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CBSE Class 10 Reasoning & Mental Ability Questions

Practice online test for class 10 reasoning & mental ability on myCBSEguide. It offers secondary-level aptitude tests with questions from various typologies.

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Valid till May 31, 2026



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Student-friendly myCBSEguide app brings you class 10 reasoning & mental ability questions which prepare you at the secondary level. Logical Reasoning and Mental Ability is an integral section of any given competitive examination. Even if you want to get admission to a renowned college or university, be it in India or abroad, you will be tested on your mental abilities apart from your core subject. Although common for any test, the level of mental ability and reasoning test varies standard-wise.

Questions for Class 10 Reasoning & Mental Ability Tests

With the literal meaning, one can understand that this test is given to check a candidate's analytical and thinking skills rather than comprehension and memorizing skills. What is the importance of this test and why is it an omnipresent section? We will dig deep to answer these questions and understand what makes it indispensable.

First of all, logical reasoning is an area that encompasses several different types of reasoning: deductive, inductive, and abductive. Therefore, it is the best ability-testing mechanism that is employed by most testing agencies for competitive exams. We employ logical reasoning skills in our everyday life sometimes consciously and most of the time unconsciously. Very less often do we, consciously, use our logical reasoning skills. Hence, experiential practice is a must for such tests.

Secondly, many students prepare for various scholarship exams, government exams as well as competitive exams that they take after the Class 10 Boards. If they clear these exams, they are entitled to get financial assistance for their higher education. This makes it important to practice Class 10 reasoning & mental ability questions to score well in such examinations. Besides, most of the entrance exams like CUET, TET, NET, etc. have this section with questions of a higher standard. Students planning to write any of these exams must begin to practice for such exams right from their secondary level.

Question Type: Class 10 Reasoning & Mental Ability

Generally, the Logical Reasoning & Mental Ability Test can be divided into two sections: verbal and non-verbal (or logical /analytical) reasoning. Class 10 logical reasoning and mental ability questions also have the same division. 

The concepts and issues in verbal logical reasoning questions are conveyed in words.  The non-verbal section usually has questions related to pictures or diagrams and core logic.
Question Type: Data Sufficiency, Directions, Seating Arrangements, Dice, Series Completion, Blood Relations, Venn Diagrams, Classification, Arithmetical Reasoning, Coding-Decoding, Puzzle Test, Analogy, Logical Reasoning Question Type: Patterns, Water Images, Reverse Images, Analytical Reasoning, Analogy, Cubes & Dice, Paper Cutting/Paper Folding, Figure Matrix, Embedded Images, Mirror Images, Classification, Figure Formation & Analysis

 Meanwhile, questions requiring deductive application or logical (analytical) reasoning like blood relations, and seating arrangement, can fall under both verbal and analytical (non-verbal) reasoning.

How to practice Class 10 Reasoning & Mental Ability questions?

Logical reasoning questions are associated with problem-solving ability. The technique used to solve these questions is a standard rule that a scenario demands. This is called an algorithm. The purpose of the Reasoning & Mental Ability Test is to test the capability of a student to employ different sets of algorithms to determine which sequence of rules leads to the correct solution.

There are exams conducted at the secondary level like the National Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE), National Talent Search Examination (NTSE), Assessment of Scholastic Tests through Technological Testing (ASSET), International Maths Olympiad (IMO), etc. The class 10 reasoning & mental ability questions and tests on myCBSEguide can help you crack these examinations. These tests will also enhance students' reasoning and problem-solving skills.


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