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Which factors were Responsible for development …



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Which factors were Responsible for development of nationalism in 19th century in Europe ??
  • 1 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years, 10 months ago

Various factors such as common race, language, religion, aims and aspirations, culture and Shared past gave rise to nationalism.
The following factors were responsible for the rise of nationalism in Europe :
(i) Decline of Feudalism. There was a steady decline of federal lords and many of them died in mutual warfare. The crusades also improverished the barons. Federal lords were the major obstacle in the emergence of nationalism, and without their destruction the cause of nationalism might have greatly suffered.
(ii) Weakening Authority of the Pope. The Church enjoyed supreme and exalted position and commanded a great power in the middle Ages, but the Reformation movement as well as the Renvai-ssance led to awakening among the people and weakened the authority of the Pope. As a result, national churches and national states were established in many countries.
(iii) Wars. Wars roused nationalism among the people of both France and England. The Hundred Years’ War between in the two countries gave rise to national feeling both in France and England.
(iv) Foreign Rule. The foreign rulers suppressed the people and treated them cruelly and mercilessly. This led and united the people against the foreign rule and infused the spirit of nationalism in them.

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