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How do birds hear?



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How do birds hear?
  • 3 answers

Sia ? 3 years ago

Hearing is birds' second most important sense, and their ears are funnel-shaped to focus sound. The ears are located slightly behind and below the eyes, and on most birds they are covered with soft feathers called auriculars for protection. Some birds, most notably oilbirds, also use echolocation, just as bats do.

Anmol Preet 2 years, 10 months ago

Birds do have ears, but not in the conventional sense. Like humans, they are equipped with an outer ear, middle ear and an inner ear. ... Instead, they have funnel-shaped ear openings located on both sides of their heads that are usually positioned just behind and slightly below the eyes, according to BirdNote.

Harshit Yadav 2 years, 11 months ago

Birds hear with their ears. They have also ears.but they are hidden by their feathers.

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