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In right triangle ABC, right angled …



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In right triangle ABC, right angled at C, M is the mid-point of hypotenuse AB. C is joined to M and produced to a point D such that DM = CM. Point D is joined to point B (see the given figure). Show that: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) i AMC BMD ii DBC is a right angle. iii DBC ACB 1 iv CM AB
  • 1 answers

Preeti Dabral 1 year, 5 months ago

Given: In right triangle ABC, right angled at C. M is the mid-point of hypotenuse AB. C is joined to M and produced to a point D such that DM = CM. Point D is joined to point B.
To Prove:

  1. {tex}\triangle{/tex}AMC {tex}\cong{/tex} {tex}\triangle{/tex}BMD
  2. {tex}\angle{/tex}DBC is a right angle
  3. {tex}\triangle{/tex}DBC {tex}\cong{/tex} {tex}\triangle{/tex}ACB
  4. CM = {tex}\frac {1} {2}{/tex}AB


  1. In {tex}\triangle{/tex}AMC and {tex}\triangle{/tex}BMD
    AM = BM ...[As M is the mid-point]
    CM = DM ...[Given]
    {tex}\angle{/tex}AMC = {tex}\angle{/tex}BMD ...[Vertically opposite angles]
    {tex}\therefore{/tex} {tex}\triangle{/tex}AMC {tex}\cong{/tex} {tex}\triangle{/tex}BMD proved ...[SAS property] ...(1)
  2. {tex}\triangle{/tex}AMC {tex}\cong{/tex} {tex}\triangle{/tex}BMD ...[From (1)]
    {tex}\angle{/tex}ACM = {tex}\angle{/tex}BDM ...[c.p.c.t.]
    These are alternate interior angles and they are equal.
    {tex}\therefore{/tex} AC {tex}\|{/tex} BD
    As AC {tex}\|{/tex} BD and transversal BC intersects them
    {tex}\therefore{/tex} {tex}\angle{/tex}DBC + {tex}\angle{/tex}ACB = 180° ...[Sum of the consecutive interior angles of the transversal]
    {tex}\angle{/tex}DBC + 90° = 180°
    {tex}\angle{/tex}DBC = 180° - 90° = 90°
    {tex}\angle{/tex}DBC is a right angle proved.
  3. {tex}\triangle{/tex}AMC {tex}\cong{/tex} {tex}\triangle{/tex}BMD ...[From (1)]
    {tex}\therefore{/tex} AC = BD ...[c.p.c.t.] ...(2)
    In DDBC and DACB
    BC = CB ...[Common]
    {tex}\angle{/tex}DBC = {tex}\angle{/tex}ACB ...[each = 90° as proved above]
    BD = CA ...[From (2)]
    {tex}\therefore{/tex} {tex}\triangle{/tex}DBC {tex}\cong{/tex} {tex}\triangle{/tex}ACB ...[SAS property]
  4. DDBC {tex}\cong{/tex} DACB ...[As proved in (iii)]
    {tex}\therefore{/tex} DC = AB ...[c.p.c.t.]
    {tex}\therefore{/tex} 2CM = AB ...[DM = CM = {tex}\frac {1} {2}{/tex} DC]
    {tex}\therefore{/tex} CM ={tex}\frac {1} {2}{/tex} AB

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