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Explain with examples the factors of …



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Explain with examples the factors of weather and climate.
  • 1 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years, 10 months ago

Factors Affecting Climate Changes

  • Topography: It means the shape of a land. Latitudes and elevation ranges are one of the factors that lead to fluctuation in surface temperatures. It can lead to local changes in climate.
  • Sea level: Distance from the sea and nearby water bodies are one of the influential factors that affect the climate of a region. The surface temperatures in Sea have an effect on land temperatures. Coastal areas are cooler and wetter than internal areas. This leads to cloud formation when warm air from these interior areas meets cool air from the sea.
  • Ocean currents: Ocean currents could transfer heat energy from land to sea or vice versa thus affecting the temperature of the region.
  • Prevailing winds: Winds distribute particular air masses. The direction of the wind could determine the climate of a region. Since the wind from the humid region could bring cool air while that from the dry region would bring hot air.

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