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Kusum Thakur 1 year, 8 months ago

What was the great step taken
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Manish Patel 1 year, 11 months ago

Tell me the answer of this question for class 12th English book lesson name The Last Lesson
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Pradeep Pradeep Kumar 1 year, 11 months ago

Explain the concept of Sansui
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Preeti Dabral 2 years, 2 months ago

Xylem and phloem are known as complex tissues as they are made up of more than one type of cells. These cells work in a coordinated manner, as a unit, to perform the various functions of the xylem and phloem. Tracheids are elongated, thick-walled dead cells with tapering ends

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Preeti Dabral 2 years, 3 months ago

There was a girl who found her mother's antique pieces so she was going ms dorlinh house because ms dorling had antique pieces because she collect the anyique pieces and take at her home. So when narrator went to the address so she found number 46 margot road so she saw the address and she went to the address so she ring the bell so ms dorling open the door and ask to narrator who was you so she told her that i was daughter of ms s but she to see the mind and ms dorling told that i did not know who was you. But narraot saw the scarf who wore ms s . i completed tomorrow

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Kajal Pandey 2 years, 3 months ago

Introduction Scientific Inventions Means of Transport and Communication Medicine and Surgery Computer Disadvantage Conclusion Introduction:- We are living in the age of science. It has made our life easier and comfortable. Science plays an Important role in Imaginations of man true Science have changed the life style of man. It is the age of Science. Science has given us many wonder full things which made our life easier and comfortable. Today every impossible things changed into possible now man can reach to the moon by space. Scientific Inventions (वैज्ञानिक अविस्‍कार):- There are many scientific Inventions that have made our life very comfortable- electricity is the greatest invention of science It serves us in many ways- It entertains with T.V. and radio It runs trains, mills and factories. It cools and warms our horses motor cars, scooters, railway engines, airplanes computer etc. are all Invention of science, modern life is Impossible without these scientific Inventions. Means of Transport and Communication (संचार के साधन एवं परिवहन) :- Buses/cars/trains and airplanes have made our travels easier, comfortable and quicker. A man can reach any port of the world with in hours. Hi has reached other plants with the help of rockets, with Introduction of long distance telephone call through STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialing) and I.S.D (International Subscribers Dialing) we can talk to our friends and relatives living very far from us. Mobile phone is a great service of man. Medicine and Surgery (दवााईया एवं सर्जरी):- Science has cured man from dreadful diseases TB (Tuberculosis) and cancer have been controlled. It has made man healthier. In the field of surgery too science has clone wonders. Open heart surgery and heart transplantations have become possible. Computer (संगणक):- Scientists have Invented computer can do complex calculation and work quickly. They have solved a lot of problems of man. Disadvantage (हा‍निया):- Science have given us atom bombs they can destroy big cities and kill a lot of persons in a few seconds. Big factories and other machines have made water and air polluted. Conclusion (निष्‍कर्ष्ष) :- Science has proved a great asset to modern man. If properly used. It can make the life of man healthier and happier. Man is called master of the world because of science. i hope it's helpful to you ☺️
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Preeti Dabral 2 years, 3 months ago

Death of poet's mother

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Surdash Poyam 2 years, 6 months ago

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