CBSE - Class 05 - English - CBSE Last Year Papers
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CBSE Last Year Papers for Class 05 English

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CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 5 English
CBSE English questions papers
CBSE last year papers for class 5 English and Last Year Question Paper & Solutions of 5 English are made available by CBSE every year just after the annual exams are over. CBSE marking scheme and blue print is provided along with the previous year question paper. This helps students find answer the most frequently asked question, How to prepare for CBSE annual exams. The best way to prepare for annual exams is to understand the questions pattern and practice them as given in previous year question papers.
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Question papers of class 5 English
CBSE class 5 Question Paper for English for the year 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 with solutions in PDF format for free download. The previous year question papers last 10 year for all – NCERT books and based on CBSE latest syllabus must be downloaded and practiced by students. These old 5 to 10 year question papers are the best source to understand question paper pattern and chapter wise weightage in class 5th English question paper.
Cource Structure for class 5 English
The demand for English at the initial stage of schooling is evident in the mushrooming of private ‘English medium’ schools and in the early introduction of English as a subject across the states/UTs of the country. Though the problems of feasibility and preparedness are still to be solved satisfactorily, there is a general expectation that the educational system must respond to people’s aspiration and need for English. Within the eight years of education guaranteed to every child, it should be possible in the span of 5 years to ensure basic English language proficiency including basis literacy skills of reading and writing.
- The general objectives at this level are:
- to provide print-rich environment to relate oracy with literacy.
- to build on learners’ readiness for reading and writing.
- to promote learners’ conceptualization of printed texts in terms of headings, paragraphs and horizontal lines.
- to enrich learners’ vocabulary mainly through telling, retelling and reading aloud of stories/folktales in English.
- to use appropriate spoken and written language in meaningful contexts/situations.
- to give them an opportunity to listen to sounds/sound techniques and appreciate the rhythm and music of rhymes/sounds.
- to enable them to relate words (mainly in poems) with appropriate actions and thereby provide understanding of the language.
- to familiarize learners with the basic process of writing.
- At the end of this stage learners will be able to do the following:
- narrate his/her experiences and incidents
- exchange his/her ideas with the peers
- carry out a brief conversation involving seeking/giving information
- enjoy reading a story, poem, a short write-up, a notice, poster etc
- take dictation of simple sentences and to practise copy writing from the blackboard and textbook and to use common punctuation marks
- write a short description of a person, thing or place – prepare a notice, or write a message for someone
- write a short composition based on pictures
- take part in group activity, role play and dramatization
Language Items
At the primary level, knowledge of grammar is to be seen mainly as a process of discovering uses and functions of items through exposure to spoken and written inputs. However, for material writers, teachers and evaluators, the following items may provide a framework of reference.
- nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs
- is, am, are, has, have
- tense forms (simple present and present continuous, simple past and past continuous)
- expressing future (will and be going to)
- articles
- this, that, these, those (as determiners and empty subjects)
- question words
- an, or, but
- punctuation marks (full stop, comma, question mark and inverted commas)
- possessive adjectives
- prepositions
Methods and Techniques
(At level I, there will be a shift of emphasis from learning of limited input (textbook) to providing exposure to a wide range of inputs.)
- an oral-aural approach to be followed (with limited focus on reading and writing depending on the level)
- learner-centred activity-based approach including bilingual approach
- integration of key environmental, social and arithmetical concepts
- pictures, illustrations, cartoons, and toys to be used to arouse the interest of children
- focus on discussions, project works, activities that promote reading with comprehension depending on the level
The ten core components identified in the National Policy of Education must be suitably integrated in school curriculum. These components, which will cut across all subject areas, should be reinforced in the whole range of inputs (print and non-print, formal and informal) for teaching/learning at various stages of school education. Since all contemporary concerns and issues cannot be included in the curriculum as separate subjects of study, some emerging concerns like environmental issues, conservation of resources, population concerns, disaster management, forestry, animals and plants, human rights, safety norms and sustainable development should be suitably incorporated in the course content. Course materials should also draw upon the following concerns in an integrated manner:
1. Self, Family, Home, Friends and Pets
2. Neighbourhood and Community at large
3. The Nation – diversity (socio-cultural, religious and ethnic, as well as linguistic), heritage (myths/legends/folktales)
4. The World – India’s neighbours and other countries (their cultures, literature and customs)
5. Adventure and Imagination
6. Sports
7. Issues relating to Adolescence
8. Science and Technology
9. Peace and Harmony
10.Travel and Tourism
11. Mass Media
12.Art and Culture
13.Health and Reproductive health
The thematic package given above is suggestive and at each stage should be in line with learners’ cognitive level, interest and experience. In every textbook, there should be some lessons, which are translations from other languages.
Evaluation in language should be periodic, preferably at regular intervals of 4 to 6 weeks of actual instruction. Evaluation should be both oral and written. Periodic tests should carry a weightage of fifty per cent – twenty-five per cent each to oral and written. The marks should be taken into account in the final grade.
Results of test and examinations should be treated basically as feedback to teachers. They should guide them in programming their teaching and in organizing remedial work. Evaluation should be linked to assessment of general proficiency rather than to specific achievements.
CBSE previous year question papers class 5 solved
CBSE annual exam question papers class 5 with answers and complete solution for the year 2005 to 2022 are available for free download.
Year | Question Paper | Download as PDF |
2005 | English Question Paper | Download |
2006 | English annual Paper | Download |
2007 | CBSE English Paper | Download |
2008 | 5 English Paper | Download |
2009 | English class 5 question | Download |
2010 | English Paper 2010 | Download |
2011 | Question Paper for English | Download |
2012 | 2012 English Question Paper | Download |
2013 | CBSE English 2013 Paper | Download |
2014 | Question paper 2014 of English | Download |
2015 | English annual Paper | Download |
2016 | 5 English Question Paper | Download |
2017 | English solved question paper | Download |
2018 | Annual exam paper 2018 | Download |
2019 | English question paper 2019 | Download |
2020 | Question paper English | Download |
Class 5 English Question Papers and syllabus
CBSE class 5 English have following chapters. Questions are asked from these chapters. CBSE schools are advised to follow NCERT text books. Here is the list of chapters in class 5th English.
Class 5 English List of Chapters NCERT Book
- 01 Wonderful Waste
- 02 Flying Together
- 03 Robinson crusoe
- 04 My Elder Brother
- 05 Rip van Winkle
- 06 Talkative Barber
- 07 Gullivers Travels
- 08 The Little Bully
- 09 Around the World
- 10 Who will be Ningthou
- 01 Ice Cream Man
- 02 Teamwork
- 03 My Shadow
- 04 Crying
- 05 The Lazy Frog
- 06 Class Discussion
- 07 Topsy Turvey Land
- 08 Nobodys Friend
- 09 Sing a Song of People
- 10 Malu Bhalu
CBSE English Question Paper General Instructions
Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 80 marks
General Instructions:
This Question paper is divided into five (05) sections:
Section A Reading Skills: 20 marks
Section B Advanced Writing Skills: 20 marks
Section C Grammar: 10 marks
Section D Literary Text Books: 18 marks
Section E Long Reading Text: 12 marks -
All sections are compulsory.
Read the questions carefully and write the answers in the answer sheets provided.
Do not answer the questions randomly. Attempt all the questions of one section before moving on to another section.
Do not write anything on the question paper.
This Q.P excludes Internal Assessment of 20 Marks (10 marks for Listening & Speaking Skills and 10 marks for Reading Project)
CBSE Question Papers for Class 5
CBSE question papers 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 and so on for all the subjects are available under this download link. Practicing real question paper certainly helps students to get confidence and improve performance in weak areas.
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- CBSE Question Papers for Class 5 English
- CBSE Question Papers for Class 5 Hindi
- Other Subjects
To download previous year question papers for Class 5 Mathematics, EVS, English, Hindi and Other Subjects; do check myCBSEguide app or website. myCBSEguide provides sample papers with solution, test papers for chapter-wise practice, NCERT solutions, NCERT Exemplar solutions, quick revision notes for ready reference, CBSE guess papers and CBSE important question papers. Sample Paper all are made available through the best app for CBSE students and myCBSEguide website.
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