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Aklesh Toppo 8 months, 1 week ago

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Satya Kaushik Satya Kaushik 3 months, 1 week ago

How did charley s psychiatrist friend explain his reaching tha third level

Gokul Chetry 4 months, 1 week ago

Give the character sketch of franch

Dile_Shwar Rathiya 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Give the character sketch off franch.

Mika Mandavi Mika Mandavi 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Justify the title the tiger king
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Dile_Shwar Rathiya 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Lost spring not mking
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Bhumika Verma 7 months ago

Mr. M.Hamel was a French teacher who had been teaching for forty years in the school at Alsace. He was a strict teacher who always kept an iron ruler under his arm in order to punish the children for not doing their work. He thought for the welfare of the children and their better future. He was disciplined and honest towards his duties. Having heard about the order that came from Berlin, he got too depressed & emotional on his last day. He taught everybody the importance of his mother tongue and requested them to guard their language because it is the only key to escape from the prison of slavery. He was very honest, patriotic and hard working person. He believed that French was the clearest and logical language. He knew that was his last day in the school, yet he performed his duties seriously and taught his last lesson in the class with great patience which shows how dutiful he was towards his duties. He held himself and the parents responsible for the poor performance of the people of Alsace. All the students and villagers present in the class had tears and regret in their eyes for not knowing their own language. After teaching them the lessons, M. Hamel stood up and tried to say something but his throat got choked then he bade farewell to the students by writing “Vive La France “on the board which means ‘long live France’.
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Anurag Patel 8 months, 1 week ago

Thate day Franz notice daily routine commotion caused by opening and closing the desk and repeating lesson in a unison and raping of the teachers rular on the table.The usual hustle bustle was replaced by stange stillness that was the characteristics of the school like Sunday morning
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