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Colours play a very important role …



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Colours play a very important role in our life. They have a healing power also. Read the table given below and use it to write an analytical paragraph on ‘Colour Therapy’. You are Shruti / Sharad of BPS Public School. (5) COLOURS BENEFITS 1. GREEN Supports Balance, Harmony, Love, Communication, Social Nature, Acceptance 2. BLUE- INDIGO Increases Calmness, Love, Honesty, Kindness, Truth, Inner Peace, Emotional Depth, Devotion 3. VIOLET Stimulates Intuition, Imagination, Universal Flow, Meditation, Artistic qualities. 4. RED Increases Physical Energy, Vitality, Stamina, Spontaneity, Stability, Passion 5. ORANGE Stimulates Creativity, Productivity. Pleasure, Optimism, Enthusiasm, Emotional expression. 6. YELLOW Increases Fun, Humour, Lightness, Personal Power, Intellect, Logic, Creativity.
  • 3 answers

Diya Malik 4 months ago


Diya Malik 3 years ago

Listen bro some keypad mistakes own your own.

Diya Malik 3 years ago

You have to do it own your because thier they have given to you to check your state of thinking okk best of luck! Diya Malik

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