CBSE - Class 12 - Chemistry - CBSE Value Based Questions
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CBSE Value Based Questions for Class 12 Chemistry

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CBSE Value Based Questions class 12 Chemistry
Class 12th Chemistry CBSE Value Based Questions in for free download in PDF format. The most CBSE Value Based Questions for annual examination from are given here for download. The additional questions for practice from XII class CBSE exam are collected from various sources. It includes questions asked in previous year exams, questions provided by Kendriya Vidyalaya KV schools, DoE, Delhi government school, Navodaya Vidyalaya samiti NVS and other government and private schools in India and abroad that are affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. Class 12 Chemistry have different set of questions. The questions includes 1 mark questions, 2 mark questions, 3 mark questions, 4 mark questions, 5 mark questions and other questions as per the latest CBSE curriculum for the current session.
Chapter Wise CBSE Value Based Questions Class 12 Chemistry
CBSE Value Based Questions, guess papers, most expected questions and best questions from 12th Chemistry have CBSE chapter wise CBSE Value Based Questions with solution for free download in PDF format. 12th Chemistry have many topics. All these topics are included in CBSE chapter wise Value Based Questions of class 12 Chemistry.
Chemistry Solved CBSE Value Based Questions for 12th Chapter Wise CBSE
Class XII Chemistry NCERT book, refresher books and other reference books have many CBSE Value Based Questions. These questions are repeatedly asked in exams in one or other way round. Practicing such most CBSE Value Based Questions certainly help students to get good marks in exams. The solved question papers from have all type of questions may be asked in annual exams such as VSA very short answer type questions, SA short answer type questions, LA long answer type questions, VBA value based questions and HOTS higher order thinking skill based questions.
NCERT Class 12 Chemistry Chapter-wise Exemplar Solutions
- Ch-1 The Solid State
- Ch-2 Solutions
- Ch-3 Electro chemistry
- Ch-4 Chemical kinetics
- Ch-5 Surface Chemistry
- Ch-6 General principle and processes of isolation of elements
- Ch-7 The p block elements
- Ch-8 The d and f block elements
- Ch-9 Coordination Compounds
- Ch-10 Haloalkanes and haloarenes
- Ch-11 Alcohol Phenol and Ether
- Ch-12 aldehydes ketones and carboxylic acid
- Ch-13 Amines
- Ch-14 Biomolecules
- Ch-15 Polymers
- Ch-16 Chemistry in everyday life
CBSE Value Based Questions and Answers for CBSE Exams
Value Based Questions In Chemistry
1. Manu went with his father to a Shopkeeper who showed them two types of batteries, one with lead plates and the other with cadmium plates. The battery with cadmium plates was more expensive than the lead battery. Manu’s father wanted to purchase lead battery as it was cheaper.
a. As a student of chemistry, why would you suggest to Manu’s father to buy the expensive cadmium plate battery. Give two reasons. (2)
b. What are the values associated with the above decision?
a. Cadmium plate battery though expensive is not as strong a pollutant as lead. Lead salts being insoluble in water if ingested into our system cannot be excreted out. Whereas Cd and Ni salts are water soluble, therefore get excreted and hence do not get biomagnified in
the body.
b. Keeping the environment safe from pollution due to lead.
2. Raju and his father were going in a boat in the river. Raju’s father threw away the cell used in watches and hearing aids into the water. Raju prevented him from doing so.
a. As a student of chemistry, why would you advise Raju’s father not to throw the cell in the water body. (2)
b. What is the value associated with the above decision? (1)
a. The watch cells are mercury cells. The mercury will pollute the water. Water contaminated with mercury leads to accumulation of mercury in the body of the fishes and other aquatic life.
b. Keeping the environment safe from pollution due to mercury.
3. Kalavati wanted to give her baby a medicine for fever. She added boiled and cooled water as per the instruction, to the contents of the bottle, upto the mark. She shook the bottle. Then gave a spoonful of the medicine to the baby. As a student of chemistry answer the following
a. Why did she shake up the contents? What is the process called?
b. What is the value associated with selling medicine in this form?(1)
a. She shook the contents of the bottle to bring the contents into the form of a sol. Absorption of medicine are easier in the colloidal form. This process of agitating a precipitate into colloidal sol is called as
b. When the medicine is sold in anhydrous form it has a higher shelf life and thus can be stored for a longer time. This is a way of being thrifty by not wasting the available resources.
4. After entering a closed coal mine area, Ravi found difficulty in breathing, also felt nausea.
a. What could be the reason for this? (1)
b. How could Ravi estimate the level of the pollutant? (1)
c. As a citizen of the country what should be his course of action
further? (1)
a. In coal mines due to lack of oxygen a small percentage of carbon monoxide is formed. This carbon monoxide being poisonous gives the symptoms.
b. Ravi could estimate the level of CO using I2O5.
c. Ravi should inform the concerned authority about the excess
of CO in the coal mine.
5. Sudanshu made a model of the unit cell of diamond. It resembled the unit cell of ZnS. If the unit cell of ZnS has 4 units of ZnS per unit cell. It has the same packing efficiency as ZnS. But diamond is the hardest known substance.
a. What is the number of atoms of carbon per unit cell of diamond?
b. Why? (1)
c. What is the value that Sudanshu can derive from these facts?(1)
a) The number of atoms of Carbon per unit cell is 8 in diamond.
b) The C—C bond is very strong in diamond (due to small size of Carbon) unlike the Zn—S bond in ZnS.
c) Though from the same background ie with the same structure the property can be different, thus, with a little effort, we can do same things differently and bring about major changes.
6. Kartick went to a sugar producing factory. He noticed an alcohol producing unit associated with it. Generally alcohol is prepared industrially in places where sugar is extracted from sugarcane.
a. As a student of chemistry can you tell Why? (2)
b. What is the value derived from this fact? (1)
a. The molasses that are bi-products of sugar industry can be used in making alcohol.
b. Recycling of industrial waste keeps the environment clean.
7. Large amount of electricity is obtained in our country from burning of coal. The carbon in coal is lost as carbon dioxide, and water as water vapour. The substances left behind are minerals. These are known as fly ash. Fly ash is a major
environmental hazard. Faseeh did a project on how to use this fly ash in building
roads and in making roofing tiles. He was appreciated by the judges. What was
the value for which he was appreciated?
Ans: Recycling of industrial waste keeps the environment clean. (3)
8. Ashraf is 50 years old and has diabetes. He uses saccharine as sweetening agent in tea and coffee and sugar free in sweets. Lakshmi too is diabetic. She controls her sugar level in diet by using less sugar and by exercising.
a. Who is able to handle diabetes more efficiently and why? (1)
b. What value do you derive from this? (1)
c. What are the harmful effects of artificial sweeteners? (1)
a. Lakshmi is able to handle diabetes better, because exercises activate the pancreases to produce insulin. Exercise keeps one fit and fine.
b. It is necessary to lead a disciplined life.
c. Researches have shown that the artificial sweeteners have harmful effect on the body because they are not excreted easily.
9. Almelu did not like the costlier brand of dish washer because she was not satisfied by using less quantity of the dishwasher, so she bought the cheaper brand of dish washer and used large amounts of it.
a. As a student of chemistry what would you advise Almelu to use? (1)
b. Why? Explain. (1)
c. What value did you impart to Almelu? (1)
a. I would advise Almelu to use smaller quantities of the costlier detergent.
b. Almelo was pouring detergents into the drain. These detergents are not biodegradable. Branched detergents are highly nondegradable because the microbes cannot attack it. Straight chain detergents are being prepared these days to reduce the pollution problem. The costlier detergent contains straight chain hydrocarbon.
c. The value imparted was to use environmentally friendly substances.
10. Water is a universal solvent. But alcohol also dissolves most of the substances soluble in water. And also many more. Boiling point of water is 100oC and that of alcohol is 80oC. The specific heat of water is much higher than thespecific heat of alcohol.
a. List out three possible differences if instead of water as the liquid in our body
we had alcohol. (3)
b. What value can you derive from this special property of water and its
innumerable uses in sustaining life on earth? (1)
I. Even a small raise in temperature in the surroundings will raise the temperature of the body because the specific heat of alcohol is much less than the specific heat of water. In order to cool the body more sweating
will take place.
II. As there is less H bonding in alcohol it will get evaporated faster. The
alcohol will be evaporated at such a fast rate that the liquid has to be
ingested always.
III. Ice which floats on water helps aquatic life to exist even in winter as
water insulates the heat from liquid below it to go back to the
surroundings. Solid alcohol does not have such special properties.
b. Praise is to the almighty that has so thoughtfully given such special
properties to water and made it a liquid that could sustain life
CBSE Value Based Questions for class 12th CBSE
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