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Realisations account kaise banta h



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Realisations account kaise banta h
  • 1 answers

Gaurav Seth 4 years, 5 months ago

Realization Account is prepared at the time of dissolution of a partnership firm.  This account is prepared to know the profit made or loss incurred at the time of dissolution of a firm.  All the assets except cash and bank a/c are transferred to the debit side of realization account and liabilities (not capital accounts) are transferred to the credit side of realization account.  When assets are sold cash/bank A/c is debited and Realization A/c credited.  On settling the liabilities Realization A/c is debited and Cash/Bank A/c is credited.   In last if total of credit side exceeds debit side, it means there is profit and that is transferred to partner's capital accounts.  In case of loss, the partners' capital accounts are debited and Realization A/c credited.

  Format of Realisation Account
Dr.                                                                                             Cr.


Amount (Rs.)

Particulars Amount (Rs.)

Various Assets
(Excluding Cash/Bank, fictitious assets, Debit balance of P and L A/c, partner Capital A/c, Current A/c, Loan to Partner)


Various Liabilities
(Excluding Partner Capital account, reserves, P and L A/c, Current A/c, Loan to Partner)


(Payment for realisation expenses)


Provision on assets
(like, Provision for doubtful debts; Provision for depreciation)


(Payment to outside and unrecorded liabilities)


(Amount received from realisation of assets and unrecorded assets)


Partner's Capital A/c
(If any liability taken on expenses paid by him or remuneration payable to him )


Partner 's Capital A/c
(If any asset taken over by any partner)


Partner Capital A/c

(Profit on realisation distributed in the profit sharing ratio among all the partners)


Partner Capital A/c
(Loss on realisation borne by all the partners in their profit sharing ratio)

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