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Who was bal Gangadhar tilak



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Who was bal Gangadhar tilak
  • 2 answers

Hari ⚡🏎️⚡ 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Bal Gangadhar Tilak, born on 23 July 1856 at Ratnagiri in Maharashtra was an Indian nationalist, teacher, social reformer, lawyer and an independence activist. He published an article in his newspaper Kesari opposing Rand, the assistant collector of Pune's brutal methods of stopping the spread of plague. Later, Rand was killed and Tilak was charged with incitement to murder and sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment. When he emerged from the prison he was a national hero and earned the title of "Lokmanya" which literally meant "Beloved leader of the People".

Shreeyansh Das 3 months, 2 weeks ago

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