UP Board - Class 09 - English - सिलेबस
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सिलेबस for Class 09 English

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Latest UP Board Syllabus for Class 9 अंग्रेजी
UP Board syllabus for class 9 अंग्रेजी 2018, 2019, 2020 as per upmsp.edu.in new curriculum. UP Board syllabus is available for free download in PDF format. Download latest Up Board syllabus of 9th अंग्रेजी as PDF format. अंग्रेजी syllabus for UP Board class 9 is also available in myCBSEguide app, the best app for UP Board students.
UP Board Academics Unit - Curriculum Syllabus
UP Board has special academics unit to design curriculum and syllabus. The syllabus for UP Board class 9 अंग्रेजी is published by upmsp.edu.in, Head Office in Lucknow. The latest syllabus for class 9 अंग्रेजी includes list of topics and chapters in अंग्रेजी. CBSE question papers are designed as per the syllabus prescribed for current session.
UP Board Syllabus category
- Secondary School Curriculum (class 9 and class 10)
- Senior School Curriculum (class 11 and class 12)
- Vocational Courses (Class 11 and class 12)
उत्तर प्रदेश माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद्, इलाहाबाद
कक्षा-9 English (अंग्रेजी)
पाठ्यक्रम तथा पाठ्य-पुस्तकें
इसमें एक प्रश्न-पत्र 70 अंकों का तथा समय 03 घण्टे का होगा। प्रायोगिक एवं आन्तरिक मूल्यांकन हेतु 30 अंक निर्धारित हैं जिसका आन्तरिक मूल्यांकन विद्यालय स्तर पर होगा।
1. Prose - (16 marks)
- Tom Sawyer by- Mark Twain (Adapted)
- Marco Polo by- Mir Najabat Ali (Adapted)
- Playing The Game by- Arthur Mee (Adapted)
- Golden Bowl from- Jataktales
- Plants also Breathe and Feel by- Sir J.C. Bose (Adapted)
- The Rules of The Road
2. Poetry- (07 marks)
- The Mountain and The Squirrel by-R.W. Emerson
- Sympathy by-Charles Mackay
- Faithful Friends by-William Shakespeare
- Indian Weavers by-Sarojini Naidu
- I vow to thee, My country by-Sir Cecil Spring Rice
3. Supplementary Reader- (12 marks)
- Gandhiji And a Coffee Drinker. by-G. Ramchandran
- The Swan and the Princes. (A Play)
- Letter to the Children of India. by-Chacha Nehru
- On a Winter's Night by-Based on Munshi Prem Chand's Story (Poos Ki Raat)
Grammar, Translation and Composition Introduction
I English Grammar- (15 marks)
- Parts of Sentence.
- The Sentence Type.
- The verb.
- Primary auxiliaries. (Be, Have, Do).
- Modal auxiliaries.
- Negative Sentence.
- Interrogative Sentence.
- Tense: Form and Use.
- The Passive Voice.
- The Parts of Speech.
- Indirect or Reported Speech.
- Word Formation.
- Punctuation and Spelling.
II Translation: (From Hindi to English) (04 marks)
III (A) Composition: (06 marks)
(a) Long Composition,
(b) Controlled Composition.
(B) Letter Writing/Application Writing. (04 marks)
(C) Comprehension (Unseen). (06 marks)
- Words often Confused.
- Synonyms and Antonyms.
- Cries of Birds and Animals.
- Glossary.
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