends on the number of solute particles dissolved in the solvent. Depends on the presence of other particles.
Requires water for the movement of particles. Do not require water for the movement of particles.
Only the solvent molecules can diffuse. Both the molecules of solute and solvent can diffuse.
The flow of particles occurs only in one direction. The flow of particles occurs in all the directions.
The entire process can either be stopped or reversed by applying additional pressure on the solution side. This process can neither be stopped nor reversed.
  • 1 answers

Gaurav Seth 4 years ago

Fiber length and size can vary considerably within a given muscleand between different muscles. Therefore, numbers of nuclei can range from 50-1000 per fiber. For instance in B6 mice an FDB fiber will contain about 30-50 nuclei, while a Soleus fiber can have up to 800.

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Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Let us assume, the final velocity with which ball will strike the ground be ‘v’ and time it takes to strike the ground be ‘t’.

Given parameters

Initial Velocity of the ball (u) = 0

Distance or height of fall (s) = 20 m

Downward acceleration (a) = 10 m s-2

As we know

2as = v– u2

v2 = 2as +  u2

v= (2 x 10 x 20 ) + 0

v=  400

Final velocity of ball (v) = 20 ms-1

t = (v – u)/a

Time taken by the ball to strike (t) = (20 – 0)/10

t = 20/10

t = 2 seconds

The final velocity with which ball will strike the ground is (v) =  20 ms-1

The time it takes to strike the ground (t) = 2 seconds

  • 1 answers

Gaurav Seth 4 years ago

skeletal (striated) muscle - contracts quickly and fatigues quickly, smooth (non striated) muscle - contracts slowly and fatigues slowly, cardiac muscle - doesn't fatigue and works as a single unit due to communication between cells through intercalated discs

  • 1 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Plants and animals are different kinds of organisms; hence, they require different types of tissues to carry out their bodily functions.
Plants are autotrophic and stationary, whereas animals have to move from one place to another in search of food, mate, and shelter. Plant tissues are suited for the stationary habit of plants, whereas tissue organisation in animals is targeted at providing higher mobility.

  • 3 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Plasma membrane is composed of organic molecules like lipids and proteins.

Dolly Singh 4 years ago

Plasma membrane composed of protein and lipids (fats)

Agrima Gupta 4 years ago

Proteins and Lipids

  • 2 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Bases may either be soluble or insoluble in water. Therefore, all alkalis are bases because they will all neutralize acids, but not all bases are alkalis because not all bases will dissolve in water. An example of an alkali is sodium hydroxide.

Himanshi Mehran 4 years ago

Only applicable for boys
  • 3 answers

Rooh Choudhary 4 years ago

Isolated systems and collision analysis and momentum problems using equations as guides to thinking momentum conservations in explosions

Tejas Agalve 4 years ago

The law of conservation momentum states that- if there is collision between object 1 and 2 them the total momentum before collision and after collision is equal.

Ananya K 4 years ago

In physics and chemistry, the law of conservation of momentum states that the momentum of an isolated system remains constant. Momentum is therefore said to be conserved over time; that is, momentum is neither created nor destroyed, only transformed or transferred from one form to another.
  • 2 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

The other name of cotyledon is seed leaf or ‘embryonic leaf’.  

  • Embryonic leaf is a distinct part within the embryo of seed-bearing plants. These are the first leaves that grow during germination.  
  • These are flattened blade-like leaves which are attached to a thin stem. They perform photosynthesis and transpiration in the germinating seedlings.  
  • The number of ‘cotyledons’ is used by botanists to distinguish a plant as monocotyledonous (for single cotyledon) and dicotyledonous (for two cotyledons).  

Aarya Sharma 4 years ago

Seed leaf
  • 2 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Shark is an example of fishes which are made up of both bone and cartilage. E

Aarya Sharma 4 years ago

  • 1 answers
No, Galileo's law of inertia is another name for newton's First. law of motion Newton's first law states that an object will remain at rest or move at a constant speed in a straight line unless it is acted on by an unbalanced force. Inertia comes from mass. Objects with more mass have more inertia
  • 1 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

According to the scientists, the natural state of bodies is the state of rest. Galileo opposed this concept after his observations.


He observed that when a ball was made to roll down an inclined plane, its speed increased. Similarly if it was made to roll up the inclined plane, its speed decreased. Galileo repeated this experiment by making the surface very smooth. He observed that the ball continued to move for a longer time.

  • 5 answers

Ananya K 4 years ago

Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. The human body is composed of trillions of cells. ... Cells have many parts, each with a different function. Some of these parts, called organelles, are specialized structures that perform certain tasks within the cell.

Sajal Goel 4 years ago

Cells are the basic, functional, fundamental and structural unit of life

Keshav Gupta 4 years ago

Cells are structural , functional and fundamental unit of life

Tejas Agalve 4 years ago

Cells are the fundamental and structural unit of life

Kushagra Sharma 4 years ago

Cells are the structural and functional unit of life.
  • 4 answers

Tejas Agalve 4 years ago

Chromatography is a technique of separation of solutes for a solvent on th basis of rate of diffusion of that solute . It's use is to separate different dyes from a single colour

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Chromatography is the technique used for separation of those solutes that dissolve in the same solvent.
Applications of Chromatography
To separate
• colours in a dye
• pigments from natural colours
• drugs from blood.

Abhijeet Pandey 4 years ago

this is used for seperation of of those solutes that dessolve in same solvent

Abhijeet Pandey 4 years ago

the process of seperation of components of a mixture is known as chromatography
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Ananya K 4 years ago

a living organism of the kind exemplified by trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, and mosses, typically growing in a permanent site, absorbing water and inorganic substances through its roots, and synthesizing nutrients in its leaves by photosynthesis using the green pigment chlorophyll.

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Plants are one of the most essential living organisms on earth. They are immensely beneficial to both animals and human beings. They produce oxygen which is crucial for the survival of living organisms. Trees provide shelter to animals and are also known for their medicinal benefits. Overall, different parts of plants have different roles to perform. They act as a source of food and oxygen and maintain the ecological balance.

  • 5 answers

Jiya ??? 4 years ago


Ananya K 4 years ago

Prokaryotic cells are haploid, meaning they do not have chromosomes that occur in homologous pairs. Most prokaryotic cells have just one chromosome, so they are classified as haploid cells (1n, without paired chromosomes). Even in Vibrio cholerae, which has two chromosomes, the chromosomes are unique from one another.

Tejas Agalve 4 years ago

Only one chromosomes present in prokaryotic cell

Naman Yadav 4 years ago

  • 5 answers

Sathana S 4 years ago

Cotton is absorbed sweat from the body .So whycotton is useful in summer
All gases information

Rooh Choudhary 4 years ago

We wear cotton clothes during summer as cotton absorbs sweat from the body.

Ananya K 4 years ago

We sweat more in the summer session. Cotton is a strong water absorber helps to absorb the sweat and introduce to the environment of evaporation. Our body takes out heat as the sweat evaporates from our body

Anmolpreet Kaur 4 years ago

Becuase it absorb all the sweat and keep us cool
  • 1 answers

Riya Saini 4 years ago

Water is considered to be a compound due to the following reasons :
(i) Water cannot be separated into its constituents hydrogen and oxygen by physical methods.
(ii) Properties of water are entirely different from its constituents hydrogen and and oxygen. Hydrogen is combustible while oxygen supports combustion. Water is quite different from the two and it extinguishes fire.
(iii) Heat and light are given out when water is formed by burning hydrogen and oxygen.
(iv) The composition of water is fixed. Its constituents hydrogen and oxygen are present in the ratio of 1 : 8 by mass.
(v) Water has a fixed boiling point of(or 373 K) under atmospheric pressure of one atmosphere (or 760 mm).
  • 2 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Grana - A series of stacked thylakoid disks, found in the inner membrane of chloroplasts. Grana are connected by intergranal lamellae.
Grana function in the light reactions of photosynthesis. The grana of chloroplast consists of pigment system made upof chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b, carotine and xanthophyll.

Student 10Th 4 years ago

the stacks of thylakoids embedded in the stroma of a chloroplast.

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