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Who is Napoleon baraparte



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Who is Napoleon baraparte
  • 2 answers

Geetanand Yadav 6 years, 1 month ago

Born in 1769 in the island of corsica Napoleon Bonaparte history in a military school in Paris in 1799 he has let's hope known as 18 promo and become the first council subsequently by 18 04 he was made emperor of France he 25 the french love under the name of Love lyrics Court of law which give rights to protect private property and inside the uniform system of weights and measures decentralized the government and release date romanticism as the state religion he was defeated by nails of British army in the battle of the Nile and the battle of trafalgar the battle of Waterloo in 1815 was Napoleon final defeat by Duke of Wellington he was in in present in the island of St Helena where he eventually die in 1821 the islands life of Liberty equality and and fraternity from the Touchstone the bridge French Revolution

Yogita Ingle 6 years, 6 months ago

Born in1769 in the Island of Corsica, Napoleon Bonaparte studied in a military school in Paris. In 1799 he led a coup known as 18 Brumaire and became the First Council. Subsequently, by 1804 he was made Emperor of France. He codified the French law under the name the Napoleonic Code of Law, which gave rights to protect private property and initiated the uniform system of weights and measures. He centralised the government and reinstated Roman Catholicism as the state religion. He was defeated by Nelson, the commander of the British army, in the Battle of the Nile and at the Battle of Trafalgar. The Battle of Waterloo in 1815 was Napoleon’s final defeat by the Duke of Wellington. He was imprisoned in the island of St. Helena where he eventually died in 1821. The ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity formed the touchstone of the French Revolution.

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