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Make a list of at least five ideas and questions mentioned in this lesson choose three from the list and discuss why you think they are important even today.
  • 3 answers

Ruby Diwaker 4 years, 4 months ago

Jagal ka raja

Daksh Kumar Singh 4 years, 4 months ago


Gaurav Seth 4 years, 4 months ago

The list of five ideas and questions mention in this lesson is as: (i) What was the language used to compose Vedas? (ii) What does the Buddhist texts tells us? (iii) What was Buddha trying to teach the sorrowing Kisagotami? (iv) Some people wanted to know about life after death. (v) All the people should be kind to others and respect all lives.   DISCUSSION: (i) The languages used to compose Vedas was Sanskrit. Sanskrit is the main language of all ancient languages. (ii) The Buddhist texts tells us that the vanias and ranks system will vanish if-the followers of Buddha join the order of monk. (iii) Buddha was trying to teach the sorrowing kisagotami that death is the part of life and there is life after death.

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