CBSE - Class 09 - Communicative English (101) - CBSE Revision Notes
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CBSE Revision Notes for Class 09 Communicative English (101)
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CBSE Revision Notes for class 9 English Communicative
CBSE revision notes for class 9 English Communicative NCERT chapter wise notes of 9th English Communicative CBSE key points and chapter summary for 9 English Communicative all chapters in PDF format for free download. CBSE short key notes and chapter notes for revision in exams. CBSE short notes of 9th class English Communicative. Summary of the chapter for class 9 English Communicative are available in PDF format for free download. These NCERT notes are very helpful for CBSE exam. CBSE recommends NCERT books and most of the questions in CBSE exam are asked from NCERT text books. These notes are based on latest NCERT syllabus and designed as per the new curriculum issued by CBSE for this session. Class 9 English Communicative chapter wise NCERT note for English Communicative part and English Communicative for all the chapters can be downloaded from website and myCBSEguide mobile app for free.
CBSE Class 9 Notes and Key Points
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- CBSE Revision notes for Class 9 English Communicative PDF
- CBSE Revision notes Class 9 English Communicative – CBSE
- CBSE Revisions notes and Key Points Class 9 English Communicative
- Summary of the NCERT books all chapters in English Communicative class 9
- Short notes for CBSE class 9th English Communicative
- Key notes and chapter summary of English Communicative class 9
- Quick revision notes for CBSE exams
CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Chapter-wise Revision Notes
Literature Reader
- Chapter-1 How I Taught My Grandmother to read
- Chapter-2 A Dog named Duke
- Chapter-3 The Man Who Knew too Much
- Chapter-4 Keeping it from Harold
- Chapter-5 Best Seller
- Chapter-1 The Brook
- Chapter-2 The Road Not Taken
- Chapter-3 The Solitary Reaper
- Chapter-4 Lord Ullin’s Daughter
- Chapter-5 The Seven Ages
- Chapter-6 Oh, I Wish I’d Looked After My Teeth
- Chapter-7 Song of the Rain
- Chapter-1 Villa for sale
- Chapter-2 The Bishop’s Candlesticks
Main Course Book
- Chapter-1 People
- Chapter-2 Adventure
- Chapter-3 Environment
- Chapter-4 The Class IX Radio and Video Show
- Chapter-5 Mystery
- Chapter-6 Children
- Chapter-7 Sports and Games
CBSE class 9th English Communicative have two book. Each book has chapters and topics.
Free Download of CBSE Class 9 Revision Notes
Key Notes for CBSE Board Students for Class 9 Important topics of all subjects are given in these CBSE notes. These notes will provide you overview of the chapter and important points to remember. These are very useful summary notes with neatly explained examples for best revision of the book.
CBSE Class-09 Revision Notes and Key Points
CBSE class-09 Key points and summary of the lessons is given under this section for Science, Mathematics, Hindi, English, Social Science and other subjects. The notes includes all concepts given in NCERT books and syllabus issued by CBSE for class-09. Key notes are 'to the point' capsules for quick revision of the chapter. We have covered the whole syllabus in these notes.
- Revision Notes for class-09 Mathematics
- Revision Notes for class-09 Science
- Revision Notes for class-09 Social Science
- Revision Notes for class-09 English Communicative
CBSE Class 09 English Communicative
Revision Notes
How I Taught My Grandmother to Read
The narrator was a girl of twelve and lived in a village of north Karnataka with her grandparents, where the transport system was not good so people received the newspapers, weekly magazines and the post, a little late. - At that time Triveni, an author in Kannada, was very popular among people for her easy to read and convincing stories dealing with psychological problems in the lives of ordinary people, in an interesting manner.
- In her novel Kashi Yatre, which appeared as a serial in a weekly magazine called Karamveera, the protagonist was an old lady who desired to go to Kashi to worship Lord Vishweshwara.
- However, the old lady decided to give away all her savings to an orphan girl who wanted to marry but didn't have money for her wedding.
- The old lady, the protagonist of Kashi Yatre, considered the happiness of this orphan girl more important than worshipping Lord Vishweshwara at Kashi.
- The narrator’s 62-year old grandmother, Krishtakka liked this story very much as she identified herself with the old lady.
- But she could not read and so she would ask her granddaughter to read every episode of Kashi Yatre to her.
- The grandmother would discuss the latest episode of Kashi Yatre with her friends at the temple.
- Once the narrator went to a neighbouring village for a wedding and came back only after a week.
- When the narrator returned to her village, she was surprised to see her grandmother, Avva, in tears.
- The author offered to help.
- The grandmother narrated her story. She had lost her mother at a very young age and her father had got married again.
- The grandmother never went to school because earlier education was not considered essential for girls and later she got married and had to look after her family. But at times, she used to regret not going to school.
- This time when she could not read the latest episode of Kashi Yatre, she felt the need to read.
- This was the reason why she wanted the author to teach her to read and write.
- She fixed the day of Saraswati Pooja during Dassara as the deadline to be able to read.
- The author was happy to teach the grandmother as she read, repeated, recited and wrote diligently.
- On the decided date, the grandmother touched the author's feet and gave her frock material as a mark of respect for her teacher.
- The author also touched her grandmother's feet as she was an elder and gifted her the novel of Kashi Yatre.
- The grandmother instantly read the title, the name of the author and the publisher's name.
- The author knew that her student had passed with flying colors.
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