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Explain iron and steel industries distribution



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Explain iron and steel industries distribution
  • 1 answers

Preeti Dabral 1 year, 11 months ago

Iron and steel industry is widely distributed in the world. United States, countries of western Europe, Russia, Ukrain, China and India are the main producers of iron and steel in the world.

1. United States: The steel industry is developed around the Great Lakes area.

2.Western Europe: France, Belgium and Germany have large iron and steel industries. In U.K. the industry is centred around coastal towns.

3.Russia: Urals, Kuzbas and Moscow-Tulla areas. Ukraine: The main centres are found in Dnipropetrovsk.

4.India: Chhotanagpur plateau region is the main iron and steel producing centre.

5.Japan: The important iron and steel producing regions of Japan are Yashu and Honshu group of islands. Important centres are Hitachi, Nagoya, Osaka etc.

6.China: China has become the largest iron and steel producer country. Iron and steel industry has developed in Manchuria, Yangtze valley and North China.

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