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Write short note on 1. Pune …



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Write short note on 1. Pune pact 2. Simon commission
  • 2 answers

Adithya Dev A 3 years ago

2) The new Tory government which came up in Britain in the 1920 s appointed a Statutory commission led by Sir John Simon. The objective of the commission was to look into the constitutional system of India after Non Cooperation Movement and suggest reforms. However, the Simon Commission had a small problem - it was ALL BRITISH and had no single INDIAN member. This indicated Indian inferiority and Indians became furious. As a result, when the Commission arrived in Lahore, India in 1928, it was greeted with black flags and placards saying "SIMON GO BACK!!!". All parties showed significantly equal participation in the protest rally.

Adithya Dev A 3 years ago

1) POONA PACT, 1932 = B.R. Ambedkar, a prominent dalit leader who organized Dalits into the Depressed Class Commission in 1930, clashed with M.K. Gandhi in the Second Round Table Conference in 1931 while demanding seperate electorates for Depressed castes. Gandhiji felt that seperate electorates would slow down the process of their integration with the society. So, he began fasting upto death and ultimately, Ambedkar accepted Gandhiji's superiority. The result drawn led to the Poona pact of September 1932. This pact ensured reserved seats for the Depressed Castes (now, Scheduled Castes or SC) in the legislative councils but they were to be elected by a General Electorate.

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