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Sume scholars have also argued that …



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Sume scholars have also argued that there is no coherent basis for treating tribes as "pristine" ie, original or pure societies uncontamuated by civilisation. They propose instead that tribes should mally be seen as "secundary phenomena arising out of the exploitative and colonialise contact between preexisting states and non-state groups like the tribals. This contact itself creates an ideology of "ulism" 7. Why do the tribal groups begin to define themselves as trihals? a) It is their sole identification b) Because they belong to certain tribes c) To distinguish themselves from oders d) To differentiate thesselves Imam castes 8. Why should the trilies be not seen as pristine according to some scholars? a) Due to lack of coherent basis h) Became they are contaminated 2) They had colonialist contact d) They are originally not pure 9. Choose the incorrect option regarding the history of the tribes: a) They were not always the oppressed groups b) They had always been uppressed groups They occupied a special trade niche 4) They dominated over the people of the plains 10. Garha Mandla or Chanda is an example of which of the following? a) Tribal kingdom b) Royal kingdom Tribes 4) Kingdom
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