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Mr. Rakesh holds the designation of …



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Mr. Rakesh holds the designation of finance manager in “Glory Shines Trading Limited”. Last year, performance of this department was as per the expectation. Currently, he is busy in preparing financial blue print of the next five years. To begin with he tried to forecast the sales in the next five years. It is so because it is the sales on which depends the need for fixed and working capital. Thus an estimate was made with regard to both these items. Similarly, he collected data in respect of possible profits in the coming years. In this way, one can know how much of capital will be available from within the business. The rest of the funds will be arranged from outside the business. He is also thinking about the sources of finance to be tapped outside the business. (i) Identify the financial concept as referred to in the above paragraph. (ii) State any two points of importance of the financial concept, so identified.
  • 2 answers

Nitin Jain 5 years, 2 months ago

Importance of planning. It helps in avoiding business shorts and surprises and helps the company in preparing for future It tries to link present with the future

Nitin Jain 5 years, 2 months ago

(i) Financial Planning (ii) It is essentially the preparation of a financial blueprint of an organisation's future operations. It enables the management to foresee the funds requirement both the quantum as well as timings the process of estimating the funds requirements of a business specifying the sources of funds financial planning includes both short term planning and long term planning

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