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French alfabet



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French alfabet
  • 2 answers

Tanushri Naik Naik 1 year, 9 months ago

( ah- lay )

Aaryan Landge 1 year, 9 months ago

A/ah/ - the sound in 'spa'aller (ah-lay) means 'to go'B/beh/ - similar to 'bay'une batte (eeoon baht) means 'a bat'C/seh/ - similar to 'say' (C or S sound)un couteau (uh koo-toh) means 'a knifeD/deh/ - similar to 'day'dormir (dohr-meer) means 'to sleep'E/uh/ - the sound in 'wool'les cheveux (lay shuh-vuh) means 'hair'F/eff/ - similar to Englishfort (fohr) means 'strong'G/zheh/ - similar to the g in 'massage'le gaz (luh gahz) means 'gas'H/ah-sh/ - said like 'osh' in gosh, usually silent in French but there are a few words with an aspirated 'h'-l'huile (lweel) means oil, and the 'h' is silent -le haricot (luh ah-ree-koh) means 'the bean'I/ee/ - the sound in geekfinir (fee-neer) means 'to finish'J/zhee/ - similar to jheejouer (zhoo-ay) means 'to play'K/kah/ sounds like English (rarely used in French)un kangourou (uh kahn-goo-roo) means kangarooL/ell/ - sounds like Englishun livre (uh lee-vruh) means 'a book'M/ehm/ - sounds like Englishmon ami (moh-nahm-ee) means 'my friend'N/ehn/ - similar to English, sometimes nasalla naissance (lah nay-ssahnss) means 'birth'O/oh/ - similar to Englishun ordinateur (uh- nohr-dee-nah-tuhr) means 'a computer'P/peh/ - said like the 'pu' in 'put'payer (pay-ay) means 'to pay'Q/keoo/ - said like KEE with rounded lipsqui (kee) means 'who'R/ehr/ - guttural throat 'r', like garglingun renard (uh rruh-nahrr) means 'a fox'S/ess/ - usually one 's' sounds like 'z' double 's' sounds like 's'un poisson (uh pwah--ssohn) means 'a fish' du poison (deeoo pwah-zohn) means 'some poison'T/teh/ - said like 'tay'une tarte (eeoon tarr-tuh) means 'a pie'U/eew/ - said like EE with rounded lipsune ruse (eeoon reeooz) means 'a joke or trick'V/veh/ - said like 'vay'une voiture (eeoon vwah-teeoor) means 'a car'W/doobluh veh/ - sounds similar to double vay (rarely used in French)un wagon-lit (uh vahgohn lee) or (uh wah-gohn-lee) means a train car for sleepingX/eeks/ - similar to Englishune exercise (eeoon ehks-ehr-see-ss) means 'an exercise'Y/ee grehk/ - sounds like EE then gr-ekun yaourt (uh yah-oo-rt) means 'a yogurt'Z/zehd/ - sounds like zedun zèbre (uh zeh-bruh) means 'a zebra'

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