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Arshdeep Kaur 1 year, 2 months ago


Vanshika Sharma 1 year, 2 months ago

1. Moxantaim have always been held in great awe by mankind. They have been a challenge to hamons. Those hrave among so have always wanted to conquer them. You see, the more incredible the mountains, the greater the theill-a challenge to the bravery of the human race. Climbing mountains is an experience that is hard si put into words. You are in a beautiful environment and, when you reach the top, you feel incredible. But you also have to climb down, which is when most accidents happen people are tired, it gets dark, it's harder. So, mountain climbing is undoubtedly one of the most popular adventure sports allang with being challenging and risky for the climber. 2. Without any perceived risk, there can't be a feeling that any significant challenge has been surmounted. Fair, but we have to bear in mind that mexantaineering is not a sport that can be entraced without preparation. The enthusias must develop in themselves the spirit of adventure, willingness to undertake barships and risks, extraordinary powers of perseverance, endurance, and kereness of purpose before climbing a muxanain. They should also kno how to handle mountaineering equipnum. Then comes the penance of the rigorous transing. This could very well be the lifeline up there. It helps incalcine and hone survival instincts that allow the climber to negotiate perilous situations. There are numertas inutiuans in India and aberad that offer such training 3. Mountain climbers are unanimous in apering that unpredictable weather is what they fear the most. There may be mashine one moment and a snowstorm the other. At higher altitudes, snow is a regular feature, and being dective about setting up camps or procenting father is crucial. The icy shers after ice storms make walking treachenen while the powdery unow makes a mountineet sink drep in the same. Up there, where the imention is to embrace Nature's wonder, one realizes that it camma be done without facing its formiilalile glory. A the mountaineer may challenge the mountain, yet is always respectfal in the powerful forces of nanav Summiting mountains carries its health risks such as sygen and altinale sickness problems, froschites, swelling of hands and feet, fluid collection in the brain or lungs, and exhaustion. Yet, de gratification menunaineers feel frum mustering something to fighamsing, unges them to undertake these endeavors. We may think that the maanaireers are fearless, experts say, "Not at all. It's fear that keeps them so intrigard with such andras jaaneys." Impube and beannsness can be deadly fors. In the words of the hulian moumainees, Bachendri Pat, "The biggest this took to take the risk at all. Remember that." 1. Why does the willer say dut mountains impire awe is buanans? (Paragraph 13 A. They present us with opportunities for exciting sports. B. They evoke the wish in us, to master them.
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Deepa Verma 1 month ago

Imagine you are Saint Peter from the poem "The Legend of the Northland". Write a diary entry expressing your disappointment after coming across such a greedy and selfish lady.
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Nikhil Dewangan 1 year, 2 months ago

You are priyanka you went to a nearby centre for the first dose of vaccinations against coronavirus write a diary entry by sharing your experience
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Aatif Alam 1 year ago

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Vasudev Bairagi 1 year, 2 months ago

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Vikas Thakur 1 year, 2 months ago

When the grand father was in the station and took ticket for going sharanpur.Toto was very nauti so he tried to emit in the bag and ticket collector had sown.And order to grandfather to pay 3r of toto.

Mudit Jain 1 year, 2 months ago

It was stopped at railway station by ticket checkor and grand father had to pay for it
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Md Mujtaba Ahmed 1 year, 2 months ago

The women help to do *** with other Husband and shares condoms
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Aarohi Singh 1 year, 2 months ago

Jhonsy accsociated herself with falling leaves because she had lost her hope to live.. as she is not helping her roommate from over willing their poorness due to her bad condition.she fixed a thought in her mind that with the fall of last leaf she will die.

Harpreet Khangura 1 year, 2 months ago

Because she lost her believe in herself. Believing in ourself is first secret of our well being
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Aarohi Singh 1 year, 2 months ago

Maria Sharapova was a great tennis player... Who reached the top in her field.. She was born on 19th April, 1987

Mudit Jain 1 year, 2 months ago


Jay Kumar 1 year, 2 months ago

Do you think the new teacher deserve the treatment made out to him by why not

Kunal Mishra 1 year, 2 months ago

Maria Sharapova is a renowned professional tennis player who has achieved great success in her career. She was born on April 19, 1987, in Russia and started playing tennis at a young age.
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Shikha Kumari 1 year, 2 months ago

There Are three school friends arvindan, shivprakasan,and ramanadha Sastry . These boys are belonging in Hindu Brahmin family

Neel Rajput 1 year, 2 months ago

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Remember the goal of this website is to share knowledge and learn from each other. Ask questions and help others by answering questions.

Neel Rajput 1 year, 3 months ago


Sidra Siddiqui 1 year, 3 months ago

There are three school childhood friends arvindan, shivprakasn, ramandha sastry all boys are there ortdox hindu brahmin family
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Sidra Siddiqui 1 year, 3 months ago

Abdul kalam house mosque street in rameswaran it is fairy large pucca house made of limestone and brick
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Kunal Mishra 1 year, 2 months ago

People in one's sorrounding is sometimes indifferent and selfish. They try to keep themselves busy in their businesses but people those who support whole-heartedly towards the sufferer are truely known in one's hardship.In the story "a house is not a home" the writer felt insecure in the new school environment.12 Dec 2019
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Aditya Raj 1 year, 3 months ago

Diary entry on river rafting
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Gamer For All 1 year, 3 months ago

Rain is a form of precipitation .

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