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Bikaner ka vivaran



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Bikaner ka vivaran
  • 2 answers

Deepak Kumar Meena 2 years, 3 months ago

Bikaner was the Riyasat of rathor Dynasty of rajputana. In ancient time period bikaner was known as the name of Jangal Pradesh . Bikaner kingdom was founded by Rao Bika (Son of Rao Jodha of jodhpur princely state)in 1465 . Rao lunakaran was the famous ruler of bikaner princely state . He was better known as the name of Karna of kaliyuga . Rao kalyanmal was the last ruler of Bikaner independent state . Bikaner is better known for his Miniature painting . Bikaner miniature painting was greatly inspired from Mughal miniature painting . Anup Singh tenure was the golden era of Bikaner miniature painting . Rao Ram was was better known as the name of Karna of Rajputana . Ganga King was the last great ruler of Bikaner princely state . He is better known for his ganga canal . That's why people gave him Bagirata of Modern India .

Narpat Ram Panwar 2 years, 5 months ago


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