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Chahat Chahat 1 year, 6 months ago

The poet regrets his choice. He says that he will tell this with a sigh/sorrow that once he had two choice from which he chose the odd one which was probably better. Later he realises that both the paths were equally challenging and not stepped by anyone. He realises that all paths are equal and challenging and everyone should accept them.
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Harshpreet Kaur 1 year, 6 months ago

In the story "In the Kingdom of Fool," Joey becomes the accidental king of Foolandia, faces challenges, and proves to be a wise and compassionate ruler, ultimately bringing prosperity to the kingdom.
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Harshpreet Kaur 1 year, 6 months ago

Ustad Bismillah Khan's childhood in Dumraon was marked by a humble upbringing, early exposure to music, and dedicated training in the shehnai, laying the foundation for his future as a legendary musician.

Vachan Vaishnav 1 year, 6 months ago

In his childhood, he used to play shehnai with his father in a temple at Varanasi. When he was five years old, Bismillah Khan used to play gill i-danda near a pond in Dumraon. After playing he generally went to a nearby temple called Bihariji Temple. He would sit there and sing the Bhojpuri thaita'.
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Answers to the current crisis of water may lie in the lack of reliance on our own traditions by our communities. Indians, over centuries; developed a range of techniques to harvest every possible form of water, from rainwater, stream and river water as well as flood water. They have tapped water from hill streams or springs known as kuhls carrying a discharge of 15-100 litres per seconds. In Meghalaya, a 200-year old system of tapping stream and spring water for irrigating plants by using bamboos still exists. Credit must go to the people of the villages of Rajasthan and particularly Jodhpur, here old water system still exists and where the traditional system was maintained even after the advent of piped water. Villages which neglected their traditional system was maintained even after the advent of piped water. Villages which neglected their traditional system and relied solely on piped water sources faced scarcity under drought conditions. An Ironic contrast of water management is that between Jaisalmer and Cherrapunji which get 100 mm and 15,000 mm of rainfall respectively, Jaisalmer had enough water for itself until recent years, while Cherrapunji the wettest place on the earth, faced a drinking water shortage. Alwar district, also in Rajasthan, has been successful in harvesting water thereby bringing prosperity to its villages. In India, during the season of summer, our taps go on without water and we feel the scarcity of water. It is because we are much careless about the use of water and waste it extravagantly.
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Addiya Jaiswal 1 year, 6 months ago

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Naman Jain 1 year, 6 months ago

Wisdom and sightedness where the most important qualities of the Guru's character discuss answer in 100 to 150 words
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Ridhima Thakur 1 year, 6 months ago

The value of old school

Shreya Pandey Pandey 1 year, 6 months ago

Write a paragraph related to class by using present indefinite tense

Disha Shetty 1 year, 7 months ago

Old is gold
  • 1 answers

Wajeha Mohammed 1 year, 6 months ago

Kezia meantioned the word . His farher i short tempered always at work looks like a giant in there parents bedroom cotton and the papers of the authority speech mr macdonald
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Laba Meher 1 year, 6 months ago


Adhvitha Singarapu 1 year, 7 months ago

The poet mother found to the poet when she put poet in the bed to sleep
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Maya Kumari 1 year, 7 months ago

Your life with with the same here

Satyam Jha 1 year, 7 months ago

This is second book of english

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