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UBSE syllabus, sample papers, test papers, Uttarakhand board question papers for class 11 Biology course material includes The Living World, Biological Classification, Plant Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Morphology of Flowering Plants, Anatomy of Flowering Plants, Structural Organisation in Animals, Cell : The Unit of Life, Biomolecules, Cell Cycle and Cell Division, Transport in Plants, Mineral Nutrition, Photosynthesis in Higher Plants, Respiration in Plants, Plant Growth and Development, Digestion and Absorption, Breathing and Exchange of Gases, Body Fluids and Circulation, Excretory Products and their Elimination, Locomotion and Movement, Neural Control and Coordination, Chemical Coordination and Integration. The complete course of class 11 Biology comprises downloadable PDF files as sample papers, test papers, unit exam papers, model question papers, NCERT solutions, online free MCQ tests and video lectures.