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  • 3 answers

Hashini N 4 years ago

cell has metal cap and metal disc battery has 2 or more cells

Hemant Kumar 4 years ago

Worksheet number 26 Hindi ki dikhaiya

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Cell Battery
A cell is a single unit device which converts chemical energy into electric energy. A battery usually consists of group of cells.
Depending on the types of electrolytes used, a cell is either reserve, wet or dry types. Cell also includes  molten salt type. A battery is either a primary battery or a secondary battery meaning it is rechargeable or non-chargeable.
A cell is usually light and compact as it has a single unit. Battery normally consists of several cells thus giving it a bigger size and is bulky.
A cell supplies power for a shorter period of time. A battery can supply power long durations.
A cell is used mostly for lighter tasks  which requires less energy. It is used in


lamps, clocks, lamp, etc.

A battery is mostly used for heavy-duty tasks. It is used in inverters, automobiles, inverter, etc.
Cells are usually cheap Batteries are much costlier.
  • 2 answers

Hashini N 4 years ago

sorry samjha I can't draw diagram but I will explain it is a movable allows movement in all directions .it has a rounded end of one bone fit into the cavity of the bone

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

all and socket joints:

  • This is the type of joint in which ball shape surface of one bone fitted into the hollow space of another bone also called socket.
  • In this type of joint movement can be done in all the directions. For example: shoulder joint, hip joint

  • 3 answers

Gaurav Seth 4 years ago

  1. Living beings are made of cells.
  2. Living beings obtain and use energy.
  3. Living beings grow and develop.
  4. Living beings reproduce.
  5. Living beings adapt to their environment
  6. Living beings respond to their environment or stimuli.

Yashvi Patel 4 years ago

Humans, animals and trees and plants
  • 3 answers

Shashank Sm 3 years, 11 months ago

Cartilage is a soft and flexible bone present in our ears, nose etc.,

Saneha Yadav 4 years ago

Soft covering of the ends of bones at the joints is known as cartilage .

Mohd Shaban 4 years ago

The cartilage is a new baby bone and a adult person is called bone
  • 1 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

  • Flower is mainly the reproductive part of plant. Due to different colors of flowers we are able to recognize the plant.
  • Different parts of flower: Petals, Sepals, Pistil, Stamen.


  •  Petals: The colored part of flower that covers the reproductive part of flower.
  • Sepals: The outermost green color part that enclose the bud.
  • Stamen: The pollen producing part of flower. It has two parts, first is anther which contains pollen grains and second is filament, the tube like structure supporting anther.
  • Pistil: The innermost part which produces ovules.
  • 1 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Reversible changes: The changes which can be brought back to its original form are known as reversible changes. For example, melting of wax and stretching of a rubber band.

Irreversible changes: The changes in which the matter cannot be brought back to its original state are known as irreversible changes. For example, burning of paper changes it into ash and smoke. Paper cannot be obtained back from ash and smoke.

  • 2 answers

Shashank Sm 3 years, 11 months ago

Pivotal joint is present in our neck allows Movement in forward and backward direction and right and left direction

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

The joint where our neck joins the head is a pivotal joint. It allows us to bend our head forward and backward and turn the head to our right or left. In a pivotal joint a cylindrical bone rotates in a ring. Movement at such a joint is limited to rotation around a central axis. 

  • 5 answers

Rohitha S 4 years ago

Vitamin and minerals

Samiksha Yadav 4 years ago

Vitamins and minerals
Vitamins minarals
Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals.. By-S.THAMIRA SHIVA GRADE6 SRI SRI PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA VIDYALAYA ........

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Vegetable are rich in _____ and_____

Vitamines and minerials 

  • 1 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Pinhole Camera

A pinhole camera is a simple camera, without lens, in the shape of a box. One of the sides has a small hole and it produces an inverted image of the outside world at other side.

  • The box should be painted black from outside and inside for better clarity.
  • The object whose image is to be seen should be in bright light.
  • Smaller the hole, sharper the image.
  • Temporary Black and White images are formed on the screen if a tracing paper is used. Permanent colored and b & w images can be obtained using photographic films instead of tracing paper.
  • In the below diagram, two boxes are placed one inside the other. The image of the outer object is created inverted on the inner box translucent screen.

  • 2 answers

Shivam Singh 4 years ago

The primary causes of monsoon is the difference between annual temperature trend over land and sea This low pressure regions she continuous rise of moist wind from the sea surface to the upper layers of the atmosphere, where the cooling means the air can no longer hold so much moisture resulting in precipitation.

Gaurav Seth 4 years ago

Monsoon winds bring rainfall in India. Agriculture in India depends on rains. Good monsoons mean sufficient rain and a good crop. Hence, monsoon winds is very important. Our prosperity depends on these winds.

  • 2 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

If the magnet has a low enough mass, and the string induces very little forces and friction on the magnet, it will act like a compass, the south end will point to the north pole and vice versus with north.

Shivam Singh 4 years ago

One end of any bar magnet will always want to point north if it is freely suspended. This is called the north-seeking pole of the magnet, or simply the north pole. The opposite end is called the south pole. ... So, we can conclude that the north end of a compass is attracted to the south end of a magnet.
  • 1 answers

Gaurav Seth 4 years ago

1>The  difference between the fused and the normal bulb is that the ciruit is breaked in the fused wire but in normal bulb it the circuit is not breaked .
2> in fused bulb there is no light but in normal bulb it gives the light

  • 4 answers

Hashini N 4 years ago

weaving is the process of arranging two sets of Yarns together perpendicular to each other to make a fabric. fabrics for woven on looms.This May be operated by power or by and hand.
The craft or action of forming fabric by interlacing threads

Gaurav Seth 4 years ago

The process of making fabric or cloth by arranging yarns at right angles to them, is called weaving.

Weaving involves two sets of yarns arranged at right angle to one another.Two sets of yarn are woven to make a fabric.The weaving of yarn to make fabrics is done by using looms. (A device for making fabrics by weaving yarn or threads is called a loom)

  • 2 answers

Skylord 69? 4 years ago


Skylord 69? 4 years ago

Weaving is a method of textile production in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced at right angles to form a fabric or cloth. Other methods are knitting, crocheting, felting, and braiding or plaiting.
  • 3 answers

Sneha Kumari 4 years ago

Yes because they improve the quality of soil to make crop better

Skylord 69? 4 years ago

Earthworms are farmers' friends because they improve the quality of the soil like water holding capacity, moisture, and content by burrowing into the soil and making it loose and porous, the worm castings improve the organic content of the soil.

Gaurav Seth 4 years ago

Earthworms are farmers' friends because they improve the quality of the soil like water holding capacity, moisture, and content by burrowing into the soil and making it loose and porous, the worm castings improve the organic content of the soil.

  • 3 answers

Shivam Singh 4 years ago

Grassland and rice field are terrestrial habitat. Pond and Oceans are aquatic habitats.

Skylord 69? 4 years ago

Grassland and rice field are terrestrial habitat. Pond and Oceans are aquatic habitats.

Gaurav Seth 4 years ago

Terrestrial habitats – grassland
Aquatic habitats – pond, ocean

Extra explanation:

Aquatic habitats are those which are present inside water for aquatic animals and plants .

like for eg... pond , river, sea etc.

Terrestrial habitants are those which are present on land, habitat by land animals n plants.

like... plains, desert, mountains etc.

  • 3 answers

Skylord 69? 4 years ago

A shrub or bush is a small- to medium-sized perennial woody plant. Unlike herbaceous plants, shrubs have persistent woody stems above the ground. Shrubs can be deciduous or evergreen. They are distinguished from trees by their multiple stems and shorter height, less than 6 m-10 m (20 ft–33 ft) tall.[1][2] Small shrubs, less than 2 m (6.6 ft) tall are sometimes termed subshrubs.

Skylord 69? 4 years ago

In general use, herbs are plants with savory or aromatic properties that are used for flavoring and garnishing food, for medicinal purposes, or for fragrances; excluding vegetables and other plants consumed for macronutrients. Culinary use typically distinguishes herbs from spices. Herbs generally refers to the leafy green or flowering parts of a plant (either fresh or dried), while spices are usually dried and produced from other parts of the plant, including seeds, bark, roots and fruits. A variety of herbs are visible in this garden. Pictured is mint, along with some other herbs. Herbs have a variety of uses including culinary, medicinal, and in some cases, spiritual. General usage of the term "herb" differs between culinary herbs and medicinal herbs; in medicinal or spiritual use, any parts of the plant might be considered as "herbs", including leaves, roots, flowers, seeds, root bark, inner bark (and cambium), resin and pericarp. The word "herb" is pronounced /hɜːrb/ in Commonwealth English,[1] but /ɜːrb/ is common among North American English speakers and those from other regions where h-dropping occurs. In botany, the word "herb" is used as a synonym for "herbaceous plant".
Don't post question any more!!!!
  • 5 answers

Yash Yash 4 years ago


Skylord 69? 4 years ago

A malleable material is one in which a thin sheet can be easily formed by hammering or rolling. In other words, the material has the ability to deform under compressive stress. ... In contrast, ductility is the ability of a solid material to deform under tensile stress.

Skylord 69? 4 years ago

Ductility Image result for Define malleability and ductility Image result for Define malleability and ductility Image result for Define malleability and ductility Image result for Define malleability and ductility Image result for Define malleability and ductility Image result for Define malleability and ductility Image result for Define malleability and ductility Image result for Define malleability and ductility Image result for Define malleability and ductility Image result for Define malleability and ductility Image result for Define malleability and ductility View all Malleability and ductility are related. A malleable material is one in which a thin sheet can be easily formed by hammering or rolling. In other words, the material has the ability to deform under compressive stress. ... In contrast, ductility is the ability of a solid material to deform under tensile stress.

Gaurav Seth 4 years ago

a ns w e r 
Malleability: Metals can be beaten into sheets and  this property of metals is called malleability.

Ductility: Metals can be drawn into wires and this property is called ductility.

Is there any exam going on ???
  • 4 answers

Shivam Singh 4 years ago

Knitting is another way of making fabric from yarn.

Skylord 69? 4 years ago

Btw wrong spelling of weaving

Skylord 69? 4 years ago

Knitting is the other way of making fabric from yarn
"Weaving" not "waving" Any way write answer.
  • 2 answers

Skylord 69? 4 years ago

Class 6 Getting To Know Plants CBSE Questions & Answers This is Science Class 6 Getting To Know Plants CBSE Questions & Answers. There are 15 questions in this test with each question having around four answer choices. Q.1) Ginger is modified Stem Root Leaves Flower Correct Answer: Root Q.2) Petals are coloured and attractive parts of flower to attract the Human for pollination Insects for pollination Animals for food Insects for food Correct Answer: Insects for pollination Q.3) Which of these plants is a shrub Coriander Radish Bougainvillea Mint Correct Answer: Bougainvillea Q.4) Which of these plants have fibrous roots Mango Teak Maize Neem Correct Answer: Maize Q.5) Leaves of which of these plants show parallel venation Banyan Eucalyptus Neem Bamboo Correct Answer: Bamboo Q.6) The most colourful part of flower is Stamens Sepals Pistils Petals Correct Answer: Petals Q.7) Which of these plants the leaves get modified in spines Henna Brinjal Cactus Bougainvillea Correct Answer: Cactus Q.8) Which part of the flowers turns into fruit Ovary Calyx Stigma Anther Correct Answer: Ovary Q.9) The male part of a flower is Sepals Stamen Ovary Pistil Correct Answer: Stamen Q.10) Reticulate venation is present in All of these Banana Mango Grass Correct Answer: Mango Q.11) Seed develops from fertilized Ovule Pollen grains. Anther Ovary Correct Answer: Ovule Q.12) Pitcher plant catches Seeds Earthworm Pollen Insects Correct Answer: Insects Q.13) Leaves bearing parallel venation have Prop roots Stilt roots Tap roots Fibrous roots Correct Answer: Fibrous roots Q.14) Transpiration takes place through Roots Root hairs Stem Stomata Correct Answer: Stomata Q.15) The innermost whorls of flower is called Stamen Sepals Petals Pistil Correct Answer: Pistil

Gaurav Seth 4 years ago

1.  Which of these plants is a shrub?

Correct Answer: Bougainvillea

2. The most colourful part of flower is _______.

Correct Answer: Petals

3. Xerophytes are plants which are found in _________.

Correct Answer: Desserts

4. The standard unit of length in S.I. system is _________.

Correct Answer: Metre

5. One cm is equal to _________.

Correct Answer:10mm



  • 2 answers

Hashini N 4 years ago

(a)x (b)√ (c)√ (d)x

Gaurav Seth 4 years ago

The correct option is The strongest and largest bone is femur bone.
The femur bone is the longest and strongest bone in the body. Located in the thigh, it spans the hip and knee joints and helps maintain upright posture by supporting the skeleton

  • 1 answers

Skylord 69? 4 years ago

  • 3 answers

Shashank Sm 3 years, 11 months ago

Circular motion:fan,wheel Periodic motion: pendulum of clock, motion of Swing, motion of earth around the sun

Skylord 69? 4 years ago

PHYSICS MEDIUM Write one example for each of the following type of motion. (i) Rectilinear (ii) Circular (iii) Periodic (iv) Circular and periodic. Share Study later ANSWER Motions with example (i) Rectilinear motion - A car moving in straight line. (ii) Circular motion - Moving blades of a fan. (iii) Periodic motion - The motion of a swing. (iv) Circular and periodic - Tip of minute hand of clock.

Veenit Agrawal 4 years ago

Circular motion ex football Periodic motion ex rocking chair
  • 3 answers

Shashank Sm 3 years, 11 months ago

Animals locomote in the search of food,shelter,etc.
Animals move for a variety of reasons, such as to find food, a mate, a suitable microhabitat, or to escape predators. For many animals, the ability to move is essential for survival and, as a result, natural selection has shaped the locomotion methods and mechanisms used by moving organisms.

Atharv Mishra 4 years ago

Animals move for a variety of reasons, such as to find food, a mate, a suitable microhabitat, or to escape predators. For many animals, the ability to move is essential for survival and, as a result, natural selection has shaped the locomotion methods and mechanisms used by moving organisms.
  • 1 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Herbs: Herbs are small plants which have soft stem. Examples: Wheat, paddy, cabbage, grass, coriander, etc.

Shrubs: These are bushy and medium- sized plants and they are somewhat bigger than herbs. Their branches start from just above the ground. Examples: Lemon, Coriander, Henna, Rose, etc.

  • 1 answers

Atharv Mishra 4 years ago

the action or process of using a centrifuge, typically to separate fluids of different densities or liquids from solids
  • 1 answers

Gaurav Seth 4 years ago

Nitrogen and methane gas are insoluble in water.

  • 1 answers

Atharv Mishra 4 years ago

Malleability- The quality or state of being malleable: such as. a : capability of being shaped or extended by hammering, forging, etc. Avetiliy- The state of being full of energy
  • 1 answers

Sia ? 3 years, 9 months ago

kneating. It is a method in which we can arrange one set of yarn . It is hand operated or power operated
  • 1 answers

Gaurav Seth 4 years ago

Which of the following food items does not provide any

Milk, water, Orange juice, Tomato soup

A ns w e r

Water doesn’t provide any nutrients but it is necessary for the thriving of all living organisms

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