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Preeti Dabral 2 years, 2 months ago

The following factors are responsible for imbalances in the age-*** found in different parts of the world:

  1. .High male mortality rate: In developed countries, the male mortality rate is higher than females. In all developed countries, women outlive men, sometimes by a margin of as much as 10 years.
  2. Lower *** ratio: In regions where gender discrimination is rampant, the *** ratio is bound to be unfavourable to women. Such areas are those where the practice of female foeticide, female infanticide and domestic violence against women is prevalent. On average, the world population reflects a *** ratio of 102 males per 100 females.
  3. Migration: A deficit of males in the populations of many European countries is attributed to a better status of women, and an excessively male-dominated out-migration to different parts of the world in the past. Large-scale immigration of male labourers often unable to bring their families with them has been a major cause of the current gender imbalance in the Persian Gulf cities.

Occupational Structure:

  1. The working population take part in various occupations ranging from agriculture, forestry, fishing, manufacturing construction, commercial transport, services, communication and other unclassified services.
  2. Agriculture, forestry, fishing and mining are classified as primary activities manufacturing as secondary, transport, communication and other services as tertiary and the jobs related to research and developing ideas as Quaternary activities.
  3. The proportion of the working population engaged in these four sectors is a good indicator of the levels of economic development of a nation.
  4. This is because only developed the economy with industries and infrastructure can accommodate more workers in the secondary, tertiary and quaternary sector.
  5. If the economy is still in the primitive stages, then the proportion of people engaged in primary activities world be high as it involves the extraction of natural resources.
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Geeta Kharka Kharka 3 years, 9 months ago

Water resources exercise
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Geeta Kharka Kharka 3 years, 9 months ago

Water resources exercise all

Geeta Kharka Kharka 3 years, 9 months ago

Water resources exercise
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