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CBSE class 12 Philosophy syllabus, question papers, online tests and important questions as per CBSE syllabus. Notes, test papers and school exam question papers with solutions. It includes Ethics (Moral Philosophy) Western Ethical Theories, Divine Command theory, Aristotle's Virtue Ethics, Immanuel Kant's Deontology, J.S. Mill's Utilitarianism, Indian Ethics, The concept of Rta; the concept and kinds of Dharma Samanyadharma, Apaddharma, Varnasramadharma, Purusarthas: Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksa, The Bhagavadgita on Svadharma, Niskama-Karma, Lokasamgraha, Buddhist view on Pancasila, Eightfold Path (Astanga-Marga), Brahmavihara, Bodhisattva's vows, Jaina view on Panca-Mahavrata, Mahatma Gandhi and Vivekananda on religious tolerance, Ethical Concerns, Gender Equality, Ambedkar's critique of caste and untouchability, Theories of punishment, issue of capital punishment, Human Rights, Environmental degradation, heory of Reality (Metaphysics), Proofs for the existence of God: ontological, cosmological, and design arguments; Problem of Evil, Descartes on mind-body dualism, Nyaya proofs for the existence of God, The Bhagavadgita on the immortality of soul and rebirth, aina view on Anekantavada, Syadvada.