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Tessa Violet 5 years, 6 months ago

Infotainment is a type of mass media, usually television ,that provides a combination of information and entertainment.
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Gaurav Seth 5 years, 6 months ago

Tribes have been classified in India according to their "permanent" and "acquired" traits.

Permanent Traits:

  1. Permanent traits have region, language, physical characteristics and ecological habitat. The ecological habitats covered include hills, rural plains, forests and urban industrial regions.

  2. In terms of language, tribes are categorised into four categories. Two of them are Indo Aryan and Dravidian and the other two are Austric and Tibeto-Burman.
  3. In physical-racial terms, tribes are classified under the Negrito, Australoid, Mongoloid, Dravidian and Aryan categories.

  4. In terms of size, tribes vary a lot. The biggest tribes are the Gonds, Bhils, Santhals, Oraons, Minas, Bodos and Mundas.

Acquired Traits: The following two main criteria are used in the category of acquired traits:

  1. Mode of livelihood: Under this category, tribes can be categorised into fishermen, food gatherers and hunters, shifting cultivators, peasants and plantation and industrial workers.
  2. Extent of incorporation into Hindu society: The dominant classification both in academic sociology as well as in politics and public affairs is the degree of assimilation into Hindu society.
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Anshu Sinha 5 years, 6 months ago

Counter movement means when a small community against large orthodox, dharma sabha...

Kushika Arora 5 years, 6 months ago

counter movement means a social movement opposed to another social movement.Counter movements have to deal with issues related to environment , etc example of counter movemnt is= formation of dharma sabha against sati
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Gurnoor Padda 5 years, 6 months ago

industrilisation is a process in which industries introduce small scale to large,to is based on machine prduction on pwer resources like steam,electricty
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Trisha Karmakar 3 years, 5 months ago

what is De Sanskritisation?

Gurnoor Padda 3 years, 5 months ago

this is totaly opposite of sankritization,desanskritization is a process when non sanskrit(dalit ,lower caste)become dominant all major decision taken by them and followed by upper caste,this process is called de-sanskritization
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Abc Def 5 years, 6 months ago

Landowners managed to divide land among relatives and others including servants is so called benami transfer which allow them to keep control over the land. In some places farmers actually divorce their wives in order to avoid the provisions of the land ceiling act.
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Gaurav Seth 5 years, 6 months ago

Effects of Casteism on politics:

  1. Since independence our democratic system is affected by the virus of hatred and casteism. It's roots are grown so deep that it is becoming almost impossible to uproot it. On the other hand, Political parties are not paying any attention to sort out this problem as it is busy with focussing to attract more and more votes..
  2. The menance of Casteism and its negative impact on politics is on the increase, The caste-based politics parties have changed the whole democratic system into a voteyard.
  3. It is a myopic concept. It refers to superiority and inferiority and further closes already divided castelines. Its interpretation of politics is not based on the principle of merit. It places caste interests ahead of political principles. Basically in the name of caste merit and quality are generally ignored.
  4. It cannot be gainsaid that Castes have been changed into the votebank ghettos. The system of casteism has become the bone of our democratic system. Political equations are controlled by caste calculus.

The caste factor is an important factor of electoral politics in India. All political parties give great weightage to the caste factor in selecting their candidates, in allocating constituencies to their candidates and in canvassing support for their nominees in the election.

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Kushika Arora 5 years, 6 months ago

mass media means transmission of information to tha masses.It is the means of carrying information to the people.It includes the transfer of messages from a sender to masa audience eg.television,newspaper,radio,etc source->sender[message]receiver->Destination

Vipin Pardhan 5 years, 6 months ago

Mass media is a varied form of television,radio,newspaper,mobile phone etc.
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Veer Pratap 5 years, 6 months ago

The proportion of persons of population in different age group related to the total population. It includes all ages groups like children, youth, and old people
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Manisha Manna 5 years, 6 months ago

Political party is the established organisation which aim to acheive governmental power and using those power
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Manisha Manna 5 years, 6 months ago

Colonialism is an ideology by which a country seeks to conquer or forcibly rule over another country. It is the establishment of new rules over another country. It brought new changes is social, political and structural changes.
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Manisha Manna 5 years, 6 months ago

De- industrialisation refers to decreasing capital investment and increasing production.
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Manisha Manna 5 years, 6 months ago

Mass media is different from other means of communication as it reuirea a forma and informal organisation to meet large scale capital, production and management demands. Mass media also varies in structure and content according to different economic , political and socio-cultural context.
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Veer Pratap 5 years, 6 months ago

A group of people who related to each other......
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Nili Longjam 5 years, 6 months ago

Laissez faire means 'Leave Alone' or 'Let it be'. This policy or norm is in favour of giving maximum freedom to the individual so that he is able to fulfil his desires and look after his interests.

Abc Def 5 years, 6 months ago

It is free market which is free from all kind of regulations whether by state or anyone . So Adam Smith gave this term which means 'leave alone' or ' let it be'
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Tessa Violet 5 years, 6 months ago

Glocalisation is a combination of the words 'Globalisation' and 'localisation'. It is used to describe a product or service that is produced globally , but is also adjusted to accomodate the consumer in a local market .
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Kanika Mastana 5 years, 6 months ago

+ve....➡️⏺️variety of choices for consumer.⏺️employment opportunities in MNCs ⏺️scope for improvement in products due to competition. -ve ➡️⏺️tilt towards westernisation. ⏺️Domestic industries suffer due to competition.
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Vibhuti Kuhar 5 years, 6 months ago

Child marriage, abolition of sati , widow remarriage, abolition of untouchability
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Tessa Violet 5 years, 6 months ago

There was a vital difference between Colonialism and the early rules in India. The early rules did not interfere with the economic base rather they benefitted from their domination by exacting a continuous flow of tribute. While the British colonialism was based on capitalist system directly and it benefited the British capitalism.
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Yogita Ingle 5 years, 7 months ago

The early years of Indian industrialisation since 1947 to 1990-91:
(i) The first modern industries in India were cotton, jute, coal mines and railways. After independence, the government took over the ‘commanding heights of the economy.’ This involved defence, transport and communication, power, mining and other projects which only government had the power to do, and which was necessary for private industry also to flourish.
(ii) In India’s mixed economy policy, some sectors were reserved for government, while others were open to the private sector. But within that, the government tried to ensure, through its licensing policy that industries were spread over different regions.
(iii) Before independence, industries were located mainly in the port cities like Madras, Bombay, Calcutta. But since then, we see that places like Baroda, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Pune, Faridabad and Rajkot have become important industrial centres.
(iv) The government also tried to encourage the small-scale sector through special incentives and assistance.
(v) Many items like paper and wood products, stationery, glass and ceramics were reserved for the small-scale sector.
(vi) In 1991, large-scale industry employed only 28 per cent of the total workforce engaged in manufacture, while the small-scale and traditional industry employed 72 per cent.

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Kanishka Gupta 5 years, 6 months ago

Dude all topics are important u have to study whole book there are no shortcuts :(
  • 2 answers

Kanishka Gupta 5 years, 6 months ago

And u can refer to last 10 years question papers . They may help u.

Kanishka Gupta 5 years, 6 months ago

Any kind of questions can come pls ask some sensible questions :(

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