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Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Simple tissue

Complex tissue

Simple tissues consist of only one type of cells

These tissues are made up of more than one type of cells.

The cells of simple tissue perform similar function.

The cells of complex tissue may perform different functions.

Example of simple tissues are collenchymas, parenchyma.

Examples of complex tissues are xylem and phloem.

  • 2 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Mixtures which have uniform composition throughout are called Homogeneous Mixture. For example – mixture of salt and water, mixture of sugar and water, air, lemonade, soda water, etc.

Mixture of salt in water is an example of homogeneous mixture. In this mixture, the boundary of salt and water cannot be differentiated. When a ray of light is passed through the mixture of salt and water, the path of light is not seen.

Nadeem Ansari 4 years ago

A homogenous mixture is a solid, liquid or gaseous mixture that had the same proportions of its components throughout any given sample.
  • 2 answers

Sarita Panda 4 years ago

Magnitude of displacement or distance...
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Pradeep Mehta 4 years ago

No. It has only a uniform composition throughout the beaker . It particles mix with each other properly in such a way that we can't see through naked eye.Also its particles are very small and cannot be seperated by process of filteration. If any mixture have variable composition then it is consider as hetrogenous mixture.a
  • 3 answers

Zoya . 4 years ago

The outermost layer of cells in plants, bacteria, fungi, and many algae that gives shape to the cell and protects it from infection. In plants, the cell wall is made up mostly of cellulose, determines tissue texture, and often is crucial to cell function to Compare cell membrane.

Kamya Gandhi 4 years ago

Cell wall is rigid outside layer present in plant cell made up of cellulose. It protects cell from harsh weather conditions. It is present outside cell membrane.

Eshita Nagaria 4 years ago

Cell wall is rigid outside layer present in plant cell made up of cellulose. It protects cell from harsh weather conditions. It is present outside cell membrane.
  • 1 answers

Harman Kaur 4 years ago

It is the enlargement of chest because of mammary gland
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Tushar Pundir 4 years ago

Brownin motion is also called a zig zag motion

Kamya Gandhi 4 years ago

The phenomenon by which the colloidal particles are in continuous motion is called BROWNIAN MOVEMENT. BROWNIAN movement was named after Robert brown a biologist. He observed the motion of the particles in suspension of pollen grain s in water.

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

The phenomenon by which the colloidal particles are in continuous motion is called BROWNIAN MOVEMENT.
BROWNIAN movement was named after Robert brown a biologist. He observed the motion of the particles in suspension of pollen grain s in water.

  • 2 answers

Pradeep Mehta 4 years ago

M1 = 1 .5 kg M2= 1.5kg U1= 2.5m/s U2= -2.5 m/s(since object is moving in opposite direction. Let combined velocity = V Now acc. to law of conservation of momentum M1U1+M2U2=( M1+M2)V 3.75kgm/s - 3.75kgm/s = 3.0V 0 = 3V V = -3 m/s( - refers in opposite direction) Therefore combined velocity = -3 m/s

Kamya Gandhi 4 years ago

Mass free 1=1.5 Mass 2 =1.5 V 1=2.5. U1-0 V2=2.5. U2-0 After collision M1V1+M2V2 =m1u1+m2u2 -
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Kamya Gandhi 4 years ago

1. Get immunisation done against all the viruses. 2. Wear masks even while performing small surgeries. 3. Washes hands regularly. 4. Keep working place sterilised using rubbing alchole

Silika Murmu 4 years ago

1. Get immunisation done against all the viruses. 2. Wear masks even while performing small surgeries. 3. Washes hands regularly. 4. Keep working place sterilised using phenyl.
  • 2 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

An element with valency 3 can be written as X=+2  

It is given that it forms an oxide which means it will react with oxygen which has a valency of 2. The “valency of oxygen” is written as O=-2.

We now use the criss-cross method of finding the valency of the oxide.

So we get , Which is the required formula of oxide.

Kamya Gandhi 4 years ago

Given, element X has valency 3. The valency of oxide O is 2. Therefore the formula of its oxide will be X2O3.
  • 5 answers

Aaniya Naved 4 years ago


Harman Kaur 4 years ago


Ram Pal 4 years ago


Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Hooke's 1665 book Micrographia, describing observations with microscopes and telescopes, as well as original work in biology, contains the earliest of an observed microorganism, a microfungus Mucor.

Kamya Gandhi 4 years ago

  • 4 answers

Chhavi Sharma 4 years ago

Scatering of light beam is known as tyndall effect Ex dense forest Happy to help you?

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

The phenomenon of scattering of light by particles in a colloid or in a very fine suspension is called tyndall effect. The individual suspension particles scatter and reflect light, making the beam visible. The amount of scattering depends on the frequency of the light and density of the particles. As with Rayleigh scattering, blue light is scattered more strongly than red light by the Tyndall effect. Another way to look at it is that longer wavelength light is transmitted, while shorter wavelength light is reflected by scattering.

Examples of tyndall effect: Shining a flashlight beam into a glass of milk, The visible beam of headlights in fog is caused by the Tyndall effect. The water droplets scatter the light, making the headlight beams visible.

Kamya Gandhi 4 years ago

Scattering of light Eg blood

Abnish Kumar 4 years ago

The Tyndall effect is scattering of light by particles in a colloid or particles in a fine suspension. It can be seen when the light passes through the colloids or turbid substances causing the light to scatter in multiple directions. Examples are: ... Light being shined through milk
  • 2 answers

Kamya Gandhi 4 years ago

In 1931

Abnish Kumar 4 years ago

1931 In 1931, two German scientists, Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll, found a way to achieve a resolution greater than that of light.
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Aaniya Naved 4 years ago

Law of inertia,

Pihu Bundela 4 years ago

Newton 1st law =law of inertia 2nd law =law of direct proportion 3rd law=action and reaction force

Aarya Sharma 4 years ago

Newton's 1st law of motion : Law of inertia
  • 5 answers

Harman Kaur 4 years ago

Valency is the combining power of element and we can also say that the number of electrons present in outside the shell of the element is called valency ok

Kamya Gandhi 4 years ago

Tendency of an atom to gain or lose electron

Abnish Kumar 4 years ago

Valency is the combining power of an element . Element in the same group of the periodic table have the same valency . The valency of an element is the realated to how many electrons are in the outter shell

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

It is the ability of an atom to gain or lose electron in order to achieve the noble gas configuration. It refers to the ability of an element to combine with other element. It is obtained by determining the number of electrons in the outermost shell (also called valence shell) of each atom of an element. For instance, sodium has 1 electron in its outermost shell and hence valency of sodium is 1.

Valency is the combining power of an element . Element in the same group of the periodic table have the same valency . The valency of an element is the realated to how many electrons are in the outter shell
  • 4 answers

Beyon P Binoy 4 years ago

Mixture of salt and water will form a transparent solution.Mixture of milk and water will form a translucent solution.

Beyon P Binoy 4 years ago

Mixture of salt and water will form a translucent solution.

Harman Kaur 4 years ago

Mixture of mud and water willform a translucent solution
I don't know
  • 3 answers

Pradeep Mehta 4 years ago

We know that according to the first law of motion if the body is at rest or in constant motion that it has a tendency to be at rest or in constant motion unless acted upon by the unbalanced force. So there final velocity is equal to initial velocity. V=U. Now if v = u then force is zero Therefore acc. to second law of motion F= ma 0 = ma. Therefor acceraltion is also zero

Riya Rawal 4 years ago

It means using people as a resource we know what resource are therefore using people or with the help of people accomplishing their work
What is a mean of people as a resource
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Harman Kaur 4 years ago

Are you mad, don't know about that the matter is around us yes it is around us like I am sitting on chair, a matter is anything thatoccupies space and has mass everything around us ok

Harshika Yadav 4 years ago

Yes ????

Sahil Rajput 4 years ago

Yes matter is always around us like anything we see such as table , pen , pencil each and every thing is made up of Matter.
  • 3 answers

Kamya Gandhi 4 years ago

Food air water

Anshpreet Singh 4 years ago

By direct contact (sexual contact) By air , water ,food (from infected person ) Through insect biting

Harsh Jaiswal 4 years ago

  • 1 answers

Meghna Thapar 4 years ago


Basis for Comparison

Communicable diseases

Non-communicable diseases

Definition Communicable diseases are the diseases that are caused by infectious agents and can be transmitted from an infected person to other people, animals, or other sources in the environment. Non-communicable diseases are the diseases that are not transferred from an infected person to another via any means and are mostly caused by factors like improper lifestyle and eating habits.
Also called Communicable diseases are also known as infectious diseases. Non-communicable diseases are also known as chronic diseases.
Progression These are more likely to be acute, meaning they appear quickly. These are more likely to be chronic, meaning they last for a longer period of time and progress gradually.
Seasonal Some infectious diseases might be seasonal. Non-communicable diseases are not seasonal and might occur at any time of the year.
  • 4 answers

Harman Kaur 4 years ago

Expletive can be many answers your question but I will tell to of below so alone when captain sunburst after sometime because the pressure in the balloon becomes low then the pressure near the sun because of the fourth hot gases and also the sun's heat the kinetic energy of particles in the balloon increases and it expands it continues to expand and compress stage when the balloon ? bursts okay
A balloon when kept in sun , brust after some time. Because the pressure is low then the pressure near the sun

Harsh Jaiswal 4 years ago


Mishika Pandey 4 years ago

Due to the sun's heat, the kinetic energy of particles in the balloon increases and it expands. It continues to expand and comes to a stage when the balloon bursts
  • 5 answers

Harman Kaur 4 years ago

The process of changing liquid to gas is called evaporation or vaporization and the process of changing from gas to liquid is called condensation or liquefaction ok Beta

Kamya Gandhi 4 years ago

Vaporization Condensation

Harshika Yadav 4 years ago

Vaporization , condenction????☺

Riya Mangang 4 years ago

Liquid to gas is called vaporization Gas to liquid is called condensation

Diya Sarma 4 years ago

  • 1 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Let the distance travelled by the object be “s”.

We know that,

→Distance = Average velocity × time

→Average velocity = (u+v)/2

Then s=(u+v)/2×t

According to first equation if motion,
v = u + at
substituting the value of v in above equation

s = (u+u+at)/2 x t

→s = (2u+at)/2 × t

→s = (2ut+at²)/2

→s = 2ut/2 + at²/2


Hence derived.

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