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Vi Dhi 2 years, 11 months ago

Psycology is difined formally as a scince which study mantal processes, experiences , behavior in different contaxt.

Anjan Karthi 3 years ago

Psychology can formally be defined as the scientific study of human, behaviours, experiences and mental processes in different contexts.
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Ananyaaa P 3 years ago

Description: We attempt to describe a behaviour or a phenomenon, in order to distinguish it from other behaviours/phenomena. Prediction: After describing a particular behaviour, one can predict it's occurance under given circumstances within a certain margin of error. Explanation: Then we identify the determinants or causes of the behaviour so that the cause-effect relationship between 2 variables can be established. Control: One can then control the behaviour as in increasing it, reducing it or letting it stay the same, by making changes in the determinants. Application: We can then apply the conclusions of the research in our daily lives to solve problems in various settings.
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Astha K 2 years, 10 months ago

Studying the past of that individual.. eg- family background, type of peer group, economical status, etc
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Anjan Karthi 3 years, 1 month ago

Correlational research.
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Jiya Xalxo 3 years, 1 month ago

Hypothesis is the theory which a researcher makes before doing the experiment. After the experiment the results must match with the hypothesis or else the researcher has to make an alternative hypothesis.

Anjan Karthi 3 years, 1 month ago

A hypothesis is a set of statements which gives a tentative explanation on how, why and when a particular phenomenon may occur. It forms the basic foundation to what is known as the HYPOTHETICO DEDUCTION METHOD which is used in developing theories and principles in psychology.
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Anjan Karthi 2 years, 11 months ago

Genes control the biological development of behavior while memes control cultural component of behavior.
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Preeti Dabral 3 years, 2 months ago

  1. Psychology has an inter disciplinary approach.
  2. Any discipline which deals or involves people must consider the humane aspect of individual being.
  3. In order to understand fully the nature of human being, he should studied in totality of his being thus it is necessary to build an alliance with other disciplines.
  4. Psychology is related with following fields:


  1. Psychology originated from philosophy eg. Study of soul.
  2. Earlier the subject-matter of psychology was the concern of philosophy.
  3. Psychology greatly draws from philosophy particularly with respect to the methods of knowing and various domains of nature.

Thus philosophy and psychology are closely linked.

  1. The well-being of an individual is not only physical well being but mental health is also very important.
  2. Psychologist employed in hospitals prevent people from engaging in health hazardous behaviour and help in adhering to the prescribed doctor's advise regarding healthy behaviour.
  3. Psychologists work in ICU also and deal with patients in post operative stage.


  1. Psychology has contributed a great deal to the study of micro-level economic behaviour, consumer behavior, saving behaviour and decision making.
  2. Political science uses psychological approach in understanding issues like exercise of power and authority, nature of political conflicts and voting behaviour.
  3. Sociology and Psychology together try to understand socio-cultural basis of behaviour. Sociology studies the society whereas psychology studies individual in the society.
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Adithya Dev A 3 years, 2 months ago

Psychology as a discipline seeks to develop an idea on how our mind works and how different behaviours lead to different mental and how they interact with our environment. Different psychologists use different ways to study about mind and its nature. When some study the discipline in scientific and objective manner, others do so from the point of view of the observer ie, in a subjective manner. The discipline has two parallel streams - use of biological and physical sciences to study human behaviour and then, study of human behaviour in sociocultural contexts.
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Sia ? 3 years, 2 months ago

A case study interview is a miniature simulation of a typical client engagement, centred on a business problem that a client has likely contended with. The interview is usually conducted in a single session lasting 20–30 minutes, though sometimes it can be considerably longer.
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Sia ? 3 years, 3 months ago

The three main differences between psychiatrists and psychologists are:

  1. Psychiatrists are medical doctors, psychologists are not.

  2. Psychiatrists prescribe medication, psychologists can't.
  3. Psychiatrists diagnose illness, manage treatment and provide a range of therapies for complex and serious mental illness. Psychologists focus on providing psychotherapy (talk therapy) to help patients.
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Sia ? 3 years, 3 months ago

Psychoneuroimmunology, also referred to as psychoendoneuroimmunology or psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology, is the study of the interaction between psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems of the human body.
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Itachi Uchiha ? 3 years, 5 months ago

And thnku for ur suggestion??

Itachi Uchiha ? 3 years, 5 months ago

But i want to know which subjects are compulsory to read and which not ... Plzz can u tell me deeply???

Royal Thakur ? 3 years, 5 months ago

As far as I know, you can choose any subject (as per your intrest )to become a teacher.
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Sia ? 3 years, 5 months ago

A number of theories have been developed to explain the process of selective attention. The three of these theories are:

  1. Filter theory:
    1. This theory was developed by Broadbent (1956). According to this theory, many stimuli simultaneously enter our receptors creating a kind of "bottleneck" situation.
    2. Moving through the short term memory systems, they enter the selective filter, which allows only one stimulus to pass through for higher levels of processing, other stimuli are screened out at that moment of time.
    3. Thus, we become aware of only that stimulus which gets access through the selective filter.
  2. Filter-attenuation theory: This theory was developed by Triesman (1962) by modifying the Broadbent, theory.
    1. This theory proposes that the stimuli not getting access to the selective filter at a given moment of time are not completely blocked.
    2. The filter only attenuates (weakens) their strength. Thus some stimuli manage to escape through the selective filter to reach higher levels of processing.
    3. It is indicated that personally relevant stimuli (e.g. one's name in a collective dinner) can be noticed even at a very low level of sound.
    4. Such stimuli, even though fairly weak, may also generate response occasionally by slipping through the selective filter.
  3. Multimode theory: This theory was developed by Johnston and Heinz (1978). This theory believes that attention is a flexible system that allows selection of a stimulus over others at three stages:
    Stage one: - The sensory representation (e.g. visual images) of stimuli are constructed;
    Stage two: - The semantic representations (e.g. names of objects) are constructed;
    Stage three: - Sensory and semantic representations enter consciousness. It is also suggested that more processing requires more mental effort. When the messages are selected on the basis of stage one processing (early selection), less mental effort is required than when the selection is based on stage three processing (late selection).
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Laxmi Maurya 3 years, 6 months ago

Communication by talking
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Abhishek Mishra 3 years, 6 months ago

It is the observation taken in controlled environment eg. When principal have round in school the teacher tries to control students and the observation taken by principal is controlled
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Laxmi Maurya 3 years, 6 months ago

What is psychology, evolution of psychology, field of psychology.etc..
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Anjali Gupta 3 years, 6 months ago

Continuous reinforcement means when response reinforce all the time it occur. Partial means when the desired responses sometime reinforce sometime not.
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Anushka Singh 3 years, 6 months ago

Broadbent told that selective filter allows a particular information to go for further processing and all other are completely deleted. Whereas Triesman modified it saying that selective filter attenuates (weakens) the other information it not delete it completely and sometimes the information escapes the filter. For example Sometimes we vaguely remembers the person we met in party . We are like haa we saw that person wearing red shirt ha uske paas gift bhi tha. All these stimulus are those weakened information
  • 2 answers

Laxmi Maurya 3 years, 6 months ago

Time consuming, expensive, need of educated people, purity

Anushka Singh 3 years, 6 months ago

1.It needs alot of time 2. Subjectivity also come on the way of analysis
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Sia ? 3 years, 3 months ago

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Development is a process that creates growth, progress, positive change or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic components.
The cognitive changes that take place in a developing child are as follows:

  • 0-2 years: This is the age of sensory motors whereby, infant explores the world by coordinating sensory experiences with physical actions.

  • 2-7 years: In this age, Preoperational thinking begins and the child acquires the concept of object permanence that enables him/her to use mental symbols to represent objects. The child does not have the ability to judge or assume the consequences of actions before performing them.

  • The child also acquires preoperational thought, i.e., s/he gains the ability to mentally represent an object that is not physically present.

  • The children are egocentric and develop animist thought

  • 4-7 years: Children develop intuitive thought. This enables them to question the things happening around them.

  • 7-11 years: This age is marked by the development of concrete operational thought, whereby a logical thought is developed and the child can reason logically about concrete events, classify objects into sets and perform reversible mathematical operations.

  • 11-15 years: The adolescents in this age develop formal operational thought, which leads to hypothetical thinking and is able to apply logic abstractly. They also develop a special kind of egocentrism of imaginary audience and personal fable.


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