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Nitish Kumar Yadav 1 year, 5 months ago

Thank you

Aditya Jangid 1 year, 6 months ago

The Europeans developed the policy of Apartheid to rule and acquire the resources (specially gold and other valuable resources) . This policy is similar to the policy of divide and rule. Apartheid is a term used for the discrimination on the basis of race of peoples, i.e. division based on skin colour. This policy helped the to gain power in south africa
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Preeti Dabral 1 year, 6 months ago

Different groups sought to represent their interests by forming groups or associations as:

  1. Industrialists from associations such as the Federation of Indian Chambers and Commerce (FICCI) and Association of Chambers of Commerce (ASSOCHAM).
  2. Workers form Trade Unions such as the Indian Trade Union Congress (INTUC) of the Centre for Indian Trade Unions (CITU).
  3. Farmers form agricultural unions such as Shetkari Sangathan. Agricultural Labour have their own unions. In a democratic form of government political parties are key actors.
  4. A political party may be defined as an organisation oriented towards achieving legitimate control of the government through an electoral process. Political parties are based on certain understanding of society and how it ought to be. In a democratic system, the interests of different groups are also represented by political parties, who take up their case. Different groups will work towards influencing political parties. When certain groups feel that their interests are not being taken up, they may move to form an alternative party. These particular groups can, also, form pressure groups who lobby with the government.
  5. Interest groups are organized to pursue a specific interest in the political arena, operating primarily by lobbying the members of legislative bodies. In some situations, there may be political organizations which seek to achieve power but denied the opportunity to do so through standard means. These organizations are best regarded as movements until they achieve recognition.
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Preeti Dabral 1 year, 6 months ago

Malthus’s theory of population growth – outlined in his Essay on Population (1798)- was a rather pessimistic one. He was of the view that the human population tends to grow at a much faster rate than the rate at which the human subsistence can grow. Therefore, humanity is condemned to live in poverty forever because the growth of agricultural production will always be overtaken by population growth. Because population growth is always more than the growth in production of subsistence resources, the only way to increase prosperity is by controlling the growth of population.
According to Malthus, there are two checks of population control:

  1. Positive Checks: Those checks which are implemented by nature are called positive checks. That is why the death rate increases. For example, war, epidemic, earthquake, famine, tsunami, flood, etc. These natural checks are very painful to put they reduce the population to a great extent. These checks are not permanent.
  2. Preventive Checks: These types of checks are the efforts made by humans. There are divided into two parts-morality and prevention through artificial means. In moral checks person uses his mental level to control the population. According to Mathus, moral checks are good but artificial checks are against religion.
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Rigzin Chosphel 1 year, 7 months ago

Sanskritisation is a term in sociology which refers to the process by which castes or tribes placed lower in the caste hierarchy seek upward mobility by emulating the rituals and practices of the dominant caste and upper caste .It has been criticised for exaggerating social mobility or the scope of lower caste to move up the social ladder
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Vridhi Chaturvedi 11 months, 4 weeks ago

to provide safeguard of women's suffrage, limits on child labor, abolition, temperance, and prison reform
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Pranjal Bindra 3 weeks, 1 day ago

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Nitish Kumar Yadav 1 year, 7 months ago

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Pratiksha Sharma 1 year, 9 months ago

Industrialization means producing goods by use of machines which converts the steam or electrical energy into mechanical energy. It is basically based on capital intensive technique and the major role of industrialisation in India is generating employment
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Sourav Lama 2 years, 1 month ago

Sourav lama

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