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Character sketch of lomov



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Character sketch of lomov
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Preeti Dabral 2 years ago

Lomov was a funny man. He was physically weak but financially secure. He was suffering from palpitation. He behaved as if he were eccentric. He was a pretentious, proud, self-serving, argumentative, impetuous and hysterical hypochondriac. He was socially awkward and prone to anxiety attacks. He was not particularly romantic, and his proposal had more to do with the economic advantages of combining the families' adjacent properties than with any particular degree of love for Natalya or with the desire to get married. He was regressive in his thoughts. It was evident from his attitude towards marrying Natalya. He wanted to marry her not because he was in love with her but because he thought that she was beautiful and a good-housekeeper. But when he went to propose to her, he got diverted. Actually, a quarrel took place between them as Natalya thought that he had come to claim Oxen Meadows as his own. They quarrelled over petty issues one more time. This reflected that he was short-tempered also. He fainted before finally proposing to her and shouted a lot after that. This reflected that he was confused and less confident. But he finally succeeded to get acceptance.

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